Is the Interval (a,b] a Well-Ordered Set?

  • Thread starter rukawakaede
  • Start date
In summary: There's a difference between an interval of zero measure and the empty set. The interval (b,a] is open to b (the interval doesn't include b) but closed in 'a' (the interval includes a.) However 'a' is a point and if the interval contains only 'a', it is said to be of zero measure. Now I'm not sure exactly what (x,x] means, but it must at least mean that x takes the value 'a' if not any other values less than b. If so, the set {x} is not empty because {a}=(x}.
  • #1
As title, is this true ?

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  • #2

rukawakaede said:
As title, is this true ?


I would not know how to interpret that. It seems if you want to indicate a half-open interval you would write (b,a]. The variable x could then be defined as [tex] b> x \geq a [/tex].
  • #3
hi rukawakaede! :smile:
rukawakaede said:
As title, is this true ?


no, (x,x] is empty :wink:
  • #4

tiny-tim said:
hi rukawakaede! :smile:no, (x,x] is empty :wink:

how about


?sorry, i made a typo just now. now corrected.
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  • #5
yes :smile:
  • #6

tiny-tim said:
yes :smile:

Thank you! :smile:
  • #7

I guess (x,x] would have to be defined as the set of all real numbers t such that x<t≤x. There is no such t (if one of the inequalities hold, then the other doesn't), so (x,x] must be the empty set.
  • #8

rukawakaede said:
how about



If you're going to write it that way, shouldn't that be [tex] a\in\mathbb R[/tex]?
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  • #9

I think he meant to make that an intersection, not a union. As it stands, the left-hand side is =(x-1,x], assuming that we don't count 0 as a natural number. I prefer to include 0 in the natural numbers, and to use [itex]\mathbb Z^+[/itex] for the positive integers.
  • #10

Fredrik said:
I think he meant to make that an intersection, not a union. As it stands, the left-hand side is =(x-1,x], assuming that we don't count 0 as a natural number. I prefer to include 0 in the natural numbers, and to use [itex]\mathbb Z^+[/itex] for the positive integers.

i made a typo. thanks for correction.

and also [tex]\mathbb{N}=\{1,2,3,\cdots\}[/tex]

I don't know why I tend to write natural number including 0 in this way: [tex]\mathbb{N}_0=\{0,1,2,3,\cdots\}[/tex]
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  • #11

SW VandeCarr said:
If you're going to write it that way, shouldn't that be [tex] n\in\mathbb R[/tex]?

sorry for my lack of clarity.
n is in [tex]\mathbb{N}[/tex]
as I use [tex]\mathbb{N}[/tex] as a countable index set.

sorry i didn't mention [tex]x\in\mathbb{R}[/tex], but I think it is clear from context.
  • #12

rukawakaede said:
sorry for my lack of clarity.
n is in [tex]\mathbb{N}[/tex]
as I use [tex]\mathbb{N}[/tex] as a countable index set.

sorry i didn't mention [tex]x\in\mathbb{R}[/tex], but I think it is clear from context.

I thought any open or half-open interval implied an interval on the real number line. I'm not sure where countable sets are relevant. No one else has raised this, so I must be missing something. Perhaps you or someone else could explain. If you have (x,x] then you have x=a and x<b so x=a. This is not an empty set because {x=a} contains the point a although (x,x] is an interval of zero measure..
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  • #13

SW VandeCarr said:
I thought any open or half-open interval implied an interval on the real number line. I'm not sure where countable sets are relevant. No one else has raised this, so I must be missing something.
He's just asking if

[tex]\bigcap_{n\in Z^+}\big(x-\frac{1}{n},x\big]=\{x\}[/tex]

and it is, since x is a member of (x-1/n,x] for all n, and no other real number is. I'm not sure what bothers you about this. (He wrote \bigcup instead of \bigcap by accident, and I assume that his [itex]\mathbb N[/itex] is equal to what I call [itex]\mathbb Z^+[/itex], i.e. {1,2,3,...}). He could of course also have asked if

[tex]\bigcap_{r\in\mathbb R,\, r>0}\big(x-\frac{1}{r},x\big]=\{x\},[/tex]

but that would just have been a slightly different way to make the same point.

SW VandeCarr said:
If you have (x,x] then you have x=a and x<b so x=a. This is not an empty set because {x=a} contains the point a although (x,x] is an interval of zero measure..
I don't quite understand what you're saying here, but what I said in #7 explains why (x,x] is empty for all x.
  • #14

Fredrik said:
I don't quite understand what you're saying here, but what I said in #7 explains why (x,x] is empty for all x.

There's a difference between an interval of zero measure and the empty set. The interval (b,a] is open to b (the interval doesn't include b) but closed in 'a' (the interval includes a.) However 'a' is a point and if the interval contains only 'a', it is said to be of zero measure. Now I'm not sure exactly what (x,x] means, but it must at least mean that x takes the value 'a' if not any other values less than b. If so, the set {x} is not empty because {a}=(x}.

