What are your desires/plans/goal for the upcoming year?

In summary, the conversation revolved around setting goals and aspirations for the upcoming year. Writing down goals was proven to be helpful in achieving them. Some individuals mentioned personal goals like updating their skills, reading more books, and achieving a more balanced life. Others had bigger goals, such as exploring all of Asia or taking on new business opportunities. There were also discussions about family and career goals, as well as future plans for travel and education.
  • #1
The beginning of a 'new' year seems to invite aspirations of 'doing' something.

It has been proved to some extent that writing down what goals a person has helps that person to plan more vigorously to achieve those goals.

Large or small, on a level of a personal nature, or more of a grand one, what do you want to happen in this new and upcoming year of 2010?
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  • #2
I came *this* close to losing my job earlier in the year (twice, in fact) and it made me realize that I've been too complacent about updating my marketable skills.

So I'll be taking some classes, beefing up my resume.
  • #3
Since there is 52 weeks in a year, I plan to read 50 books. That's one book a week, or about 50 pages per day, or extra hour per day devoted to reading.

I usually come home tired, but I wish to squeeze this into my routine. And in addition log all the books read with notes/quotes in order to articulate them better.
  • #4
waht said:
Since there is 52 weeks in a year, I plan to read 50 books. That's one book a week, or about 50 pages per day, or extra hour per day devoted to reading.

I usually come home tired, but I wish to squeeze this into my routine. And in addition log all the books read with notes/quotes in order to articulate them better.

I like this idea so much that maybe I'll borrow it. However, I will take this goal and cut it in half! One book every 2 weeks for me please :)
  • #5
The cyclic parts of my life tend to be more dependent on the start of the academic year than the calendar year. So I'll be coming up with my goals in August.
  • #6
  • #7
arunma said:
The cyclic parts of my life tend to be more dependent on the start of the academic year than the calendar year. So I'll be coming up with my goals in August.
Mine are pretty much tied to the calendar year, so I'll be setting my goals in late December.
  • #8
Pay for Tsu's new ring.
Adopt another 500 cats
Figure out what new symptoms of old age present themselves
Always know the location of the nearest restroom
Torture Republicans with frequent Obama references
Once again, run for Emperor of the World
  • #9
I have some pretty hot business opportunities at hand with a major US company. My goal is to capitalize on these to the greatest extent possible. This may be the year that my retirement is set.
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  • #10
Achieving a more balanced life, working more on setting life priorities and goals.
  • #11
Mororvia said:
I like this idea so much that maybe I'll borrow it. However, I will take this goal and cut it in half! One book every 2 weeks for me please :)

Any number of books is fine. The goal is to squeeze more reading into your routine. Don't have to cut back on recreation, or the things you enjoy the most. Reading little, but consistently, will accumulate considerably over the year. And in the book selection, I want to read a wide variety of books, fiction and non-fiction. There is so much interesting stuff out there.
  • #13
Greg Bernhardt said:
To explore all of asia

Wow, all of it?!?

I guess Greg's going to be gone for a while :eek:!
  • #14
lisab said:
Wow, all of it?!?

I guess Greg's going to be gone for a while :eek:!

Pretty much, minus middle east, singapore, brunei and laos. I have three large trips mapped out. First trip to the southeast starts in a couple weeks.
  • #15
Greg Bernhardt said:
Pretty much, minus middle east, singapore, brunei and laos. I have three large trips mapped out. First trip to the southeast starts in a couple weeks.

In that case, I thinking we need a GregCam!
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
I have some pretty hot business opportunities at hand with a major US company. My goal is to capitalize on these to the greatest extent possible. This may be the year that my retirement is set.

  • #17
Greg Bernhardt said:
Pretty much, minus middle east, singapore, brunei and laos. I have three large trips mapped out. First trip to the southeast starts in a couple weeks.

North Korea?
  • #18
Graduate High school and go to college.

Other than that... hope the prom goes all right.
  • #19
Lose 18 pounds.
Practice my fiddle every day.
  • #20
Well since my car just broke down on me for the umteenth time last night on my way to work I think my primary goal right now is to buy another car.
  • #21
Get Outsourced.
Move into my house in Upper Michigan.
Relax and have fun under the dark skies in the picturesque North Woods.
  • #22
One of my main goals is to get my paper/monograph organized from the approximately 250 pages of notes. It probably won't be ready for publication, but, at least organized.

