What do these wierd square brackets mean? [| |]

In summary: This would be consistent with the fact that the brackets are not required when plugging in x=-1 for the limit.
  • #1
What do these weird square brackets mean? [| |]

Homework Statement

In my BC Calc summer homework (taking the course next school year), I came across these odd square brackets in a limit problem and have no clue what they mean. I've looked all over the internet and cannot find anything similar. They're like [] but have two vertical lines on each bracket instead of the just one.

this is the best representation I can give:
[| x - 1|]

The problem is this:
lim [| x - 1 |]
x -> 4

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

For now I just kind of ignored the brackets and just plugged in 4 for x and got 3.

Please help! I am thoroughly confused and extensively frustrated. >=(
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  • #2

the inside bars stand for the absolute value function. the outer brackets stand for the floor function I guess. I hope I understood your post correctly.
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  • #3

renegade109 said:

Homework Statement

In my BC Calc summer homework (taking the course next school year), I came across these odd square brackets in a limit problem and have no clue what they mean. I've looked all over the internet and cannot find anything similar. They're like [] but have two vertical lines on each bracket instead of the just one.

this is the best representation I can give:
[| x - 1|]

The problem is this:
lim [| x - 1 |]
x -> 4

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

For now I just kind of ignored the brackets and just plugged in 4 for x and got 3.Please help! I am thoroughly confused and extensively frustrated. >=(

I think these brackets ( [ ] ) represent greatest integer function. [x] means greatest integer less than equal to x. In all the question that i have faced if it ( [ ] ) represent greatest integer function then it is mentioned in the question. Is it mentioned in your case ?

and | | modulas function. You need to learn this from book. And i am sure that it is modulas function
You need to learn about these two function before doing question.
I am not sure that [ ] represent greatest integer function if it is not mentioned.

what is answer it that limit does not exist.todays I am also learning limits.
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  • #4

Did they look more like ⟦ and ⟧ ? (I super-sized them for clarity.)

Added in Edit:

Assuming that the symbols ( ⟦ , ⟧ ) are correct, they are used to represent the greatest integer function, also known as the 'floor function'. See this http://www.mathwords.com/f/floor_function.htm" .

I suspect that there is no absolute value involved at all, simply the floor function.
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FAQ: What do these wierd square brackets mean? [| |]

1. What is the purpose of the square brackets in [| |]?

The square brackets in [| |] are used to indicate the presence of an array or list. They are commonly used in programming languages to represent a collection of data or elements.

2. How do you read or interpret the content inside the square brackets?

The content inside the square brackets can be read from left to right, with each element separated by a comma. The first element is located at index 0, and the last element is located at the highest index number.

3. Can the square brackets be used for other purposes besides representing an array?

Yes, square brackets can also be used for other purposes depending on the context. In math, they are used to denote intervals or the floor and ceiling of a number. In linguistics, they can be used to mark phonetic transcription or to indicate optional elements in a sentence.

4. How do you differentiate between square brackets and parentheses?

Square brackets are typically used to represent an array or list, whereas parentheses are used to group expressions or for mathematical operations. Additionally, parentheses are usually used in pairs, while square brackets can be used alone or in pairs.

5. Are there any other symbols that are commonly used in conjunction with square brackets?

Yes, curly brackets ({ }) are often used in conjunction with square brackets to indicate nested arrays or objects. Angle brackets (< >) are also sometimes used to denote generic types in programming languages.
