Uncovering the Mystery of Mathematics: Gregory Chaitin's Omega

In summary, the article discusses the work of Gregory Chaitin, a mathematics researcher at IBM, who has shown that mathematics is not as structured or provable as previously believed. Chaitin has found that there are an infinite number of mathematical facts that are unrelated and impossible to tie together with unifying theorems. He also introduced the concept of "Omega," a non-computable number that represents the probability of a program halting. Chaitin's work has been met with both fascination and criticism.
  • #1
I first read this story in New Scientist when I was collecting it. Here are some highlights:

Gregory Chaitin, a mathematics researcher at IBM's T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, has shown that mathematicians can't actually prove very much at all. Doing maths, he says, is just a process of discovery like every other branch of science: it's an experimental field where mathematicians stumble upon facts in the same way that zoologists might come across a new species of primate.

The reason for Chaitin's provocative statements is that he has found that the core of mathematics is riddled with holes. Chaitin has shown that there are an infinite number of mathematical facts but, for the most part, they are unrelated to each other and impossible to tie together with unifying theorems. If mathematicians find any connections between these facts, they do so by luck. "Most of mathematics is true for no particular reason," Chaitin says. "Maths is true by accident."

Decades later, in the 1960s, Chaitin took up where Turing left off. Fascinated by Turing's work, he began to investigate the halting problem. He considered all the possible programs that Turing's hypothetical computer could run, and then looked for the probability that a program, chosen at random from among all the possible programs, will halt. The work took him nearly 20 years, but he eventually showed that this "halting probability" turns Turing's question of whether a program halts into a real number, somewhere between 0 and 1.

Chaitin named this number Omega. And he showed that, just as there are no computable instructions for determining in advance whether a computer will halt, there are also no instructions for determining the digits of Omega. Omega is uncomputable.

The article has been reposted here: http://www.you.com.au/news/362.htm and in many other places.

Any comments?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I wonder what Chaitin himself thinks of this article.

Unfortunately, newspaper and magazine writers, writing about science or mathematics that they don't understand have a tendency to over-dramatise. Sounds to me like an extension of Goedel's work. And the "omega" of the title is a particular example of a non-computable number. We've known they exist for some time.
  • #3
Chaitin has written stuff himself that is scarcely less lurid than this. He is, um, _very enthusiastic_ about his theory and his place in history.
  • #4
anybody understood the part with Diophantine equations from the article?
  • #5
A number with no structure... Randomness... sounds saucy, and it reminds me of QM.

FAQ: Uncovering the Mystery of Mathematics: Gregory Chaitin's Omega

1. What is Gregory Chaitin's Omega?

Gregory Chaitin's Omega is a number that represents the probability or complexity of a mathematical object or function. It is also known as the "halting probability" and is used to measure the randomness or unpredictability of a mathematical system.

2. How did Gregory Chaitin discover Omega?

Gregory Chaitin developed Omega as part of his work in algorithmic information theory. He was inspired by the work of mathematician and computer scientist, Alan Turing, on the concept of algorithmic randomness.

3. What is the significance of Omega in the field of mathematics?

Omega has significant implications for mathematics, specifically in the areas of algorithmic information theory, computational complexity, and the foundations of mathematics. It has been used to prove the existence of undecidable problems and has opened up new avenues for research in the field of randomness and complexity.

4. How is Omega calculated?

Omega is calculated by using a computer program to generate a series of random bits and then analyzing the sequence for patterns or structure. The more random the sequence, the higher the value of Omega. However, Omega is an uncomputable number, meaning it cannot be calculated exactly and is only known to a certain degree of precision.

5. What are the current and potential future applications of Omega?

One potential future application of Omega is in the field of cryptography, as it can be used to generate truly random numbers. It also has implications for artificial intelligence and the study of complex systems. Additionally, understanding Omega can help us better understand the limits of computation and the nature of randomness in the universe.

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