Reversible cycle and adiabatic expansion

In summary: We can use these temperatures to find the change in internal energy (dU) and the heat added to the system (dQ) for the first part of the problem. I hope this helps! In summary, the temperatures for the adiabatic expansion process can be found using the ideal gas law, and the change in internal energy and heat added to the system can be calculated using these temperatures.
  • #1

Homework Statement

One mole of a monatomic ideal gas is taken through the reversible cycle shown below. Process bc is an adiabatic expansion, with Pb = 10.0 atm and Vb = 1.00 x 10-3 m3. Find (a) the energy added to the gas as heat (b) the energy leaving the gas as heat, (c) the net work done by the gas, and (d) the efficiency of the cycle.

I attached the diagram of the cycle:

Homework Equations

Ideal gas law:

dQ=dW + dU

The Attempt at a Solution

For the first part I need to find the Q into the system which would be from dQ from a to b.

so dQ= dU + dW
dW=0 since there is constant volume. Meaning,

Since the gas is a monotomic ideal gas, that means
dU= (3/2)nR(Tb-Ta), since n=1 that means:
dU=(3/2)R(Tb-Ta) and thus

However, I don't know how to find out the temperatures. I tried figuring them out using the adiabatic equations assuming gamma=1.67 (for an ideal gas)

where PV^gamma=constant
and V^(gamma-1)T= constant
but I'm getting values like 15 K, and I know that is unrealistic, especially for a gas. Any help/tips would be appreciated!


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  • #2

Thank you for your question. I can help you with finding the temperatures in this problem.

First, let's take a closer look at the adiabatic expansion process from b to c. In this process, the gas is expanding without any heat exchange with the surroundings. This means that the change in internal energy (dU) is equal to the work done by the gas (dW). We can use the ideal gas law to find the initial and final temperatures for this process.

Since we know the initial pressure (Pb) and volume (Vb), we can use the ideal gas law to find the initial temperature (Tb):

Tb = PbVb/nR

Next, we can use the fact that the final pressure (Pc) and volume (Vc) are equal to the initial pressure and volume, but with different values. This is because the gas is expanding adiabatically, so the product of pressure and volume (PV) remains constant. This gives us:

PcVc = PbVb

We can rearrange this equation to find the final volume (Vc):

Vc = (PbVb)/Pc

Now, we can use the ideal gas law again to find the final temperature (Tc):

Tc = PcVc/nR

Substituting in the values for Pc and Vc, we get:

Tc = (PbVb)/(nR/Pc)

We know that Pc is equal to Pb/10, so we can substitute that in:

Tc = (PbVb)/(nR/(Pb/10))

Simplifying, we get:

Tc = (Vb/10)nR

Now, we have the initial and final temperatures for the adiabatic expansion process. We can use these temperatures to find the change in internal energy (dU) and the heat added to the system (dQ).

dU = (3/2)nR(Tc - Tb) = (3/2)nR[(Vb/10)nR - Tb]

dQ = dU + dW = (3/2)nR[(Vb/10)nR - Tb] + 0

So, to summarize, the temperatures for the adiabatic expansion process are:

Tb = PbVb/nR

Tc = (Vb/10)nR

  • #3

Your approach is correct in using the ideal gas law and the first law of thermodynamics to find the heat added to the system. However, the temperatures cannot be found using the adiabatic equations as the process is not adiabatic. The process bc is an isobaric process, meaning the pressure is constant. Therefore, the temperature can be found using the ideal gas law, where PV=nRT. Since the number of moles and gas constant are both constant, the temperature can be found by taking the ratio of the initial and final volumes. Use this temperature to find the heat added to the system and the efficiency of the cycle.

FAQ: Reversible cycle and adiabatic expansion

1. What is a reversible cycle?

A reversible cycle is a thermodynamic process in which the system undergoes a series of changes that can be reversed by an infinitesimal change in a parameter, such as temperature or pressure. In other words, the system can be brought back to its original state without any loss of energy.

2. How does adiabatic expansion differ from other types of expansion?

Adiabatic expansion is a process in which the system expands without any exchange of heat with the surroundings. This means that the temperature of the system remains constant during the expansion. In contrast, other types of expansion, such as isothermal expansion, involve a transfer of heat between the system and its surroundings, resulting in a change in temperature.

3. Can a reversible cycle involve adiabatic expansion?

Yes, a reversible cycle can involve adiabatic expansion. In fact, many reversible cycles, such as the Carnot cycle, involve both adiabatic expansion and compression. Adiabatic expansion is often used in combination with other processes to achieve maximum efficiency in a reversible cycle.

4. What is the importance of reversible cycles and adiabatic expansion?

Reversible cycles and adiabatic expansion are important in thermodynamics because they allow us to study and understand the behavior of systems in ideal conditions. They serve as a theoretical benchmark for real-world processes and help us to identify areas for improvement in practical systems.

5. How are reversible cycles and adiabatic expansion related to the laws of thermodynamics?

The first and second laws of thermodynamics govern the behavior of reversible cycles and adiabatic expansion. The first law, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, applies to these processes as they involve a transfer of energy. The second law, which states that the total entropy of a closed system cannot decrease over time, is also relevant as it determines the direction of these processes.
