Primes and the Geometric Distribution

In summary, the conversation discusses the probability of the first heads occurring on a prime number when flipping a fair coin. This is represented by the summation of the probability of flipping a heads on each prime number, which converges quickly to a value of about 0.41468. The discussion also mentions the possibility of the answer being irrational or expressible as a fraction of constants, but there is not enough information to determine this. Overall, the conversation concludes that while there are some known products and sums involving the nth primes, this particular case may not be one of them.
  • #1
Given the probability of flipping a heads with a fair coin is [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex], what is the probability that the first heads occurs on a prime number?
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  • #2
[tex]\sum_{n=1}^\infty \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{p_n}[/tex]

where [itex]p_n[/itex] is the nth prime number.

Which gives a value of about 0.41468
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  • #3
Let {[itex]p_i[/itex]} be the sequence of primes. The probability you're looking for would be:

[tex]\sum _{i=1} ^{\infty} 0.5^{p_i}[/tex]
  • #4
Yes, I realize that the answer is this summation ([tex]\sum _{primes} ^{} 1/2^p[/tex]), which clearly converges very quickly (to about .4146825...). Anyone have any ideas on whether the answer is irrational, or even expressable as a fraction of constants (like [tex]\sum _{n=1} ^{\infty} 1/n^2[/tex]. Anyone know anything else about [tex]f(x)=\sum _{primes} ^{} 1/x^p[/tex]?
  • #5
I don't really know what more you want, if we wee able to ask your question precisely we'd be to busy polishing our Fields medals to post on Physics Forums.

We can say the series is convergant, but I don't think there's too much more we can say.
  • #6
There are a lot of products and sums involving the nth primes that converge very quickly to a value, there are even somewhoe precise value can be known, but I'm pretty ceratin that this isn't one of them.
  • #7
If you had posted this question several centuries ago, I might have said:

"the sum approaches [tex]\sqrt{2} - 1 [/tex] but there is not enough room in this forum for me to prove it. "

and gotten away with that !

FAQ: Primes and the Geometric Distribution

1. What are prime numbers and why are they important?

Prime numbers are positive integers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves. They are important in mathematics because they serve as the building blocks for all other numbers. They are also crucial in cryptography and number theory.

2. How are prime numbers distributed among the positive integers?

The distribution of prime numbers among the positive integers is often described as random, with no discernible pattern. However, there are some known patterns such as the Prime Number Theorem, which states that as the integers get larger, the density of prime numbers decreases.

3. What is the geometric distribution and how is it related to prime numbers?

The geometric distribution is a probability distribution that models the number of trials needed to achieve a success in a series of independent trials. It is related to prime numbers because the probability of a randomly chosen integer being prime follows a geometric distribution with a success rate of approximately 1/ln(x), where x is the chosen integer.

4. Are there any applications of the geometric distribution in prime number research?

Yes, the geometric distribution has been used to analyze the distribution of twin primes, which are pairs of prime numbers that differ by 2. It has also been used to study the gaps between consecutive primes, and to make conjectures about the distribution of prime numbers among the positive integers.

5. Can the geometric distribution be used to predict prime numbers?

No, the geometric distribution cannot be used to accurately predict prime numbers. While it can provide some insights into the distribution of prime numbers, it is not a reliable method for predicting specific primes. The distribution of prime numbers is still an area of ongoing research and there is no known formula or method for predicting them.

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