Can a Beautiful Girl Love a Lame Legged Man?

  • Thread starter sameev29
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In summary: And it's hard, but *every* guy, short, tall, fat, thin, handsome, ugly, whatever... every guy has to do the same thing.In summary, the conversation discussed whether a beautiful girl could love and marry a man with a lame leg, referencing an episode of Mythbusters where it was deemed impossible. The consensus was that it is possible and happens all the time, as not all people are superficial. The conversation also touched on the idea that true love is about the heart, not physical appearance, and shared personal experiences and stories about successful relationships with physical differences. In summary, it was concluded that while it may be challenging, it is possible for someone with a disability to find love and
  • #1
Can a beautiful girl love and marry a lame legged man(one leg)?Do any of you know if something like this ever happened.
Physics news on
  • #2
They tested this on Mythbusters. It's impossible
  • #3
Of course they can. People fall in love with all sorts of people regardless of disability.
  • #4
sameev29 said:
Can a beautiful girl love and marry a lame legged man(one leg)?Do any of you know if something like this ever happened.
Of course it happens all of the time. Not all people are superficial.
  • #5
Office_Shredder said:
They tested this on Mythbusters. It's impossible

Can you tell the name of the episode or which season it was from?
  • #6
sameev29 said:
Can you tell the name of the episode or which season it was from?

You missed the episode!
Same one where tested who was more stubborn - a guy as stubborn as an ox or a guy as stubborn as a mule. hahaha
  • #7
I'll go get the popcorn. This thread has potential...
  • #8
I don't watch Mythbusters regularly.
  • #9
yeah man...why not..? true love deals with heart not the physcal structure aur physical appearances..but it also depends upon the nature of girl..
  • #10
sameev29 said:
Can a beautiful girl love and marry a lame legged man(one leg)?Do any of you know if something like this ever happened.

What if you met a wonderful, kind woman who was very loving, but maybe not so beautiful? Would you reject her?
  • #11
lisab said:
What if you met a wonderful, kind woman who was very loving, but maybe not so beautiful? Would you reject her?

No I won't.
  • #12
You may want to see if you can check out this "modern love" column from the New York Times:

Would My Heart Outrun Its Pursuer? (By GARY PRESLEY, Published: November 27, 2009)

Or... check out the movie "Murderball."
  • #13
The guy James Franco played in the film "127 hours" lost his arm on that hiking trip. And at the end of the movie they showed a picture of the actual hiker with his wife, who me met *after* the loss of his arm if I understand correctly.
  • #14
Did something like this ever happened to you or anyone else you know?
  • #15
physics girl phd said:
You may want to see if you can check out this "modern love" column from the New York Times:

Would My Heart Outrun Its Pursuer? (By GARY PRESLEY, Published: November 27, 2009)

Or... check out the movie "Murderball."

I was going to suggest Murderball as well. Awesome movie.
  • #16
i'm going out on a limb here, but i suspect you get farther with most girls, when you make it clear you appreciate how beautiful she is, rather that hoping she appreciates how beautiful you are. At least it worked for me, as I am something of a troll but still married to an extremely beautiful woman.
  • #17
sameev29 said:
Did something like this ever happened to you or anyone else you know?

If missing a leg is a man's biggest shortcoming, women may well beat a path to his door.
  • #18
DaveC426913 said:
If missing a leg is a man's biggest shortcoming, women may well beat a path to his door.

I have both of my legs.The problem is my left leg is little bit short than the right one.That's why I am lame legged,I can't walk straightly like a normal person.I don't act rudely or bad with anyone.But still girls think about me differently.Like I am innocent or something like that.
  • #19
sameev29 said:
I have both of my legs.The problem is my left leg is little bit short than the right one.That's why I am lame legged,I can't walk straightly like a normal person.I don't act rudely or bad with anyone.But still girls think about me differently.Like I am innocent or something like that.

