Alpha decay short half lives correspond to large disintegration energies

In summary, in alpha decay, short half lives correspond to large disintegration energies due to the increase in probability of tunneling out of a potential barrier. To determine the energy release during alpha decay, one can use the conservation of relativistic energy and the mass defect of the nuclei involved.
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Homework Statement

i) Explain why in alpha decay short half lives correspond to large disintegration energies.

ii) Determine the energy release during the alpha decay of 238U to 234Th. The mass of 238U is 238.0508mu, the mass of 234Th is 234.0436mu, and the mass of 4He is 4.0026mu.

Homework Equations

None Given

The Attempt at a Solution

I haven't seen an example of this in my course book, so I have more ideas than attempts at a solution.

Would I be right in right in finding the mass defect in U, Th and He, and then subtracting U's mass defect from Th's and He's, mass defect.

Once I have that I would use E=mc2, to calculate the energy released.

But this seems quite long and drawn out is there another method to calculate this, is the method even right?
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  • #2
You have the right idea for ii). What you mention is essentially conservation of relativistic energy, and it doesn't get much simpler than that.

A partial answer to i) would be to consider the conditions under which the probability of tunneling out of a potential barrier increases, and see how that is relevant to alpha decay.

FAQ: Alpha decay short half lives correspond to large disintegration energies

1. Why do short half lives correspond to large disintegration energies in alpha decay?

The short half life of a radioactive substance is a measure of how quickly the substance decays. In alpha decay, the nucleus of an atom emits an alpha particle, which is made up of two protons and two neutrons. This process releases a large amount of energy, known as the disintegration energy. The shorter the half life, the more quickly the substance is decaying and therefore, the more energy is being released in a shorter amount of time.

2. How is the half life related to the probability of alpha decay occurring?

The half life is a measure of the probability of an atom decaying within a given period of time. The shorter the half life, the higher the probability of an atom undergoing alpha decay in that time frame. This is because shorter half lives indicate a higher rate of decay, meaning there is a greater chance of an atom decaying in a shorter amount of time.

3. What factors influence the half life and disintegration energy in alpha decay?

The half life and disintegration energy in alpha decay are primarily influenced by the stability of the nucleus and the amount of energy required to overcome the strong nuclear forces holding it together. A less stable nucleus will have a shorter half life and release more energy in the form of an alpha particle.

4. Can alpha decay occur in elements other than uranium and thorium?

Yes, alpha decay can occur in any element with a nucleus that is unstable and has excess energy. However, it is most commonly observed in heavier elements such as uranium and thorium due to their larger nuclei containing more protons and neutrons, making them more prone to instability.

5. How is alpha decay different from other types of radioactive decay?

Alpha decay is different from other types of radioactive decay, such as beta and gamma decay, because it involves the emission of an alpha particle, which is a helium nucleus. This results in the atomic number of the atom decreasing by two, and the mass number decreasing by four. In contrast, beta decay involves the emission of an electron or positron, and gamma decay involves the release of high-energy photons.
