Determining the Characteristic of a Field Containing Z_p

  • Thread starter ehrenfest
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In summary, the conversation discusses a corollary related to a theorem about fields and subfields. It is stated that if a field contains a copy of Z_p, then it must be of prime characteristic p. The proof involves showing that if the field contains another prime characteristic q, then it would lead to a contradiction. The expert suggests that this is a valid way to prove the corollary, but also acknowledges that there may be other ways to prove it.
  • #1
[SOLVED] fields containing Z_p

Homework Statement

Here is a theorem in my book: "A field F is either of prime characteristic p and contains a subfield isomorphic to Z_p or of characteristic 0 and contains a subfield isomorphic to Q."

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Here is my corollary: "If a field contains a copy of Z_p, then it must be of prime characteristic p."
Here is the proof: If the field has prime characteristic q not equal to p, then it must contain a copy of Z_q. If q > p, then since the field contains Z_p, we have (p-1)+1 = 0, which is not true in Z_q. If the q < p, we have (q-1) + 1 = 0, which is not true in Z_p. Therefore, the field cannot contain Z_q where q is not equal to p. Furthermore, if the field contains Q, then (p-1)+1=0 is a contradiction. Therefore, the only possibility that the above theorem gives is that the characteristic is p.

Please confirm that this is correct.
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  • #2
The corollary is correct, but I don't quite understand what you're doing when you say things like "(p-1)+1 = 0, which is not true in Z_q". I mean, why is this even necessary to state?
  • #3
If the field contains both Z_p and Z_q, where q>p, then the algebra of Z_p requires that (p-1) and 1 sum to 0. But the algebra of Z_q requires that (p-1) and 1 sum to p which is a contradiction.

Do you have a better way to prove the corollary?
  • #4
I guess I would just say, since p & q are distinct primes, p!=0 in Z_q. But it doesn't really matter, and what you did is fine.

FAQ: Determining the Characteristic of a Field Containing Z_p

What is a field containing Z_p?

A field containing Z_p is a mathematical structure where Z_p is a finite set of numbers modulo p, and the operations of addition and multiplication are defined on this set. The resulting structure satisfies the properties of a field, such as closure, associativity, commutativity, and distributivity.

What is the significance of Z_p in a field?

Z_p is significant in a field because it represents the set of remainders when dividing by a prime number p. This allows for a finite and structured set of numbers, as well as efficient calculations using modular arithmetic.

What are some examples of fields containing Z_p?

Some examples of fields containing Z_p include the finite fields of Galois, also known as GF(p), where p is a prime number. For instance, GF(2) contains the elements {0, 1} and satisfies the properties of a field under addition and multiplication modulo 2.

How are fields containing Z_p used in cryptography?

Fields containing Z_p are used in cryptography for their properties of being finite, structured, and efficient for calculations. They are used in various encryption algorithms, such as the RSA algorithm, which relies on the difficulty of factoring large numbers in a finite field.

What are the limitations of fields containing Z_p?

Fields containing Z_p are limited to prime numbers as the size of the finite set. This means that the set of numbers is not continuous and cannot represent all real numbers. Additionally, the operations of addition and multiplication are limited to the elements within the set, which can be a disadvantage for certain calculations.

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