Approximation of integral for small boundary

The key was to use the power rule for integration. In summary, the problem of obtaining the form p^(1-k) / (1-k) for f(p) in the paper on population genetics by Kimura (1962) is solved by using the power rule for integration and the fact that for small values of p, (\frac{1 - x}{x})^k = x^{-k}.
  • #1
This problem arises in a paper on population genetics (Kimura 1962).

1. The problem statement
Let [itex]f(p) = \int_0^p ((1 - x)/x)^k dx[/itex].

For a small value of p, we have approximately
f(p) = (p ^ (1-k)) / (1-k)

How is this obtained?

2. My attempt at a solution
I tried to expand the f(p) around p = 0. However, f'(p) = ((1 - p)/p)^k is undefined at p=0. Furthermore, it does not seem that this approach can yield the form p^(1-k) / (1-k). I must be missing something.

I would appreciate any insights. Thanks.
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  • #2
[itex]\frac{d}{dp} \frac{p^{1-k}}{1-k} = \frac{1}{p^{k}}[/itex]

And the derivative of your original function you said was [itex](\frac{1-p}{p})^{k}[/itex]

Does that help at all?
  • #3
Thanks for your reply Villyer. I've just solved it, with some help from a friend.

Here's the solution.

For [itex] x \approx 0 [/itex], [itex] (\frac{1 - x}{x})^k = x^{-k} [/itex]. Therefore, [itex] f(p) = \int_0^p x^{-k} dx = \frac{1}{1-k} p^{1 - k} [/itex], as required.

  • #4
  • #5


Thank you for bringing this problem to my attention. I am familiar with the paper by Kimura (1962) on population genetics and the approximation of integrals for small boundaries. This problem arises in the context of studying the distribution of gene frequencies in a population.

To obtain the approximation of f(p), we can use the Taylor expansion of the function ((1-x)/x)^k around x=0. This yields:

((1-x)/x)^k = 1 + kx + (1/2)k(k-1)x^2 + ...

Substituting this into the integral for f(p) and integrating term by term, we get:

f(p) = p + (1/2)kp^2 + (1/6)k(k-1)p^3 + ...

For small values of p, we can ignore the higher order terms and approximate f(p) as:

f(p) ≈ p

This approximation is known as the "incomplete beta function approximation" and is commonly used in population genetics.

To obtain the form p^(1-k) / (1-k), we can use the substitution u = 1-x in the original integral and simplify to get:

f(p) = (p^(1-k)) / (1-k)

This approximation is valid for small values of p and is often used in population genetics to simplify calculations.

I hope this helps to clarify the method used to obtain the approximation of f(p) for small boundaries. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.


FAQ: Approximation of integral for small boundary

What is the purpose of approximating integrals for small boundaries?

The purpose of approximating integrals for small boundaries is to find an estimate of the exact value of the integral. This is useful when the exact value cannot be easily calculated or when the boundaries are too small to accurately measure.

What is the difference between an exact integral and an approximate integral for small boundaries?

An exact integral is the precise value of the integral, while an approximate integral for small boundaries is an estimated value that is close to the exact value. The difference between the two will depend on the accuracy of the approximation method used.

What are the common methods used for approximating integrals for small boundaries?

Some common methods for approximating integrals for small boundaries include the trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, and the midpoint rule. These methods use different approaches to divide the area under the curve into smaller, easier-to-calculate sections.

How do you determine the accuracy of an approximate integral for small boundaries?

The accuracy of an approximate integral for small boundaries can be determined by comparing it to the exact value, if known. If the exact value is not known, the accuracy can be evaluated by using a smaller interval size and seeing if the approximate value changes significantly. A more accurate approximation will have a smaller error compared to the exact value.

What are some real-world applications of approximating integrals for small boundaries?

Approximating integrals for small boundaries has many practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. For example, it can be used to calculate the area under a velocity-time graph to find the displacement of an object, or to determine the total cost of production given a production function. It is also used in computer algorithms to solve complex mathematical problems.
