Exploring the Concept of Batteries | 65 Chars

In summary, a battery is made up of electrochemical cells that create charges through chemical reactions and complete a circuit by releasing the charges from one terminal and returning them to the other. The charges move through the circuit due to the external electric field created by the battery, which aims for higher electric potential and propogates through the wires. The battery provides the necessary voltage for the charges to move, but does not actually provide the charges themselves. The charges move relatively slow through the circuit, but the electric field allows for high speed propagation, making the device seem to work instantly when the circuit is closed. The concept of Ah (ampere-hours) in a battery refers to the amount of electrical charge that can be stored in a battery and is dependent
  • #1
Could someone explain the concept of a battery
I've looked it up in my textbook and wikipedia, but it doesn't really help

Here is what I think I understand
1. Charges (electrons) are made in the cell by chemical reactions
2. They complete the circuit by leaving one of the terminals and returning to the other.

So my questions are
1. Which terminal are the charges made at and which terminal do they leave to go through the circuit?
2. After completing the circuit, how do the charges move from one terminal of the battery to the other?
3. How is potential difference involved in this?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Instead of battery, search Wikipedia for 'electrochemical cell'. A battery is made up of a bunch of electrochemical cells bundled together.
  • #3
i wn to know about Ah in battery..what is the current produce in 12 V dc at 7 Ah that have been rate 10 hours?
  • #4
The external electric field of a battery is similar to a dipole. Since a potential difference is created by the battery, the electrons aim for the higher electric potential (or lower potential energy state), and their route would be through the circuitry. Once they reach the battery terminal, they do go through the battery...so its sort of as though the charges run through the circuit while losing energy and reload as the pass through the battery (I'm not sure on how the charges move through the battery). Electric field is propogated by a battery and once the charges start moving in the circuit, you can look at it as an electric field running along the wires/circuitry. Charges do not move fast across a circuit (they actually move at a slow average speed) and the battery does not provide for the charges, it provides for the necessary voltage, which for batteries is called emf; the charges are available at all points in the circuit and the battery provides an electric field that moves the charges (electric fields are able to travel at the speed of light)...so when a circuit is closed by a switch, the reason why the device works seemingly instantly is because the electric field is able to propogate at high speeds and charges at considerably all parts of the circuit start moving almost simultaneously.
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FAQ: Exploring the Concept of Batteries | 65 Chars

What is a battery?

A battery is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy, by utilizing a chemical reaction to produce a flow of electrons.

What are the components of a battery?

A battery typically consists of two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, separated by an electrolyte. Additional components may include a separator, a collector, and a casing.

What are the different types of batteries?

There are many types of batteries, including alkaline, lead-acid, lithium-ion, nickel-cadmium, and more. Each type has different chemical compositions and characteristics, making them suitable for different applications.

How do batteries work?

Batteries work by converting chemical energy into electrical energy. When a battery is connected to a circuit, a chemical reaction occurs within the battery, causing one electrode to become positively charged and the other to become negatively charged. This creates a flow of electrons, which can power devices connected to the battery.

How long do batteries last?

The lifespan of a battery depends on its type, usage, and storage conditions. Generally, batteries can last from a few hours to several years. However, over time, all batteries will eventually lose their ability to hold a charge and will need to be replaced.
