Epistemology Explained: How Do We Know What We Know?

  • Thread starter Iacchus32
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about epistemology and the definition of knowledge. The participants discuss whether a formal background in philosophy is necessary to understand the concept and how it relates to determining the truth. One participant provides a humorous definition of epistemology and another mentions their experience with metaphysics in relation to knowledge. The conversation ends with a statement about how knowledge can never be certain as long as metaphysics remains uncertain.
  • #1
Okay, for not having a "formal" background in Philosophy, which as far as I'm concerned doesn't amount to squat (it's not a prerequisite in order to think), could somebody please explain what this means? I suspect it has something to do with how do we know what we know, and how do we ascertain whether it's true or not. Is this anywhere close? Or, is there more of a "formal process" involved?

Any and all replies are welcome. Thanks!
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  • #3
Being in the middle of my final Philosophy class before graduating with my Philosophy major (and my Philosophy of Science Major) I can tell you...that what you said is no more than anything I could have said.

but then, I haven't done any epistemology courses. I did Metaphysics once...damn that was boring!

But yeah, anyway, Ummmm, Epistemology is the ology of epistems. Which is sort of the study of knowledge. *nodz* me use big words.

OK, stop being silly.

Its "what do we know, how do we know that we know it...what is knowledge anyway..."
And then when you ask those questions, it becomes pretty hard not to start falling into metaphysics..."How can we know anything when what we experience may not even be real" Basically, as long as metaphysics is uncertain, then knowledge will never be certain.
  • #4
Yes, but how can we know "the truth" of anything, unless we can see it for ourselves? Yes, I think I got it! :wink:

Or, at least that would be a very epistemilogical statement.

Thanks AG.

FAQ: Epistemology Explained: How Do We Know What We Know?

1. What is epistemology?

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of knowledge, how it is acquired, and the criteria for determining what is considered to be true or justified knowledge.

2. Why is epistemology important?

Epistemology is important because it helps us understand the foundations of knowledge and how we come to know things. It also helps us evaluate the validity of different types of knowledge and determine what can be considered to be true or justified.

3. How do we acquire knowledge?

There are various ways in which we acquire knowledge, including through our senses, reasoning, intuition, and testimony from others. Some philosophers also argue that knowledge can be acquired through revelation or divine inspiration.

4. What are the main theories of knowledge?

The main theories of knowledge include empiricism, rationalism, and constructivism. Empiricism holds that knowledge is gained through experience and observation, while rationalism argues that reason is the primary source of knowledge. Constructivism suggests that knowledge is actively constructed by individuals through their experiences and interactions with the world.

5. How do we determine what is true knowledge?

This is a complex and ongoing debate in epistemology. Some philosophers argue that knowledge must be justified and true, while others argue that it must also be believed by the knower. The criteria for determining what is considered to be true knowledge may vary depending on the specific theory of knowledge being used.

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