Another is to get started on addition to the house (enlarge the kitchen and move a bathroom).
  • #23
My goal is to remain employed while working for a company on the verge of bankruptcy in an industry that's spiraling downward to where what was once a high ticket, valued service, is a commodity to be shopped around.

Thanks dad for keeping me from going into science which was my dream.

On a bizarre note, my older daughter Spawn of Evo has decided not to get a PhD in Computer Science, she's decided the people in that field are boring (where's that head banging smiley?) she's been tutoring English comp and advanced calculus for the local college and now she wants to teach...she specifically wants to become a speech pathologist. Where did that come from?

I know what's going to happen, my girls will become professional students, I've seen it happen. 35 years old, 10 unrelated degrees and no job.
  • #24
well, there's a competition for them---22 MA degrees, 5 PhDs, and 3 D.Lits
  • #25
Evo said:
My goal is to remain employed while working for a company on the verge of bankruptcy in an industry that's spiraling downward to where what was once a high ticket, valued service, is a commodity to be shopped around.

Good luck; that doesn't sound much fun.

My goal this year is to write a few more papers followed by a thesis, and get out and sell myself at conferences. My ultimate aim would be to have a research job offer in the next few months, though that's just wishful thinking really.
  • #26
finish electrical engineering degree
get a job
master a programming language
  • #27
Evo said:
My goal is to remain employed while working for a company on the verge of bankruptcy in an industry that's spiraling downward to where what was once a high ticket, valued service, is a commodity to be shopped around.

So, the internet/communications industry is going down?

I had a tiny goal 6-8 months ago to make an easy path into stable industry and this has been successful but now I want something adventurous.
  • #28
I'd like to get below 160 by December 31st. That's a long shot, though.
  • #29
DaveC426913 said:
Lose 18 pounds.
Practice my fiddle every day.

hamster143 said:
I'd like to get below 160 by December 31st. That's a long shot, though.

Interesting that I want to get 130 lbs (60 kg). Currently I am at 119 (54 kg) I was 50 kg about five years ago. Need to gain 10 pounds.
  • #30
Gather more experimental data for the manuscripts of two papers and send them for publication by end of Feb. Save money for a south-east aisa trip sometime in May.
  • #31
Evo said:
Thanks dad for keeping me from going into science which was my dream.

you're a PF MENTOR! that's being into science!

I'd bet GB and a few others would write letters of praise if you wanted to go back to grad school.

It's NEVER too late----
  • #32
My goal is to 4.0 my spring semester, since it is my first at a real university. If I manage that, my next goal will 4.0 my fall semester.

I'm unimpressed with myself even after getting 4.0s my last few semesters at community college. To steal a Doug Stanhope line, that's like being the "prettiest Denny's waitress. Just because you're the best doesn't make you good."
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  • #33
Ivan Seeking said:
I have some pretty hot business opportunities at hand with a major US company. My goal is to capitalize on these to the greatest extent possible. This may be the year that my retirement is set.


(posted this once--maybe you didn't see it)

FAQ: What are your desires/plans/goal for the upcoming year?

1. What are your desires for the upcoming year?

My desires for the upcoming year are to continue making progress in my research and experiments, collaborate with other scientists, and publish my findings in reputable journals. I also hope to attend conferences and workshops to expand my knowledge and network within my field.

2. What are your plans for the upcoming year?

My plans for the upcoming year include conducting experiments, analyzing data, and writing research papers. I also plan to attend conferences and workshops to present my findings and learn from other scientists. Additionally, I will continue to seek funding opportunities to support my research and potentially expand my team.

3. What are your goals for the upcoming year?

My goals for the upcoming year are to make significant contributions to my field through my research, develop new skills and techniques, and establish collaborations with other scientists. I also aim to secure funding for long-term projects and potentially mentor and guide younger scientists in their research.

4. How do you plan to achieve your desires/goals for the upcoming year?

I plan to achieve my desires and goals for the upcoming year by dedicating myself to my research, maintaining a strong work ethic, and staying updated on the latest advancements in my field. I will also actively seek opportunities for collaboration and funding, as well as actively participate in conferences and workshops to expand my knowledge and network.

5. How will you measure your success in achieving your desires/goals for the upcoming year?

I will measure my success in achieving my desires and goals for the upcoming year by the progress and impact of my research, the number of publications and presentations, and the recognition and collaborations I receive within my field. Additionally, I will set personal milestones and regularly assess my progress towards achieving them.

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