Continuity of a complex function defined on the union of an open and closed set

In summary, the conversation discusses the continuity of a function f on open subsets U and V of the complex plane. The first part shows that if f is continuous on both U and V, then it is also continuous on their union. An example is provided to illustrate that this may not hold if one of the sets is not open. The hint given is to consider the complex logarithm, specifically the principal logarithm which has a discontinuity in the principal argument at -π and π. It is suggested to take U and V as the upper and lower half planes, respectively, to see this discontinuity. The conversation ends with the speaker expressing confusion and frustration with the problem-solving aspect of the course.
  • #1

Homework Statement

(i) Let U and V be open subsets of C with a function f defined on [tex] U \cup V[/tex] suppose that both restrictions, [tex] f_u \mathrm{and} f_v [/tex] are continuous. Show that f is continuous.

(ii) Illustrate by a specific example that this may not hold if one of the sets U, V is not open.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Now I'm pretty sure I can prove the first part. As, since f is continuous on U and V then there exists a [tex] \delta_1 [/tex] and on U there will be a [tex] \delta_2 [/tex] and then taking the minimum of these will put [tex] |f(z) - f(w)| < \epsilon [/tex] for all epsilon. This works because U and V are open, as it ensures that for each w, there will be a delta disc such that z is in either U or V.

I'm pretty stumped as to an example for the second part. I think I get why it may not hold if U or V is not open, as there will not always be a delta disc around a point in a closed set which is completely contained in that set. But I can't think of a way to use this to arrive at an example.
Physics news on
  • #2
Hint: complex logarithm
  • #3
Hmm, I'm not really sure how to use the logarithm. Is it because if you take the principal logarithm, there will be a discontinuity in the principal argument going from -π to π? So if you take the logarithm defined on [tex] \mathbb{C} \backslash {(-\pi, \pi]} [/tex] then the set isn't open. Or perhaps, take U to be the upper half plane and V to be the lower, and the principal argument will be discontinuous? I'm not sure if this is making sense.

I'm confusing myself now. Our lecturer taught this module from a theoretical point of view but decides to make the exam this type of problem solving, which he hasn't really prepared us for. Thanks for any help.
  • #4
Hint: Consider what can happen if [itex]U[/itex] and [itex]V[/itex] are disjoint and [itex]f[/itex] is constant on [itex]U[/itex] and constant on [itex]V[/itex].

FAQ: Continuity of a complex function defined on the union of an open and closed set

What is the definition of continuity for a complex function defined on the union of an open and closed set?

Continuity for a complex function defined on the union of an open and closed set means that the function is continuous at every point within the open set and also at every boundary point of the closed set.

Can a complex function defined on the union of an open and closed set be continuous at some points but not others?

Yes, it is possible for a complex function defined on the union of an open and closed set to be continuous at some points but not others. This is because the function may be continuous at points within the open set, but not at boundary points of the closed set.

What is the difference between a complex function defined on the union of an open and closed set and a complex function defined on a closed set?

A complex function defined on the union of an open and closed set allows for the function to be continuous at both points within the open set and at boundary points of the closed set. In contrast, a complex function defined only on a closed set may not be continuous at all points within the set.

Does the union of an open and closed set have to be connected for a complex function to be continuous?

No, the union of an open and closed set does not have to be connected for a complex function to be continuous. The function can still be continuous as long as it is continuous at all points within the open set and at boundary points of the closed set.

How do I determine if a complex function defined on the union of an open and closed set is continuous?

To determine if a complex function defined on the union of an open and closed set is continuous, you can use the definition of continuity and check if the function is continuous at all points within the open set and at boundary points of the closed set. Alternatively, you can also use the epsilon-delta definition of continuity to prove continuity at a specific point.
