Infinite Dimensional Vector Space

In summary: And that means it's not infinite dimensional. So if there are sequences of linearly independent vectors of any length, the space can't have finite dimension.In summary, we need to prove two directions for the statement "V is infinite dimensional if and only if there is a sequence v_1, v_2,... of vectors in V such that (v_1,...,v_n) is linearly independent for every positive integer n." The forward direction involves assuming V is infinitely dimensional and using induction to show that any set of linearly independent vectors can always be extended. The backward direction involves showing that if V has a dimension n, it cannot have n+1 linearly independent vectors, and thus cannot be infinite dimensional. Therefore,
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that V is infinite dimensional if and only if there is a sequence v_1, v_2,... of vectors in V such that (v_1,...,v_n) is linearly independent for every positive integer n.

Homework Equations

A vector space is finite dimensional if some list of vectors in it spans the space.

The Attempt at a Solution

We need to prove two directions. For the forward direction, we assume V is infinitely dimensional (and therefore is not finite dimensional). It's really giving me a headache. All of the theorems in my book involve finite-dimensional vector spaces, and none of the proofs seem to give me any information pertaining to the forward direction of this problem. Do I want to use induction somehow? For example, the infinite dimensional vector space F^(infinity) has elements that can be written in the form a_1e_1+a_2e_2+...+a_ne_n+... with the a_i's scalars in the field and the e_i's the vector with all zeroes in every spot except for a 1 in the ith place. That is a linearly independent list, that works for all n, but i don't know how to explain it for every infinite dimensional vector space.

For the backward direction, first I wanted to assume V is finite dimensional and use contradiction. Then V has a basis that is linearly independent spans V, and has a dimension, let's say m=n-1. Then consider the linearly independent list (v_1,...,v_n). It has dimension n, but every linearly independent list of vectors in a finite-dimensional vector space can be extended to a basis of the vector space, so since dim(V) < dim(v_1,...,v_n) we have a contradiction and V must be infinite dimensional.

I think the backward direction is almost complete, but I'm having trouble with the forward. Any hints, please?
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  • #2
V is infinite dimensional. Pick a vector v1 in V. If v1 spanned V, V would be finite dimensional. It's not. So there's another independent vector v2. If {v1,v2} spanned then V would be finite dimensional. It's not. So there's an independent v3. If {v1,v2,v3} spanned then etc. It's sort of induction. The point is that any set of linearly independent vectors can always be extended.
  • #3
Dick said:
V is infinite dimensional. Pick a vector v1 in V. If v1 spanned V, V would be finite dimensional. It's not. So there's another independent vector v2. If {v1,v2} spanned then V would be finite dimensional. It's not. So there's an independent v3. If {v1,v2,v3} spanned then etc. It's sort of induction. The point is that any set of linearly independent vectors can always be extended.

Thank you very much, I get it.

How about the backward direction? Is it correct? Does it need tweaking? Or is it completely wrong?
  • #4
Yeah, I think it's basically ok. The point is that if V has dimension n, then it can't have n+1 linearly independent vectors in it.

FAQ: Infinite Dimensional Vector Space

1. What is an infinite dimensional vector space?

An infinite dimensional vector space is a mathematical concept that refers to a vector space with an infinite number of dimensions. This means that there are an infinite number of linearly independent vectors that can be used to represent any point in the space. Unlike finite dimensional vector spaces, which have a fixed number of dimensions, an infinite dimensional vector space has no limit to the number of dimensions that can be used.

2. What are some examples of infinite dimensional vector spaces?

Some examples of infinite dimensional vector spaces include function spaces, such as the space of all continuous functions on a given interval, or the space of all polynomials. Other examples include Hilbert spaces, Banach spaces, and the space of all sequences.

3. How is an infinite dimensional vector space different from a finite dimensional vector space?

The main difference between an infinite dimensional vector space and a finite dimensional vector space is the number of dimensions. While a finite dimensional vector space has a fixed number of dimensions, an infinite dimensional vector space has an infinite number of dimensions. This also means that an infinite dimensional vector space has an uncountable number of basis vectors, while a finite dimensional vector space has a countable number.

4. What are the applications of infinite dimensional vector spaces?

Infinite dimensional vector spaces have many applications in mathematics and physics. They are used to study functions, differential equations, and other mathematical concepts. In physics, they are used to study quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and string theory. They are also used in signal processing, control theory, and optimization problems.

5. Can infinite dimensional vector spaces be visualized?

No, infinite dimensional vector spaces cannot be visualized in the same way as finite dimensional vector spaces. This is because our brains are not capable of imagining an infinite number of dimensions. However, we can use mathematical tools, such as graphs and equations, to represent and understand these spaces.
