Magnitude and Direction of Electric Field - Question

In summary: Yes, you would need to do integration. Find the linear charge density of the lines of charge. Sum the contributions of the infinitesimal charges of the ring. Find the arc length of a circle.
  • #1
I also have another question that I am very confused about

Here it is

I think you are suppose to find the magnitude and direction of the electric field and the formula needed is,

E = 1 / (4x 3.14 x e0) x (density x distance / R^2)

And I was told integration is needed too??

but I really don't know where to start, a correct formula to show the steps would be helpful.

Many thanks !
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  • #2
Yes integration will be required. First you will have to find the linear charge density of the lines of charge. This is fairly simple to do. Integration will be needed as you will have to sum the contributions of the infinitesimal charges of the ring. Have you seen any examples in any textbooks?
  • #3
Um no I don really understand the examples in the textbooks.
  • #4
Ok. Well how would you determine the arc length of a circle?
  • #5
With the formula,

L = angle x 3.14 x R / 180
  • #6
Get the net x-component of the field due to the negative segment... get the net y-component of the field due to the negative segment...

then do the same thing for the positive component.

only plug in the numbers at the end...

If theta is the angle as measured from the negative y-axis going clockwise... an infintesimal charge is [tex]dq = Rd\theta*\sigma[/tex] where [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the charge density. what is sigma in terms of q? what is the x-component of this field? what is the y-component of this field?
  • #7
Could I also find the x -component from the formula,

[tex]\vec{E} = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon _0} \int \frac{\lambda(\vec{r}^{\prime}) ds^{\prime}}{R^2}[/tex]
  • #8
UNG said:
Could I also find the x -component from the formula,

[tex]\vec{E} = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon _0} \int \frac{\lambda(\vec{r}^{\prime}) ds^{\prime}}{R^2}[/tex]

I don't think that would work exactly as it is... to get the x-component... you need to add up the x-components of each infinitesimal charge.

this would be better:

[tex]\vec{E} = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon _0} \int \frac{\lambda(\vec{r}^{\prime}) ds^{\prime}}{R^2}cos(\theta)[/tex]
  • #9
But there is no angle given to calculate it?
  • #10
UNG said:
But there is no angle given to calculate it?

The angle changes as you integrate... you set up the angle yourself to integrate...
  • #11
okay so that means you could choose your angle,

for instance 180 degrees and put it in the formula
  • #12
No. suppose theta is the angle from the negative y-axis going clockwise... the charge density is sigma q/(0.25*2pi*r) = 2q/pi*r

an differential element has charge [tex]\sigma*ds = \sigma*rd\theta[/tex]

The magnitude of the field due to this charge is [tex]\frac{k\sigma*ds}{r^2}[/tex]. The x-component of this field is:


which equals


which is

[tex]-\frac{k(2q/\pi r)*rd\theta}{r^2}sin(\theta)[/tex]...

which is:

[tex]\frac{-2kqd\theta}{\pi r^2}sin(\theta)[/tex]...

if you integrate this from theta equals 0 to pi/2... you get the x-component due to the -q part...

the y-component is [tex]-\frac{k\sigma*ds}{r^2}cos(\theta)}[/tex]

integrate this from 0 to pi/2 and you get the y-component due to the -q part...

do the same type of thing with the +q part.

FAQ: Magnitude and Direction of Electric Field - Question

1. What is the magnitude of an electric field?

The magnitude of an electric field is the strength of the electric field at a given point in space. It is measured in units of volts per meter (V/m).

2. How is the magnitude of an electric field calculated?

The magnitude of an electric field can be calculated by dividing the force exerted on a test charge by the magnitude of the test charge. It can also be calculated using the equation E = kQ/r^2, where k is the Coulomb's constant, Q is the source charge, and r is the distance between the source charge and the point where the electric field is being measured.

3. What is the direction of an electric field?

The direction of an electric field is the direction in which a positive test charge would move if placed in the electric field. It is always directed away from positive charges and towards negative charges.

4. How is the direction of an electric field represented?

The direction of an electric field is represented by electric field lines. These lines point in the direction of the electric field and are closer together in areas of higher electric field strength.

5. How does the direction of an electric field affect charged particles?

The direction of an electric field affects charged particles by exerting a force on them. Positive charges will experience a force in the same direction as the electric field, while negative charges will experience a force in the opposite direction. The magnitude of the force is proportional to the strength of the electric field and the charge of the particle.
