Calculating Reflective coefficient for glass slab

In summary, the author lost confidence in his raytracing calculations, and experimented to try and regain confidence. He used supplies he had on hand, and recorded the results. He found noise in the data, but was able to determine that he had correctly applied the theory.
  • #1
Okay, so now I've lost all confidence in myself. I've had a lot of issues calculating the reflective coefficient for a glass slab and a thin film solar cell. I know this method isn't perfect, and not as good as experimental data (which, if anyone here can supply, I'd be happy to take it). However, I need to get my raytracing analysis done, and hopefully get published again if possible. These calculations are critical to me getting a somewhat valid answer for my raytracing calculation. (FYI this is research, not homework)

So, I'm referring to "Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer" by Howell, Siegel, and Menguc. Chapter 17 details the equations. I'm assuming an unpolarized source (the sun), so 50% is polarized one way, and 50% the other (correct me if wrong, anybody).

So, this is how I THINK it's done:

Calculate the refracted angle (θglass):

nairsin(θincident) = nglasssin(θglass)

θglass = arcsin(nairsin(θincident)/nglass)

Then, the surface reflectivity is calculated:

ρ = (1/2)(tan2incidentglass)/tan2incidentglass)+sin2incidentglass)/sin2incidentglass))

Then, just to keep it simple this time, assume the transmissivity = 1 (I can also calculate this with an attenuation coefficient, but no need to include that part here):

τ = 1

So, the reflective coefficient for a glass slab would be:

R = ρ(1+((1-ρ)2τ2)/(1-(ρτ)2))

R = ρ(1+(1-ρ)2/(1-ρ2))

A similar equation comes up for the photovoltaic cells, and I think if I can get this one right, I can get the other one right.

Part of my confusion for how the equation for the reflective coefficient is derived stems from the fact that they assume the reflectivity (ρ) is the same on both sides of the slab. Would this be the case? Because, in my mind, as it enters the glass, it's going from a low index of refraction to a high one. Then, as it hits the other air/glass interface, it's going from a high index to a low one. Is ρ really the same for each side as the ray passes through the glass? I've attached a spreadsheet that should show the results.

Thanks in advance. Let me know of errors, etc. I'll try to correct them.


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  • #2
Well, going to go ahead and bump my own post. If I have done something wrong so I'm not eliciting a response, please let me know (I'm new, after all). Also let me know if I didn't explain something very well.
  • #3
So, no answer from the forums, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

My supplies:

A homemade UV LED flashlight, masking tape, a multimeter, alligator clips, a sheet of plexiglas, a CIS solar cell, and a tape measure.

Well, probably the first datapoint or two would have been enough, but I did a few, with honestly, really good results for a garage experiment (well, or basement bathroom).

There is some noise in the data, but it's good enough to give me confidence that I have correctly applied the theory.

Take a look. Hope this helps somebody some time.


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FAQ: Calculating Reflective coefficient for glass slab

1. What is a reflective coefficient?

The reflective coefficient, also known as the reflection coefficient, is a measure of how much light is reflected off of a material's surface compared to how much is incident upon it.

2. How is the reflective coefficient calculated?

The reflective coefficient can be calculated by dividing the amount of light reflected by the amount of light incident upon the material. This can be expressed as a decimal, percentage, or fraction.

3. What is the equation for calculating the reflective coefficient for glass?

The equation for calculating the reflective coefficient for glass is: R = (n2 - n1)^2 / (n2 + n1)^2, where n1 is the refractive index of the first medium (usually air) and n2 is the refractive index of the second medium (glass).

4. How does the thickness of a glass slab affect the reflective coefficient?

The thickness of the glass slab has a direct impact on the reflective coefficient. As the thickness increases, the amount of light reflected also increases. This is because more light has to pass through the glass, resulting in more opportunities for reflection.

5. What factors can affect the accuracy of calculating the reflective coefficient for glass?

The accuracy of calculating the reflective coefficient for glass can be affected by factors such as the quality of the glass surface, the angle of incidence of light, and the presence of any coatings or impurities on the glass surface. It is important to carefully control these factors in order to obtain accurate results.

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