Determine whether the series converges

  • Thread starter Shay10825
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In summary, the question asks to determine whether the given series converges conditionally or absolutely, or diverges. The series is an alternating series and the alternating series test is used to determine convergence. This test has 2 parts: the first part states that the limit as n goes to infinity must be 0 and an+1 <= an for all n. The second part is to show that an+1 <= an, which can be done by manipulating the inequality and reducing it to a simpler form. The answer in the back of the book states that the series converges absolutely. In order to show conditional convergence, d'Alambert's method or the ratio test can be used. It is important to note that for the ratio test
  • #1
Hello. The question says: “determine whether the series converges conditionally or absolutely, or diverges. The series they gave me is an alternating series so I used the alternating series test. The alternating series test has 2 parts. The 1st part says the limit as an goes to infinity must be 0 and an+1 <= an, for all n. I know how to do the 1st part but I don’t know how to find out if an+1 <= an. The answer in the back of the book says that it converges absolutely.
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  • #2
Are you a girl?

to show that [itex]a_{n+1}\leq a_n[/itex], just...

1. Write out the equality you want to prove:

[tex]\frac{n+1}{(n+1)^3-1} \leq \frac{n}{n^3-1}[/tex]

2. Manipulate the hostile inequality as you would an equation to reduce it to a simpler form for which you know the "value of thruth" (i.e. wheter it is true of not). For exemple, you would write

[tex]\frac{n+1}{(n+1)^3-1} \leq \frac{n}{n^3-1} \Leftrightarrow ... \Leftrightarrow 0\leq n[/tex]

which is true, hence the inequality of origin is true.
  • #3
Yes I'm a girl:smile: . How did you know?
Can I plug in numbers and see if it is less than a_n because that equation gets really messy?
  • #4
I tried to simplify it and I got:

(n-1)/[(n+1)(n+2)] <= 1

If I simplified correctly then where do I go from here?
  • #5
why don't you try d'Alambert's method or the ratio test?
  • #6
What's d'Alambert's method ?
  • #7
If you're dealing with absolute convergence of a series, you should start with

[tex] \sum_{n=2}^{\infty} |\frac{(-1)^{n} n}{n^{3} - 1}| [/tex]

If this series of absolute values converge then the series absolutely converges.

If that doesn't work you should apply the ratio test

[tex] \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} |\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_{n}}| < 1 [/tex]

then the series absolutely converges.
  • #8
can you find out if it conditionally converges by the ratio test?
  • #9
Conditional convergence basicly means the series converges but its series of absolute values diverges. With the ratio test you can find absolute convergence and divergence.
  • #10
If I did the ratio test would I have to include the (-1)^n?
  • #11
of course.
  • #12
If it is not an alternating series then can it have conditional convergence?
  • #13
I said a series, i didn't especifically meant Alternating series, so what i said above applies to all.
  • #14
ok thanks. I think I understand it now.:smile:
  • #15
Shay10825 said:
Yes I'm a girl:smile: . How did you know?
Can I plug in numbers and see if it is less than a_n because that equation gets really messy?

I wanted to test my "girl handwritting recognizing" skills. :cool:

You can't plug in the numbers. It has to be perfectly general (i.e. true for every n, or at least for all n greater than a certain N). The inequality may seem messy at first but once you get rid of the denominators, things start canceling out very quickly from side to side of the inequality and you're left with 4n >= -1, which is true for all n.
  • #16
and n can only be positive right?
  • #17
Look at your sum: n goes from 2 to infinity. So yeah, n is always positive. Sometimes, n will run from 0 to infinity. In that case, n is not always positive. But the important thing is that there exists an N such that for n>N, the inequality [itex]a_{n+1} \leq a_n[/itex] holds. Do you see why only this "weaker" condition is necessary, and not "for all n"?
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  • #18
If you have a rational expression for a_n where degree(numerator) < degree(denominator) IMo it's generally easier to show the result by dividing top and bottom by the polynomial which dominates in the denominator for large values of n.

a_n = \frac{n}{{n^3 - 1}} = \frac{1}{{n^2 - \frac{1}{n}}}

a_{n + 1} = \frac{1}{{\left( {n + 1} \right)^2 - \frac{1}{{n + 1}}}}

So you want to show that a_n >= a_(n+1).

The numerators are equal if you write them as I did above. If you can show that the denominator of a_(n+1) is greater than the denominator of a_n then you've shown the result. Considering that n is natural number it's not hard to do so. You should be able to finish it off.

exists an N such that for n>N,

Hmm...reminds me of how I forgot to finish off a question on my exam with [tex]...\forall n > \max \left\{ {N,N'} \right\}[/tex].
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  • #19
sorry 'bout that :p

FAQ: Determine whether the series converges

1. What does it mean for a series to converge?

A convergent series is one in which the terms approach a finite limit as the number of terms increases. In other words, the sum of the terms in the series approaches a specific value or limit.

2. How do you determine if a series converges?

There are several tests that can be used to determine if a series converges, such as the ratio test, the comparison test, and the integral test. These tests involve evaluating the behavior of the terms in the series and determining if they approach a finite limit.

3. What is the difference between a convergent and a divergent series?

A convergent series approaches a finite limit, while a divergent series does not. In a divergent series, the terms do not approach a specific value or limit, and the sum of the terms may increase indefinitely.

4. Can a series converge to a negative or complex number?

Yes, a series can converge to a negative or complex number. Convergence is determined by the behavior of the terms in the series, not the final sum. As long as the terms approach a finite limit, the series is considered convergent.

5. What is the significance of determining if a series converges?

Determining if a series converges is important in many areas of mathematics and science, as it allows us to make predictions and draw conclusions about infinite processes. It is also essential in calculus, as many of its applications rely on the convergence of series.

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