What is recommended for the field of AEROSPACE ENGINEERING?

In summary: So yea, if you're good enough, you're tall enough!In summary, if you want to pursue an aerospace engineering degree, you will need to take a lot of math and science courses and have a strong background in humanities and arts.
  • #1
I want to know what direction should i be taking in college, such as, what types of classes.
I am also very interested in knowing the type of life style they live, i would want to know if arerospace engineering is a career for those who pursue to have a family in the future.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm assuming

a) you're considering going to some community college before transferring to some large university?
b) you're going to a university which does not have an aerospace engineering degree program?

If it is a) then you want to be taking as many physical science and math courses as you can get your hands on. If it is b) then you want to make sure your university has some mechanical engineering degree with a turbomachinery/fluids option.

Good luck
  • #3
just your will is requried and nothing else... i m doing aerospace engineering and wasn`t a skilled man in the field also...
  • #4
viscousflow said:
I'm assuming

a) you're considering going to some community college before transferring to some large university?
b) you're going to a university which does not have an aerospace engineering degree program?

If it is a) then you want to be taking as many physical science and math courses as you can get your hands on. If it is b) then you want to make sure your university has some mechanical engineering degree with a turbomachinery/fluids option.

Good luck

Yea, I am currently attending a community college. since i was a child i always wanted to be near aircrafts. are you an aerospace engineer?
  • #5
No I'm an AE senior student. However, I went through a similar process of statement a) where I had to attend a community college first then transfer to a large university. As long as you can gain Calculus 1 - 3, Physics 1-3, and basic humanities, you should have no issue transferring to a large university with an aerospace program. I did the same thing and had great results, now I'm ready to graduate.
  • #6
viscousflow said:
No I'm an AE senior student. However, I went through a similar process of statement a) where I had to attend a community college first then transfer to a large university. As long as you can gain Calculus 1 - 3, Physics 1-3, and basic humanities, you should have no issue transferring to a large university with an aerospace program. I did the same thing and had great results, now I'm ready to graduate.

I second this.. I just got accepted and I'm transferring in the fall for AE. Been at my local CC for about three years now. Ugh..

I took calc 1-3, linear alg, diff eq, phys 1-3, 2 semesters of college chemistry (not intro), 2 humanities, art history and others.. blah blah.

I'm actually taking physics 3 right now, along with intro to circuits/EE and two GE classes.

FAQ: What is recommended for the field of AEROSPACE ENGINEERING?

What is the field of aerospace engineering?

Aerospace engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, development, and production of aircraft and spacecraft. It combines principles from mechanical, electrical, and materials engineering to create and improve flight technologies.

What skills are recommended for those interested in pursuing a career in aerospace engineering?

Some important skills for aerospace engineers include strong math and physics abilities, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and attention to detail. It is also helpful to have a strong background in computer-aided design (CAD) software and programming languages.

What types of jobs are available in the field of aerospace engineering?

Aerospace engineers can work in a variety of industries, including government agencies, defense contractors, and private companies. Some common job titles in this field include aircraft or spacecraft design engineer, systems engineer, propulsion engineer, and flight test engineer.

What is the recommended education and training for becoming an aerospace engineer?

Most aerospace engineering positions require a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering or a related field, such as mechanical or electrical engineering. Many employers also prefer candidates with a master's degree or higher. In addition to formal education, gaining hands-on experience through internships or co-op programs can be beneficial.

What are some current trends and advancements in the field of aerospace engineering?

Some current trends in aerospace engineering include the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in aircraft design, the development of reusable rockets and spacecraft, and the integration of electric propulsion systems. Additionally, there is a growing focus on sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of air travel.
