Fisher matrix for multivariate normal distribution

In summary, the Fisher matrix is a mathematical tool used to quantify the uncertainty in parameters of a multivariate normal distribution. It is a square matrix that contains the second derivatives of the log likelihood function with respect to the parameters. This matrix is used to calculate the Cramer-Rao lower bound, which provides a lower limit for the variance of any unbiased estimator of the parameters. The Fisher matrix is a useful tool in statistical inference and parameter estimation for multivariate normal distributions.
  • #1
The fisher information matrix for multivariate normal distribution is said at many places to be simplified as:
[tex]\mathcal{I}_{m,n} = \frac{\partial \mu^\mathrm{T}}{\partial \theta_m} \Sigma^{-1} \frac{\partial \mu}{\partial \theta_n}.\ [/tex]
even on"
I am trying to come up with the derivation, but no luck so far. Does anyone have any ideas / hints / references, how to do this?

Thank you
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  • #2
Using matrix derivatives one has [tex] D_x(x^T A x) = x^T(A+A^T) [/tex] from which it follows that [tex] D_{\theta} \log p(z ; \mu(\theta) , \Sigma) = (z-\mu(\theta))^T \Sigma^{-1} D_{\theta} \mu(\theta) [/tex] For simplicity let's write [tex] D_{\theta} \mu(\theta) = H [/tex] The FIM is then found as [tex] J = E[ ( D_{\theta} \log p(z ; \mu(\theta) , \Sigma))^T D_{\theta} \log p(z ; \mu(\theta) , \Sigma)] = E[ H^T R^{-1} (z - \mu(\theta))^T (z - \mu(\theta)) R^{-1} H] = H^T R^{-1} R R^{-1} H = H^T R^{-1} H [\tex] which is equivalent to the given formula. Notice that this formula only is valid as long as [tex] \Sigma [\tex] does not depend on [tex] \theta [\tex]. I'm still struggling to find a derivation of the more general case where also [tex] \Sigma [\tex] depends on [tex] \theta [\tex].

For some reason my tex code is not correctly parsed. I cannot understand why.
  • #3
Actually the general proof can apparently be found in Porat & Friedlander: Computation of the Exact Information Matrix of Gaussian Time Series with Stationary Random Components, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol ASSP-34, No. 1, Feb. 1986.
  • #4
edmundfo said:
R^{-1} H] = H^T R^{-1} R R^{-1} H = H^T R^{-1} H [\tex]

For some reason my tex code is not correctly parsed. I cannot understand why.

For one thing, you're using the back slash [\tex] instead of the forward slash [/tex] at the end of your code.
  • #5
edmundfo said:
Actually the general proof can apparently be found in Porat & Friedlander: Computation of the Exact Information Matrix of Gaussian Time Series with Stationary Random Components, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol ASSP-34, No. 1, Feb. 1986.
Thank you for the answers, in between I have found an another reference, which is a direct derivation of the same result, for me this one seems to be easier to interpret:

Klein, A., and H. Neudecker. “A direct derivation of the exact Fisher information matrix of Gaussian vector state space models.” Linear Algebra and its Applications 321, no. 1-3

FAQ: Fisher matrix for multivariate normal distribution

1. What is the Fisher matrix for a multivariate normal distribution?

The Fisher matrix for a multivariate normal distribution is a matrix that contains information about the parameters of the distribution, specifically the mean and variance. It is used in statistical inference to estimate the parameters of the distribution based on a sample of data.

2. How is the Fisher matrix calculated?

The Fisher matrix is calculated by taking the negative second derivative of the log-likelihood function with respect to each parameter. This involves taking the partial derivatives of the log-likelihood function with respect to each parameter and then plugging them into a matrix.

3. What is the significance of the Fisher matrix?

The Fisher matrix is significant because it provides a way to quantify the amount of information contained in a sample of data about the parameters of a multivariate normal distribution. It also allows for the calculation of confidence intervals for the estimated parameters.

4. Can the Fisher matrix be used for any multivariate distribution?

No, the Fisher matrix is specific to the multivariate normal distribution. It cannot be used for other distributions, such as the multivariate t-distribution or the multivariate exponential distribution.

5. How is the Fisher information matrix related to the Fisher matrix?

The Fisher information matrix is the inverse of the Fisher matrix. It is used to calculate the standard errors of the estimated parameters and plays a crucial role in statistical inference for the multivariate normal distribution.
