Hanged from a crane aged 16 (the girl, not the crane)

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    Crane Girl
In summary: You're right, it's not just Islam.Please don't overlook an obvious cause of evil in many cultures, even though you have been trained from childhood to regard religion as an inherently good...
  • #1
By Susie Boniface
IT WAS exactly 6am and the start of another blisteringly hot summer day when 16-year-old Atefeh Rajabi was dragged from her prison cell and taken to be executed.

Every step of the way the troubled teenager plagued by mental problems shouted "repentance, repentance" as the militiamen marched her to the town's Railway Square.

The Iranian judge who had sentenced Atefeh to death was left unmoved as he personally put the noose around her neck and signalled to the crane driver...
Something to be kept in mind when reviewing any crises in the middle east. Iran is constantly exporting its Islamic revolution to countries such as Lebanon and Iraq. It is the puppetmaster behind Hizbullah and is gaining a strong hold over Hamas too.
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  • #2
I think we both know that Lebanon is nothing like this.
  • #3
Iran, or just about any country in the Middle East have not gone through a period of secular Enlightenment.
This is extremely saddening, since it means that religious fanatics are not confronted with their own deep moral failings that are intimately connected with the particular brand of religion they are attached to.
  • #4
Anttech said:
I think we both know that Lebanon is nothing like this.

Hezbollah is very much the proxy for Iran. Where do you think they get all those rockets, or the money to provide the social services that has helped them dominate southern Lebanon as their own satrapy?
  • #5
Anttech said:
I think we both know that Lebanon is nothing like this.
You'd be surprised how bad it is in seemingly progressive (a relative term) countries, when it comes to remote, rural areas. It is true in Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, Malaysia,...

The only difference is that in some places, the governments don't care enough to do more to stop it, while in others the government actively encourages it.
  • #6
lebanon, was/is quite a forward thinking democratic country, until it was blighted by its cival war. It has almost 50% christians living there, so don't equate Lebanon with extreem Islamists.

Hezbollah is very much the proxy for Iran
I know, but lebanon isn't Hezbollah.
  • #7
Read this in the Times but a week ago.


For Derya, a waiflike girl of 17, the order to kill herself came from an uncle and was delivered in a text message to her cellphone. "You have blackened our name," it read. "Kill yourself and clean our shame or we will kill you first."

Derya said her crime was to fall for a boy she had met at school last spring. She knew the risks: her aunt had been killed by her grandfather for seeing a boy. But after being cloistered and veiled for most of her life, she said, she felt free for the first time and wanted to express her independence.

It's not like honor killings are legal in Turkey - which is among the most progressive of the states with an Islamic population - but at the same time politicos are reluctant to anger the conservative voter.
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  • #8
You can read on Peter Tatchell's page how Iran treats gay teenagers:

Once again, there is simply only one word adequate to describe the leaders of Iran:
They are EVIL, and their evil is strongly connected with basic moral flaws within Islamic thinking.

I would also like to remind people what was just about the only form of public entertainment allowed in the Taliban regime of Afghanistan:

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  • #9
They are EVIL, and their evil is strongly connected with basic moral flaws within Islamic thinking.

Now that is a swweeeeepppiiinnggggg statement! Consider all the "Christian crusades" and the genocides that entailed, for example South America.

Basic moral flaws in Christingdom? yeap.

Its nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with radicalisation.
  • #10
arildno said:
Iran, or just about any country in the Middle East have not gone through a period of secular Enlightenment.
Iran did, but our proxy war with Russia convinced them to turn back.
  • #11
Anttech said:
Basic moral flaws in Christingdom? yeap.
I was censored at PF from saying just that (CAVEAT: I put the words in a too antagonistic tone, that was my fault).
Its nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with radicalisation.
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live"
This is a DUTY TO DO MURDER for all Christians, since it stands in their holy book.
You don't think statements like this have anything to do with the prosecution of witches in earlier times?

Please don't overlook an obvious cause of evil in many cultures, even though you have been trained from childhood to regard religion as an inherently good thing.
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  • #12
kyleb said:
Iran did, but our proxy war with Russia convinced them to turn back.
I know that.
The Enlightenment period in Europe has scarcely lasted 300 years, and is today under an extremely powerful, subtle attack:
Namely, that to embrace unreason&religion is inherently a good thing, and that those who say otherwise are intolerant.
  • #13
  • #14
arildno said:
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live"
This is a DUTY TO DO MURDER for all Christians, since it stands in their holy book.
You don't think statements like this have anything to do with the prosecution of witches in earlier times?

Please don't overlook an obvious cause of evil in many cultures, even though you have been trained from childhood to regard religion as an inherently good thing.
Quoting the Bible doesn't rightly make a case agaisnt Islam.
  • #15
And equally hate-filled sentences can be found in the Quran.
Just pick a page at random and read it.
It is quite likely you'll find something.
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  • #16
I read a fair chunk of it for a history of world religions course and found much good in those texts.
  • #17
Your point being? :confused:

Do you deny that the sentence "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" makes murder a duty for those who want to make the Bible into the set of rules they are to live by?
  • #18
My point is that your quoting of the Bible isn't relevant to this thread.
  • #19
arildno said:
I was censored at PF from saying just that (CAVEAT: I put the words in a too antagonistic tone, that was my fault).

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live"
This is a DUTY TO DO MURDER for all Christians, since it stands in their holy book.
You don't think statements like this have anything to do with the prosecution of witches in earlier times?

Please don't overlook an obvious cause of evil in many cultures, even though you have been trained from childhood to regard religion as an inherently good thing.

Well, before you run around condemning things you obviously know nothing about, that comes from the old testament, which by definition is not the source of Christianity.

This thread is doomed if you don't stop the generalized religion bashing. I already deleted one of your posts Arildno, and by all rights you should have been penalized for violating the forum rules.
  • #20
So, do you actually state that there are no analogous statements in the Quran?

My, oh my..
  • #21
The most disturbing aspect of radical theology is "gentle peace" on one hand and "brutal destruction" on the other.
It's as if some of the authors were clinically bi-polar.

FAQ: Hanged from a crane aged 16 (the girl, not the crane)

1. What does the phrase "Hanged from a crane aged 16" mean?

The phrase most likely refers to a tragic incident where a 16-year-old girl was hung or suspended from a crane, resulting in her death.

2. Why was the girl hanged from a crane at such a young age?

The reason for the girl's hanging is unknown, but it could have been a form of punishment, execution, or even a tragic accident.

3. Was the girl's death investigated by authorities?

It is unclear if the girl's death was investigated, as it would depend on the circumstances and the laws of the country where it occurred.

4. Has a similar incident happened before?

It is possible that similar incidents have occurred in the past, but without further context or information, it is impossible to say for sure.

5. What are the potential consequences of being hanged from a crane?

The potential consequences of being hanged from a crane can range from severe injury to death, depending on the height, duration, and conditions of the hanging.
