What Angle Ensures the Ball Appears to Move Straight?

In summary, a railcart A moves with a fixed acceleration relative to the earth and at t=0 a ball is thrown from it with a velocity relative to the railcart and at an angle above the horizon. The velocity of railcart B, which is being pushed by a man, is also fixed relative to the earth. The man sees the ball moving in a straight line and the question is what angle should the ball be thrown at for this to occur. The equation used is v_y/v_x = F_y/F_x and the Galilean transformation is attempted but not successful. The question is considered difficult and assistance is requested.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a railcart A moves in a fixed accelaration [tex]a_1=a_1 \hat{x} [/tex] ([tex]a_1 [/tex] is relavive to earth) at moment t=0 a ball is thrown from it in the velocity [tex]v_0 [/tex] ([tex]v_0 [/tex] is relative to the railcart A) and with the angle [tex] \alpha [/tex] above the horizon. the velocity of the railcart when the ball was thrown was [tex]\vec{v_1}=v_1\hat{x}[/tex] ([tex]v_1 [/tex] is relavive to earth). (the mass of the ball is neglectable relavtively to the railcart so that the act of throwing the ball doesn't affect the railcart)
behind railcart A moves another railcart B and on it a man. railcart B moves in a fixed accelaration [tex]a_2=a_2 \hat{x} [/tex] ([tex]a_2[/tex] is relavive to earth) the velocity of the railcart B when the ball was thrown was [tex]\vec{v_2}=v_2\hat{x}[/tex]([tex]v_2 [/tex] is relavive to earth)
the man on railcart B sees the ball moving in a straight line. what should be [tex] \alpha [/tex] for it to happen? (you can state [tex] \alpha [/tex] as its tan([tex] \alpha [/tex])

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

for the man this is true
i tried to use the galilean transformation
but i don't seem to pull it off

this question is really hard in my opinion
if you can give me a hand here
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
please can someone give me a hand here
  • #3

I would approach this problem by first understanding the concepts involved. The Galilean Transformation is a mathematical method used to transform the coordinates and velocities of an object observed in one frame of reference to another frame of reference that is moving at a constant velocity with respect to the first frame. In this problem, we have two frames of reference - the earth and the railcart A, and the earth and the railcart B.

To apply the Galilean Transformation, we need to define the coordinate systems and the velocities in each frame of reference. In this case, we can choose the x-axis to be along the direction of acceleration for both railcarts, and the y-axis to be perpendicular to the x-axis. The velocity of the railcart A, v_1, is along the x-axis and the velocity of the railcart B, v_2, is also along the x-axis.

Next, we can use the given information about the acceleration and velocity of the railcarts to determine the equations of motion for the ball in each frame of reference. In frame A, the acceleration is a_1 and the initial velocity is v_0. Using the equations of motion, we can find the position and velocity of the ball as seen from frame A. Similarly, in frame B, the acceleration is a_2 and the initial velocity is v_2.

Now, we can use the Galilean Transformation to transform the coordinates and velocities of the ball from frame A to frame B. This will give us the position and velocity of the ball as seen from frame B. We can then use this information to determine the angle \alpha that the man on railcart B needs to see the ball moving in a straight line.

In summary, to solve this problem, we need to use the Galilean Transformation to transform the coordinates and velocities of the ball from frame A to frame B, and then use the equations of motion to determine the angle \alpha. This approach is based on the principles of classical mechanics and can be solved using basic kinematics and algebraic manipulations. I hope this helps you understand and solve the problem.

FAQ: What Angle Ensures the Ball Appears to Move Straight?

1. What is Galilean Transformation?

Galilean Transformation is a mathematical concept that describes the relationship between two frames of reference in classical mechanics. It allows us to convert measurements of time, position, and velocity from one frame of reference to another.

2. Who was Galileo Galilei and what role did he play in the development of Galilean Transformation?

Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, mathematician, and astronomer who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries. He is known as the "father of modern science" and played a crucial role in the development of Galilean Transformation by using it to explain the motion of objects on Earth and in the sky.

3. How is Galilean Transformation different from Einstein's theory of relativity?

While both concepts deal with the relationship between frames of reference, Galilean Transformation is based on the assumption that time and space are absolute, while Einstein's theory of relativity states that they are relative. Additionally, Galilean Transformation is only applicable to objects moving at slow speeds, while relativity applies to all speeds.

4. What are some real-life applications of Galilean Transformation?

Galilean Transformation is used in various fields such as astronomy, physics, and engineering. It is used to study the motion of planets and satellites, analyze the movement of objects in fluid dynamics, and design structures that can withstand forces like wind and earthquakes.

5. Can Galilean Transformation be applied to non-inertial frames of reference?

No, Galilean Transformation can only be applied to inertial frames of reference, which are frames that are not accelerating. Non-inertial frames, such as those in rotating or accelerating systems, require more complex mathematical concepts, such as the Coriolis effect, to accurately describe the relationship between frames of reference.
