How Do You Calculate the Activity of Cobalt-60 in Radiation Therapy?

In summary, the conversation covers the topic of calculating the activity of a radioactive material used in radiation therapy for cancer, which contains 0.50g of cobalt (60-Co-27) with a half life of 5.27 years. The conversation includes steps to determine the activity, using the Avogadro's number, and the correct units for the decay constant in order to find the correct answer. The conversation also discusses the calculation of the number of nuclei in a beam of nuclei used for cancer therapy. Overall, the conversation provides helpful tips and explanations for solving these types of problems.
  • #1
Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone could help me with this question ...

"A device used in radiation therapy for cancer contains 0.50g of cobalt (60-Co-27). The half life of cobolt is 5.27 years. Determine the activity of the radioactive material."

Working out:
(To find the decay constant)
T1/2= ln2/[lamba]
[lamba]= ln2/5.27 years

(To find activity)
dN/dt= -[lamba]N

How do you calculate for N?! (I've been trying to use the Avogadro's number but keep on obtaining really bizarre numbers ... Perhaps I'm not using it correctly)
N=0.0005kg / 60u (60 x 1.6605x10^27) x Avagadro's Number

The correct answer is: 2.1x10^13 Bq

Any help will be much appreciated
Physics news on
  • #2
You only need avagadro's number if you're working in moles. Since you're not the mass divided by the mass/atom will give you the number of atoms.
  • #3
Work out the units. As Kurdt mentioned, one knows the mass, so using the number of atoms/mole and atomic mass one can find N.

Then the decay constant must be in the correct units. One shows [lambda] in yrs-1, but it is usually in s-1.
  • #4
Ohh! I see ... Thank you so much! :)
  • #5
It will definitely need to be in seconds if you want to find the activity.
  • #6
I just came across another question that I'm stuck with ... I'm new to this forum, and so I hope its ok for me to post this question here?

"A beam of nuclei is used for cancer therapy. Each nucleus has an energy of 140 MeV, and the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of this type of radiation is 16. The beam is directed onto a 0.17-kg tumor, which receives a biologically equivalent dose of 1.3 Sv. How many nuclei are in the beam?"

Absorbed Dose (AD) = Energy absorbed (Q)/Mass of absorbed Material
So... I converted 140MeV =>2.24x10^-11J

Biologically Equivalent Dose (BED) = (AD) x (RBE)
=>1.3/16 = 0.08125 Gy

And I was stuck here ...
  • #7
The correct answer is: 6.2x10^8
  • #8
Since AD is energy per unit mass and one knows the mass of the tumour and the energy per nuclei can you see how to work it out from there?
  • #9
0.08125 = 2.24x10^-11J / 0.17kg
=> 0.08125/1.20545x10^-18
=6.16x10^8 (3sf)

Thank you Kurdt!
  • #10
No problem. Remember that dimensional analysis can be very useful so always pay attention to the units of the things you have and the things you want to find.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Activity of Cobalt-60 in Radiation Therapy?

What is radioactive decay?

Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation, such as alpha, beta, or gamma particles. This results in the transformation of the original atom into a different element.

What causes radioactive decay?

Radioactive decay is caused by the instability of an atom's nucleus, which is constantly trying to reach a more stable state. This can be due to an excess of protons or neutrons in the nucleus, or a combination of both. The emission of radiation is the way the nucleus releases excess energy and transforms into a more stable form.

How is radioactive decay measured?

The rate of radioactive decay is measured in terms of activity, which is the number of nuclear transformations that occur in a given amount of time. The unit of activity is the becquerel (Bq), which is equal to one nuclear transformation per second.

What factors affect the rate of radioactive decay?

The rate of radioactive decay can be affected by various factors such as the type of radioactive isotope, the amount of the isotope present, and the external environment (e.g. temperature, pressure). Additionally, radioactive decay is a random process, meaning that it cannot be predicted exactly when a particular atom will decay.

What are some practical applications of radioactive decay?

Radioactive decay has numerous practical applications, including medical imaging and cancer treatment, industrial radiography, and carbon dating in archaeology and geology. It is also used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity and in smoke detectors to detect the presence of smoke.
