Infinity Limit: Solving with Simplification and L'Hospital's Rule

  • Thread starter seto6
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In summary, the conversation discusses finding the limit of a function using L'Hopital's rule, with one person providing a solution that is not justified and the other providing a correct solution by rationalizing the numerator and using the definition of absolute value. The correct solution shows that the limit approaches -2.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

N/A (L'Hospital (maybe)??

The Attempt at a Solution

so this is what i tried,

since i got infinity - infininty, i tried to convert to a fraction then went on from there to get 2

but using wolfram it gave me -2, mind that it used l'hoapital after converting to a fraction, i didn't find it necessary to apply L'H, since i simplified and didn't get an intermidate form.



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  • #2
Your last step is not really justified.

[tex] \sqrt{x^{2} +2x}+ \sqrt{x^{2}-2x }= |x| \left(\sqrt{1 + \frac{2}{x}} + \sqrt{1 -\frac{2}{x}} \right) [/tex]

Since x gets more and more negative

|x| = -x ( in this case)
  • #3
abs(x)abs so i can use it as -x and x and see if they boht approch the same #?
  • #4
seto6 said:
abs(x)abs so i can use it as -x and x and see if they boht approch the same #?
In your specific case they will not approach the same number as you can see. That is why wolfram got -2.

|x| = -x if x <0
|x| = x if x >= 0In you case x was going to negative infinity. So it only make sense to put abs(x) = -x.
In your solution you simiply put [tex] |x| = x[/tex] which is not justified since you are bringing stuff out of the square root.
  • #5
hey.. so how can i work with the absolute's? help...
  • #6
What do you mean ?
  • #7
\sqrt{x^{2} +2x}+ \sqrt{x^{2}-2x }= |x| \left(\sqrt{1 + \frac{2}{x}} + \sqrt{1 -\frac{2}{x}} \right)
[/tex]from here can i find the limit like i take into account like split into -x and x and find the values... i did find them but they are -2 and 2... where I am i going wrongEDIT: you said something about using -x...why is that...
  • #8
I don't see how that will do any good at all since you still have that "|x|" going to infinity and the difference going to 0.

What I recommend, even though you don't really have a fraction, is to "rationalize the numerator":
[tex]\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}- \sqrt{x^2- 2x}= \left(\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}- \sqrt{x^2- 2x}\right)\frac{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}[/tex]
[tex]= \frac{x^2+ 2x- (x^2- 2x)}{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}[/tex]
[tex]= \frac{4x}{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}[/tex]

Now divide both numerator and denominator by x, making it [itex]x^2[/itex] inside the square roots:
[tex]\frac{4}{\sqrt{1+ 2/x}+ \sqrt{1- 2/x}}[/tex]

Now take the limit as x goes to negative infinity.
  • #9
seto6 said:
[tex] \sqrt{x^{2} +2x}+ \sqrt{x^{2}-2x }= |x| \left(\sqrt{1 + \frac{2}{x}} + \sqrt{1 -\frac{2}{x}} \right)

from here can i find the limit like i take into account like split into -x and x and find the values... i did find them but they are -2 and 2... where I am i going wrong

EDIT: you said something about using -x...why is that...

Okay I will explain in more details.

[tex]\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}- \sqrt{x^2- 2x}= \left(\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}- \sqrt{x^2- 2x}\right)\frac{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}[/tex]
[tex]= \frac{x^2+ 2x- (x^2- 2x)}{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}[/tex]
[tex]= \frac{4x}{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}[/tex]

This is all good. You did that part excellently.

[tex] \frac{4x}{ \left( \sqrt{ x^{2} \left(1+ \frac{2}{x}\right)}+ \sqrt{ x^{2} \left(1- \frac{2}{x} \right)} \right)}[/tex]

Take the [tex]x^2[/tex] term out
[tex]=\frac{4x}{ \left|x \right| \left( \sqrt{1+ 2/x}+ \sqrt{1- 2/x} \right)}[/tex]

The absolute value sign is because...
[tex] \sqrt{x^2} = \left|x \right| [/tex]

We know that |x| is defined as follows

|x| = -x if x<0
|x| = x if x >= 0

In your limit x <0 since you are making x approach negative infinity . x would be negative so -x would make x positive. Do you understand this ?

And that is why you should replace |x| with -x

That is ...
[tex]=\frac{4x}{-x \left( \sqrt{1+ 2/x}+ \sqrt{1- 2/x} \right)}[/tex]
[tex]=\frac{-4}{ \sqrt{1+ 2/x}+ \sqrt{1- 2/x}}[/tex]

And now you can happily take your limit to and you will see that it approaches [tex] \frac{-4}{2} = -2[/tex]

HallsofIvy said:
I don't see how that will do any good at all since you still have that "|x|" going to infinity and the difference going to 0.

What I recommend, even though you don't really have a fraction, is to "rationalize the numerator":
[tex]\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}- \sqrt{x^2- 2x}= \left(\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}- \sqrt{x^2- 2x}\right)\frac{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}[/tex]
[tex]= \frac{x^2+ 2x- (x^2- 2x)}{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}[/tex]
[tex]= \frac{4x}{\sqrt{x^2+ 2x}+ \sqrt{x^2- 2x}}[/tex]

Now divide both numerator and denominator by x, making it [itex]x^2[/itex] inside the square roots:
[tex]\frac{4}{\sqrt{1+ 2/x}+ \sqrt{1- 2/x}}[/tex]

Now take the limit as x goes to negative infinity.

That is exactly what OP did which was incorrect.

Following your solution leads to a limit going to [tex] \frac{4}{2} =2[/tex] which is not correct!
  • #10
╔(σ_σ)╝ thank you so much i see where i went wrong...(I always make these mistake)

FAQ: Infinity Limit: Solving with Simplification and L'Hospital's Rule

What is a simple limit?

A simple limit is a mathematical concept that describes the behavior of a function as its input approaches a specific value. It is often used to determine the value that a function approaches as its input gets closer and closer to a certain point.

How is a simple limit calculated?

A simple limit is calculated by plugging in values that are approaching the specified point into the function and observing the resulting outputs. This can be done manually or with the use of mathematical tools such as a graphing calculator.

Why is it important to verify a simple limit?

Verifying a simple limit is important because it ensures that the calculated limit accurately reflects the behavior of the function. It also allows for the identification of any errors or discrepancies in the calculation process.

What are the common techniques used to verify a simple limit?

The most common techniques used to verify a simple limit include the substitution method, the squeeze theorem, and the epsilon-delta method. These techniques involve manipulating the function or its inputs to simplify the limit calculation.

What are some real-world applications of simple limits?

Simple limits have many real-world applications, such as determining the maximum load capacity of a bridge, predicting the growth of a population, and calculating rates of change in physics and economics. They are also used in computer science and engineering to optimize algorithms and improve system performance.