Don't worry about it buddy! It's all in your attitude. If you let your "disability" get the best of you, then it truly is a disability. If you move on with life and try not to let it get on the way, girls will take notice of that. If you don't care about your leg, why should they? Seriously, get a fancy looking cane like Dr. House (if you already have a British accent, you're all set! just kidding :wink: )

Also, get some sort if funny shirt that says something like: "One of my legs is shorter than the other and all I got is this lousy T-shirt" or something. Seriously, show people that you are totally comfortable with the way you walk and act and they will respect you for it. I have a couple of friends from college who walk with a limp and cane and they pull it off just fine.

Do you mind me asking how old you are? Just curious :smile:
  • #20
Saladsamurai said:
Don't worry about it buddy! It's all in your attitude. If you let your "disability" get the best of you, then it truly is a disability. If you move on with life and try not to let it get on the way, girls will take notice of that. If you don't care about your leg, why should they? Seriously, get a fancy looking cane like Dr. House (if you already have a British accent, you're all set! just kidding :wink: )

Also, get some sort if funny shirt that says something like: "One of my legs is shorter than the other and all I got is this lousy T-shirt" or something. Seriously, show people that you are totally comfortable with the way you walk and act and they will respect you for it. I have a couple of friends from college who walk with a limp and cane and they pull it off just fine.

Do you mind me asking how old you are? Just curious :smile:

I am 20 years.But I feel very bad about this.
  • #21
sameev29 said:
I am 20 years.But I feel very bad about this.

It's tough at 20. Many people around that age are too concerned with appearances. But that's just due to immaturity.

But the fact is, most of us don't look like super models, and don't get attention showered on us simply for breathing. (Turns out that's probably a blessing but that's off topic!) So, we must develop other skills. Social skills, I mean - kindness, charm, wit. That sort of thing.

What sort of socializing do you do? Clubs, volunteer work, hobbies?
  • #22
lisab said:
It's tough at 20. Many people around that age are too concerned with appearances. But that's just due to immaturity.

But the fact is, most of us don't look like super models, and don't get attention showered on us simply for breathing. (Turns out that's probably a blessing but that's off topic!) So, we must develop other skills. Social skills, I mean - kindness, charm, wit. That sort of thing.

What sort of socializing do you do? Clubs, volunteer work, hobbies?

I am not doing any socializing now.I stay at home almost all the time except going to school,sometimes going out with friends and if there is any other important works outside.I look very bad when I walk,people keeps looking at me and sometimes they talk among themselves.And girls I don't know,maybe they hate people like me very much and scold me too.
  • #23
sameev29 said:
I am not doing any socializing now.I stay at home almost all the time except going to school,sometimes going out with friends and if there is any other important works outside.I look very bad when I walk,people keeps looking at me and sometimes they talk among themselves.And girls I don't know,maybe they hate people like me very much and scold me too.

I suggest you get involved in some sort of social activity. For example, join a club. I sense you're insecure the way you walk - you need to interact with people in a way that doesn't involve walking.
  • #24
Is it okay if I walk or go in front of modern girls or will they feel uncomfortable with me around.
  • #25
Yes, I have known of a beautiful woman who married a blind person. I believe if there is a degree in disabilities, being blind is more difficult than having one leg. I know of this couple personally and they live in the Philippines
  • #26
Do you own a cane? A nice cane can be a gentlemanly status symbol. If the leg really bugged you, get an interesting cane to deflect conversation.

Confidence is really the main thing, either way. As long as you have other qualities you're proud of and focus on them instead of deficiencies, you'll have a shot at anything.
  • #27
sameev29 said:
I am 20 years.But I feel very bad about this.

You shouldn't ever be ashamed of your disability!

I see no qualms emotionally or physically when it comes to physical disabilities. I recently saw an attractive man at a restaurant last month who was using a wheelchair. If I weren't so shy, I would have approached him or given him my number.

