Why do electric flux and charge have the same units?

In summary, electric flux and charge have the same units, which are coulombs. This may seem like a coincidence, but there is a practical reason for using electric flux density (D=εE) to calculate flux ψ instead of electric field intensity (E). This is because electric flux is measured in V/m or volt per distance, not in coulombs like electric charge. The unit for electric charge is ampere seconds (A s) while the unit for electric flux is volt meters (V m). This difference can be further explored in the Wikipedia articles on Coulomb and Electric Flux.
  • #1
eletric flux and charge have same units ie coloumb

is it a coincidence or some similarity exists btw these two?

electric flux density D= εE is used for calculating flux ψ not E .why?(read tht it is done for practical reasons) please explain the practical reasons ,if any.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Electric flux is in V/m or Volt per distance, not coulomb.
  • #3
yungman said:
Electric flux is in V/m or Volt per distance, not coulomb.

no,V/m is electric field intensity not flux
  • #5

The reason why electric flux and charge have the same units is not a coincidence, but rather a result of the definition of electric flux. Electric flux is defined as the number of electric field lines passing through a given area, and it is directly proportional to the amount of electric charge present. This means that as the amount of charge increases, so does the electric flux.

Additionally, electric flux has the same units as charge because they both measure the same physical quantity - the amount of electric charge. This allows for easier comparison and calculation of electric flux in relation to the amount of charge present.

As for why electric flux density D= εE is used for calculating flux ψ, this is due to practical reasons. The electric flux density takes into account the permittivity of the medium, which is a measure of how easily electric fields can pass through a material. By using electric flux density, we can more accurately calculate the amount of flux passing through a given area, taking into account the properties of the material. This is important in practical applications, where the medium through which the electric field is passing may not be a vacuum.

FAQ: Why do electric flux and charge have the same units?

What is electric flux?

Electric flux is a measure of the flow of an electric field through a given area. It is calculated by taking the dot product of the electric field and the area vector.

How is electric flux related to charge?

Electric flux is directly proportional to the charge enclosed within the surface through which the electric field is passing. This relationship is described by Gauss's Law.

What is the unit of electric flux?

The unit of electric flux is volt meters squared (V*m2). This unit is equivalent to newton meters squared per coulomb (N*m2/C).

How can electric flux be calculated?

Electric flux can be calculated by taking the integral of the dot product between the electric field and the area vector over a given surface. This is represented by the equation Φ = ∫E⋅dA.

What is the difference between electric flux and electric field?

Electric flux is a measure of the flow of an electric field through a given surface, while electric field is a measure of the force experienced by a charge at a given point in space due to other charges. In other words, electric flux is a measure of the effect of the electric field on a surface, while electric field is a measure of the cause of that effect.
