Exploring DNA Teleportation: Luc Montagnier's Study

In summary, a Nobel Prize winner has described an experiment in which DNA emits electromagnetic signals that can be mistaken for the real thing and be replicated in another place, essentially teleporting it. However, there are doubts about the accuracy of the experiment and whether it can be replicated. Additionally, the use of the term "teleportation" has been criticized as sensationalism.
  • #1
Hi there.
First of all sory for possible grammar errors.
I have searched this forum and haven't find this topic.
I would like to know what do you think of it.http://www.popsci.com/science/artic...ally-teleport-itself-one-researcher-thinks-so

" Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier describes a phenomenon in which DNA emits electromagnetic signals of its own construction, "ghost DNA" that can be mistaken by enzymes as the real deal and replicated in another place. Essentially, it's DNA teleportation. "

edit: oh, and i tried to search if this experiment was replicated by someone other, but haven't found anything. i don't get it, this article is from january, and no one tried to duplicate this experiment yet?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Commenting ONLY on the use of the word "teleportation" that is pure sensationalism. The article says the propagation is via electromagnetic waves. Teleportation is by definition the instantaneous transmission of matter or information (and only "exists" in Star Trek), electromagnetic waves are not instantaneous. Reputable scientists do not use this kind of grossly inaccurate sensationalism in announcing their findings.
  • #3
From the article:

The full details of Montagnier’s experiments are not yet known, as his paper has not yet been accepted for publication. But he and his research partners have made a summary of his findings available. Essentially, they took two test tubes – one containing a fragment of DNA about 100 bases long, another containing pure water – and isolated them in a chamber that muted the earth’s natural electromagnetic field to keep it from muddying the results. The test tubes were housed within a copper coil emanating a weak electromagnetic field.

Are they mistaken, or did the other test tube contain ONLY water? I don't see how its anywhere close to being physically possible if there was ONLY pure water in the 2nd test tube.
  • #4
i don't think that teleportation is defined to be instantaneous transfer.

my biggest problem with the possibility is what we have to map out, and then send.

the atom is made of electrons and the nucleus (which is made of quarks). and that only begs the question "what are electrons and quarks made of ?".

at what point, if any, could we stop, and send ? in other words, could we map out just our atoms ? there would seem to be some point in size at which would be impossible for us to ever map ?
  • #5
Physics-Learner said:
i don't think that teleportation is defined to be instantaneous transfer.

my biggest problem with the possibility is what we have to map out, and then send.

the atom is made of electrons and the nucleus (which is made of quarks). and that only begs the question "what are electrons and quarks made of ?".

at what point, if any, could we stop, and send ? in other words, could we map out just our atoms ? there would seem to be some point in size at which would be impossible for us to ever map ?

I think I understand what you are saying. However, IF teleportation was possible, then being able to send a Proton or a Neutron would include the quarks that make them up. However any real discussion on this is pretty moot, as teleportation is not currently possible. (Except for things like quantum tunneling and whatnot)
  • #6
If applying an electrical current nearby DNA was enough to teleport it disease would spread from one person to the next just thanks to walking around in a city.
  • #7
I think this study has rather debunked the myth of scientific method and/or peer review.
Experimental errors happen, get over it.
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  • #8
Dmytry said:
I think this study has rather debunked the myth of scientific method and/or peer review.
Experimental errors happen, get over it.

What are you blabbering about now Dmytry?
  • #9
Drakkith said:
I think I understand what you are saying. However, IF teleportation was possible, then being able to send a Proton or a Neutron would include the quarks that make them up.

i don't think we can make that assumption.

but i guess we should come up with an exact definition of teleportation.

at least in star trek, they convert matter to energy, move it, and then convert it back to matter.

if we use that definition, i think we would need to map out the smallest building blocks of matter.
  • #10
Maybe. Unless teleporting a particle also included all composite particles that make it up. Maybe there's a point that is "small enough" and you don't have to go any smaller. But who knows, we don't have teleportation yet!
  • #11
Dmytry said:
I think this study has rather debunked the myth of scientific method and/or peer review.

It didn't, at least not yet. Paper was not published so far.
  • #12
Borek said:
It didn't, at least not yet. Paper was not published so far.

Aye. And I'd still like to know wtf they were talking about when they said they extracted DNA from both tubes when one had pure water at the beginning. That sounds physically impossible. DNA isn't made up of water. Either there was some contamination or someone is loopy.
  • #13
Drakkith said:
Aye. And I'd still like to know wtf they were talking about when they said they extracted DNA from both tubes when one had pure water at the beginning. That sounds physically impossible. DNA isn't made up of water. Either there was some contamination or someone is loopy.

IIRC the experiment ran something like this;

Two tubes, one containing water plus DNA one containing pure water are placed inside a larger tube. This larger tube has wires running around the outside of it, a current is run through these wires. X time later they remove the smaller tubes and place primers in it before performing a PCR. The result was (apparently) that they got a result from the PCR that matched the DNA containing tube.
  • #14
ryan_m_b said:
IIRC the experiment ran something like this;

Two tubes, one containing water plus DNA one containing pure water are placed inside a larger tube. This larger tube has wires running around the outside of it, a current is run through these wires. X time later they remove the smaller tubes and place primers in it before performing a PCR. The result was (apparently) that they got a result from the PCR that matched the DNA containing tube.

So the water somehow held this electromagnetic signal and the primer copied it? I don't know a great deal about this field of physics, but I'm having a hard to believing that.
  • #15
Drakkith said:
So the water somehow held this electromagnetic signal and the primer copied it? I don't know a great deal about this field of physics, but I'm having a hard to believing that.

Tell me about it. It's quantum hokum-pokum mixed with some homeopathic supernonsense.

FAQ: Exploring DNA Teleportation: Luc Montagnier's Study

What is DNA teleportation and how does it work?

DNA teleportation is the process of transferring genetic information from one location to another using technology. In Luc Montagnier's study, DNA molecules were placed in a tube of water and then exposed to a low frequency electromagnetic field. This field allowed the DNA to emit its own electromagnetic signal, which was then recorded and transmitted via a wire to another tube of water containing no DNA. The water in the second tube was found to contain the exact same DNA sequence as the water in the first tube, effectively demonstrating DNA teleportation.

What are the potential applications of DNA teleportation?

The potential applications of DNA teleportation are vast and varied. It could revolutionize the field of genetic engineering by allowing for the transfer of specific genetic traits or sequences into organisms. It could also have medical applications, such as delivering targeted genetic therapies or vaccines. Additionally, DNA teleportation could have uses in data storage and communication, as it has the potential to transmit large amounts of information quickly and accurately.

Is DNA teleportation currently possible?

While Luc Montagnier's study has shown evidence for DNA teleportation, it is still a highly debated and controversial topic in the scientific community. Many scientists argue that the results of the study have not been replicated and therefore cannot be considered conclusive. There is still much research and experimentation needed before DNA teleportation can be deemed a feasible technology.

What are the potential implications of DNA teleportation?

If DNA teleportation is proven to be possible and can be effectively controlled, it could have significant implications for society. On one hand, it could bring about amazing advancements in medicine, technology, and other fields. On the other hand, there are ethical concerns about the potential misuse of this technology, such as creating genetically modified organisms without proper regulation.

What further research is needed in the field of DNA teleportation?

There is still much to be learned about DNA teleportation and its potential uses. Further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms behind the process and how it can be controlled and manipulated. Additionally, more studies need to be conducted to replicate the results of Luc Montagnier's study and to address any potential flaws or limitations. Ethical considerations also need to be taken into account as this technology develops.