I also suffer from a limp and wear a brace due to a nervous system dystrophy that attacks my joints that I developed as a child. I understand how it can attack your self-esteem. I still sometimes feel self conscious around the opposite see. I understand your feelings completely, and empathize more than you realize. Growing up with a disability doesn't always make you feel so great about yourself.

However, I have been approached many times regardless of my limp. I even was once approached while in my wheelchair. None of these men struck my interest but it proved that a having a limp, using a wheelchair etc. does NOT make you undateable.

To be basic, there's always someone out there who will love you for you regardless of your disability or personality flaws. Once you accept yourself and realize how great of a person that you are, others will be able to realize it too. :smile:
  • #28
Some men are missing a leg.

Others are missing motivation, charisma, earning power, humor, courage, health, decency, compassion, libido, common sense, good hygiene, integrity, valor and a conscience.

All in all a missing limb is not enough (maybe not important enough) information to decide whether love is warranted or deserved.
  • #29
sameev29 said:
Is it okay if I walk or go in front of modern girls or will they feel uncomfortable with me around.

It may depend on your country and its culture but I would say that in most cases your discomfort is likely to be the only thing that will make others uncomfortable. I fell in love with a woman who had a similar disability. She was always gorgeous and sexy. Men approached her frequently. She was very confident and did not allow her disability to make her feel less attractive or any less a person.

As for disabled men getting ladies... Lord Byron had a clubfoot and walked with a limp and cane and was apparently quite the lady's man (and man's man as well).
  • #30
What if a girl starts liking me and than goes out with me.When the other beautiful and stylish girls will see her with me they might make fun.What will she think if something like this happens?Maybe she will leave me and never love a person like me.

I don't know I am starting to hate normal physically healthy people for some time now.I think they are THE SOURCE OF PROBLEM for me and people who are like me.Sometimes even I think my friends are also healthy people from the same healthy race.Are healthy people really our true enemy?
  • #31
I'm going to be blunt, because I think it's needed here. Your leg will not be a problem for meeting women, and a limp is no big deal. Your insecurities about your own appearance will be a problem. Insecurity isn't attractive to mature women who are not bothered by a limp. Likewise, sitting at home and not socializing will reduce your chances to zero. Deal with why YOU are not comfortable with your appearance, and get out and be social. You may need to seek help from a professional psychologist if you can't get over your insecurities on your own.
  • #32
Moonbear said:
I'm going to be blunt, because I think it's needed here. Your leg will not be a problem for meeting women, and a limp is no big deal. Your insecurities about your own appearance will be a problem. Insecurity isn't attractive to mature women who are not bothered by a limp. Likewise, sitting at home and not socializing will reduce your chances to zero. Deal with why YOU are not comfortable with your appearance, and get out and be social. You may need to seek help from a professional psychologist if you can't get over your insecurities on your own.

10 chars
  • #33
What if I love someone and she likes me as a friend but doesn't understand my real feelings for her.How can I let her know about this?When she finds out what if she gets angry and starts hating me.
  • #34
sameev29 said:
What if I love someone and she likes me as a friend but doesn't understand my real feelings for her.How can I let her know about this?When she finds out what if she gets angry and starts hating me.
Why would she get angry? Why would she hate you? Do you plan to be mean to her?
  • #35
sameev29 said:
What if I love someone and she likes me as a friend but doesn't understand my real feelings for her.How can I let her know about this?When she finds out what if she gets angry and starts hating me.

And what if she feels the same way about you, but you're both too afraid to ever say anything about it? I don't agree it's right or fair, but it is still quite common for women to wait for a man to make the first move. If she is your friend, she won't be angry. At worst, it will be a little awkward a few days if she doesn't feel as strongly about you and tells you so, but some of the best relationships grow from friendships.

Seriously, these are your own inner insecurities speaking. I really think you should seek professional help to understand why you feel this way and to help you gain confidence. Were you teased a lot as a kid, perhaps? Things like that can be hard to get over and to accept that adults are not children. A psychologist can help you sort through those issues. It's way more than we can help you with over the internet.