I also don't understand why you were talking about countable sets. It seems to me the notation (x,x] implies an interval on the real number line unless otherwise specified.
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  • #15
SW VandeCarr said:
Now I'm not sure exactly what (x,x] means, but it must at least mean that x takes the value 'a' if not any other values less than b. If so, the set {x} is not empty because {a}=(x}.

I'm with Fredrik :smile: on this …

(x,x] is open to the left and closed to the right: if it's open to the left, it can't contain x

alternatively, treating the reals merely as an ordered set without a topology, (x,x] contains elements strictly greater than x and less than or equal to x: it can't contain x :wink:
  • #16

tiny-tim said:
I'm with Fredrik :smile: on this …

(x,x] is open to the left and closed to the right: if it's open to the left, it can't contain x

alternatively, treating the reals merely as an ordered set without a topology, (x,x] contains elements strictly greater than x and less than or equal to x: it can't contain x :win:k:

Yo no entiendo. Please explain. If the interval (b,a] contains 'a'; why can't x=a? Moreover in the next paragraph you say:

"alternatively, treating the reals merely as an ordered set without a topology, (x,x] contains elements strictly greater than x and less than or equal to x: it can't contain x" :wink:

Besides, why do we want to assume the real number line doesn't have a topology? It does. It is totally ordered (by the Axiom of Choice I believe) and is also a metric space, both features defining a topology.
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  • #17
SW VandeCarr said:
Yo no entiendo. Please explain. If the interval (b,a] contains 'a'; why can't x=a?

why should it? :confused:

the interval (3,2] doesn't contain 2, so why should (2,2] ?
Moreover in the next paragraph you say:

"alternatively, treating the reals merely as an ordered set without a topology, (x,x] contains elements strictly greater than x and less than or equal to x: it can't contain x" :wink:

yes, elements "strictly greater than x and less than or equal to x" don't include x :wink:
  • #18

SW VandeCarr said:
The interval (b,a] is open to b (the interval doesn't include b) but closed in 'a' (the interval includes a.)
If you define (b,a] as "the interval from b to a, with b not included and a included", then (x,x] is neither empty nor non-empty, it's just nonsense. (A set can't both contain x and not contain x). If you define (b,a] as "the set of all t such that b<t≤a", then (x,x] is empty. (I prefer the latter definition because it makes sense for all a and b, and doesn't require us to have defined "interval" in advance).

SW VandeCarr said:
I also don't understand why you were talking about countable sets. It seems to me the notation (x,x] implies an interval on the real number line unless otherwise specified.
:confused: I don't understand your concern at all. n is an index that labels the sets in the family of sets that we're taking the intersection of. If the definitions of the sets in the family hadn't involved some algebraic operations, we could have used any set as the index set. In this particular case, where the sets are (x-1/n,x], the index set can be any subset of the real numbers that doesn't include 0.
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  • #19

tiny-tim said:
why should it? :confused:

the interval (3,2] doesn't contain 2, so why should (2,2] ?yes, elements "strictly greater than x and less than or equal to x" don't include x :wink:

I'm sorry. Why do you say that (3,2] doesn't include 2? As a half closed interval doesn't this notation correspond to [tex]3> x \geq 2[/tex]? Please explain why you are saying 2 is not included in the interval when every reference I've checked says it is. I'll just post one.
  • #20

No, (3,2] is the set of all real numbers x such that 3<x≤2. There are no such real numbers. Therefore, (3,2]=∅.
  • #21

Fredrik said:
No, (3,2] is the set of all real numbers x such that 3<x≤2. There are no such real numbers. Therefore, (3,2]=∅.

OK. But that's not the inequality I wrote in my previous posts. However for (a,b] I do see your point. If I write [tex]a < x \leq b[/tex] then the corresponding set has no least element and therefore cannot be well ordered. Thanks.
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FAQ: Is the Interval (a,b] a Well-Ordered Set?

1. What is a well-ordered set?

A well-ordered set is a mathematical concept that describes a set in which every non-empty subset has a least element. This means that every element in the set has a clear and defined order, and there are no "gaps" or missing elements in the set.

2. How is a well-ordered set different from a totally ordered set?

In a totally ordered set, every pair of elements can be compared and there is a clear order between them. However, in a well-ordered set, every non-empty subset has a least element, not just every pair of elements. This means that a well-ordered set has a more strict and defined structure compared to a totally ordered set.

3. Is (a,b] a well-ordered set?

Yes, (a,b] is a well-ordered set if a and b are real numbers and a < b. This is because every non-empty subset of (a,b] has a least element. For example, the subset (a,b] itself has a least element of a, and any other subset within (a,b] will also have a least element.

4. Can a set be both well-ordered and infinite?

Yes, a set can be both well-ordered and infinite. One example is the set of natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ...), which is both infinite and well-ordered since every non-empty subset has a least element (e.g. the subset {1,2,3} has a least element of 1).

5. How are well-ordered sets used in mathematics?

Well-ordered sets are used in various branches of mathematics, including set theory, real analysis, and topology. They provide a foundational concept for understanding the structure of sets and can be used to prove theorems and make logical deductions in these fields.

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