Ever been addicted to something "non-addictive"?

  • Thread starter jimmy p
  • Start date
In summary, Ever been addicted to something "non-addictive"? I have been addicted to math, coffee, procrastination, and Alchemy.
  • #1
jimmy p
Gold Member
Ever been addicted to something "non-addictive"?

For me it is Freecell. I can't get enough of the game. Too many long nights playing it, and being knackered whilst at work. It got to the point that I would hallucinate when I had friends who wore red or black, and I would imagine myself putting one on top of the other. I had to stop. Unfortunately, I'm not joking at all about this, it is very sad, but I would imagine my friends as cards.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Thanks for pointing out that this is not one of your jokes. It's hard to tell with you sometimes. That's why I make my jokes funny, it distinguishes them from normal conversation. You should try it sometimes. As far as your friends being cards, that's how I always pictured you. Square and flat and can't tell your top from your bottom.

I might be addicted to giving jimmy a hard time.
  • #3
pity you are no good at it...

wait... you tell jokes as well?
  • #4
as well as you, no, better.
  • #5
tribdog said:
as well as you, no, better.

Dont flatter yourself, it is unbecoming... besides you are diverting my thread, and don't we enjoy doing that to other people's threads?
  • #6
I just got over a three week addiction to chunky peanut butter. :bugeye:

Speaking of off topic. When are we going to get that promised picture of tribdog?
  • #7
jimmy p said:
Ever been addicted to something "non-addictive"?

I would say math, but I think on this forum that wouldn't be considered "non-addictive".
  • #8
I think I get addicted to PF sometimes.
  • #9
I have been addicted to many things, at present the ‘drug’ of choice is a bamboo fishing pole. It has a furry semblance of mouse tied to the end of a string (I’m trying to catch a neighborhood cat but there don’t seem to be any here). It is a lovely piece of varnished stick with wonderful texture…help….
  • #10
I'm addicted to Minesweeper. :( Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is heading my way soon.


^This isn't my best score unfortunately. I've only done the Expert in 120 seconds.
  • #11
jimmy p said:
Dont flatter yourself, it is unbecoming... besides you are diverting my thread, and don't we enjoy doing that to other people's threads?
my sincerest apologies. we can't be diverting our own now can we. to get back on topic I may be addicted to diverting other people's threads.
  • #12
jimmy p said:
Ever been addicted to something "non-addictive"?

For me it is Freecell. I can't get enough of the game.
What's your percentage of wins?
  • #13
Math Is Hard said:
I think I get addicted to PF sometimes.

Yep, that would be my non-addictive addiction. :biggrin:
  • #14
tribdog said:
Thanks for pointing out that this is not one of your jokes. It's hard to tell with you sometimes. That's why I make my jokes funny, it distinguishes them from normal conversation. You should try it sometimes. As far as your friends being cards, that's how I always pictured you. Square and flat and can't tell your top from your bottom.

:smile: Insult humour is alive and well and living in Arizona.
  • #15
the number 42 said:
:smile: Insult humour is alive and well and living in Arizona.

hehe, it's the heat, it makes you a little nutso after awhile :-p i could only tolerate a year there.

my addiction is coffee. as far as games go, i have an ongoing addiction to mahhjong and solitaire, free cell sometimes too.
  • #16
I am addicted to
  • #17
  • #18
Kerrie said:
my addiction is coffee. as far as games go, i have an ongoing addiction to mahhjong and solitaire, free cell sometimes too.
Mine, too. I've also become addicted to Alchemy. :eek:

  • #19
Is there such a thing as a non-addictive addiction? Gamblers Anonymous would call gambling addictive, so by definition if you become addicted to something non-addictive doesn't it therefore become addictive, losing its heretofore mentioned non-addictive status? You know, like the one time what's his name went to that place we were talking about. l;kadsj;oifehneruoiuehhbaj -GIVE ME BACK MY BRAIN.
Damn, ever start typing something and completely lose your train of thought? or even why you were typing in the first place.?
  • #20
poolwin2001 said:
I would have become addicted to procrastination, but I never got around to it :smile:
  • #21
  • #22
jimmy p said:
Ever been addicted to something "non-addictive"?

Yes: Physics Forums. :redface:
  • #23
Tsunami said:
Mine, too. I've also become addicted to Alchemy. :eek:


I really like MSN games, and Alchemy is one of my favorites. I also liked Mummy Maze, before they took it away. Fortunately, I downloaded the trial version, and I have 15 games left. Gotta use them sparingly... :frown:
  • #24
Tsunami said:
What's your percentage of wins?

Probably about 95%.. ADDICT. I used to love minesweeper too.
  • #25
Used to be addicted to Medal of Honor. Now it's all PF. And I think I'm a little addicted to the news too.
  • #26
jimmy p said:
Probably about 95%.. ADDICT. I used to love minesweeper too.
I was too hooked on FreeCell to get into minesweep. :rolleyes: My percentage on my last hard drive was 99% and I played a LOT :eek:. Ivan hates my Free Cell. :confused: :biggrin: I haven't really played much on this hard drive (mostly because it's not much of a challange anymore) so it's at 100%. I'm pretty hooked on Alchemy, now. :rolleyes: :redface: :biggrin:
  • #27
I'm addicted to oxygen. I wish i wasn't so dependent on it, but if i go more thna few minutes without a hit, it becomes seriously life-threatening. Should ig et into rehab?
  • #28
I'm addicted to cannabis, which isn't supposed to be physically addictive. Unfortunately it's put me in a permanent brain fog (because I won't stop).

My lungs are being slowly destroyed as well.

I'm also beginning (apparently) to become midly psychotic.
  • #29
Minesweeper addictees, could you please post your best times?
  • #30
my best time for the intermediate level was 67 seconds or something, about 13 seconds for beginner, but ihave never completed expert.

FAQ: Ever been addicted to something "non-addictive"?

1. What does it mean for something to be "non-addictive"?

When something is considered "non-addictive," it means that it does not cause physical dependence or withdrawal symptoms when a person stops using it. However, it is still possible for someone to develop a psychological dependence on a substance or behavior that is considered "non-addictive."

2. Can someone become addicted to something that is labeled as "non-addictive"?

Yes, someone can become addicted to something that is labeled as "non-addictive." As mentioned before, while a substance or behavior may not cause physical dependence, it can still lead to psychological dependence and compulsive use.

3. What are some examples of things that are considered "non-addictive" but can still be addictive?

Some examples of things that are considered "non-addictive" but can still be addictive include gambling, shopping, video games, and social media. These activities do not cause physical dependence, but they can lead to compulsive behavior and negative consequences in a person's life.

4. How can someone know if they are addicted to something that is labeled as "non-addictive"?

If someone is using a substance or engaging in a behavior compulsively, despite negative consequences, they may be addicted. Signs of addiction can also include withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, and difficulty controlling or stopping the behavior.

5. Is it possible to overcome an addiction to something that is labeled as "non-addictive"?

Yes, it is possible to overcome an addiction to something that is labeled as "non-addictive." Treatment options such as therapy, support groups, and medication can be effective in helping individuals overcome addiction and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

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