Finding instantaneous velocity at given points on nonlinear graph

In summary, the problem presents a nonlinear graph with the y-axis ranging from 0.0 to 40.0m and the x-axis ranging from 0.0 to 5.0s. The points on the graph include (0,10), (1,~19), (2, ~23), (3, ~26), (4, ~26), and (5, ~20). The question is to estimate the instantaneous velocity of the train at 2.0s and 4.0s. Various methods are suggested, including using a ruler and pencil to draw a tangent line to the graph, and calculating the slope at the desired points. The concept of instantaneous velocity is briefly discussed, and it is
  • #1

Homework Statement

Problem is presented as a nonlinear graph. Y-axis is in meters and ranges from 0.0 to 40.0m in increments of 10m, and the X-axis is in seconds, 0.0-5.0s (increments of 1). Points on graph include (0,10), (1,~19), (2, ~23), (3, ~26), (4, ~26), and (5, ~20).

Question: "Estimate the instantaneous velocity of the train at 2.0s." (and again at 4.0s).

Homework Equations

V(av) = delta(x) / delta(t)
V(as delta(t) approaches 0) = delta(x) / delta(t).

The Attempt at a Solution


I understand the concept behind finding instantaneous velocity in that it's an instant measure of motion and includes a directional component, but damn if I can remember how to do it. The notes from class are a bit too complicated to be of use, and guesstimating the slope of a line tangent to x=2 isn't much help, given this graph.

Any thoughts?
Physics news on
  • #2
exi said:
guesstimating the slope of a line tangent to x=2 isn't much help, given this graph.

Any thoughts?

Do you have a copy of the graph online? You should be able to obtain a reasonable tangent by using a ruler and a pencil, and drawing your tangent onto your graph.
  • #3
Archduke said:
Do you have a copy of the graph online? You should be able to obtain a reasonable tangent by using a ruler and a pencil, and drawing your tangent onto your graph.

I'm afraid I don't. Besides drawing in more precise increments on the axes, sketching the tangent line, and taking the slope of that where it intersects the point in question, how should I be going about this? All of the questions before that one on these notes are in reference to distance, displacement, average speed and velocity - all the usual stuff - but I'm still a little unsure as to the most efficient way to solve it.
  • #4
well at 2s it's zero
  • #5
ice109 said:
well at 2s it's zero

And how is that?
  • #6
exi said:
And how is that?

im sorry i meant 4s
  • #7
ice109 said:
im sorry i meant 4s

Alright... but how is that?
  • #8
exi said:
Alright... but how is that?

(3, ~26), (4, ~26) because dx/dt is zero there? as in it doesn't move as in it's position doesn't change, again if i could see the graph it would be much easier to tell.

i guess it could have a steep negative slope around there somewhere.

FAQ: Finding instantaneous velocity at given points on nonlinear graph

1. What is instantaneous velocity?

Instantaneous velocity is the velocity of an object at a specific point in time. It is a measure of how fast an object is moving and in what direction at that particular moment.

2. How is instantaneous velocity calculated?

To calculate instantaneous velocity at a given point on a nonlinear graph, you need to find the slope of the tangent line at that point. This can be done by taking the derivative of the function representing the graph at that point.

3. Why is it important to find instantaneous velocity on a nonlinear graph?

Nonlinear graphs represent real-world situations where the velocity of an object is constantly changing. By finding the instantaneous velocity at different points on the graph, we can better understand how the object is moving and make accurate predictions about its future motion.

4. What units are used to measure instantaneous velocity?

Instantaneous velocity is typically measured in units of distance per time, such as meters per second or kilometers per hour. The specific unit used may depend on the context of the problem.

5. Can instantaneous velocity be negative?

Yes, instantaneous velocity can be negative if the object is moving in the opposite direction of the positive direction of the coordinate system. This indicates that the object is slowing down or moving in the opposite direction of its initial motion.
