Finding an angle given only the Coefficient of static friction

In summary: But that information is not given in the problem. Only one variable is given. This is very puzzling to me b/c I don't understand how to attempt setting up a formula to solve for the angle when only 0.22 is given.-The normal force would be the weight of the box right? But that information is not given in the problem. Only one variable is given. This is very puzzling to me b/c I don't understand how to attempt setting up a formula to solve for the angle when only 0.22 is given.-The normal force would be the weight of the box right? But that information
  • #1
1. A box sits on a horizontal wooden board. The coefficient of static friction between the box and the board is 0.22. You grab one end of the board and lift it up, keeping the other end of the board on the ground. What is the angle between the board and the horizontal direction when the box begins to slide down the board

2. Homework Equations
µ = f / N

3. I do not understand how to calculate an angle when only one variable is given. I know how to calculate the angle when you're able to calculate the sides and then use the arc tan to solve for the angle. If someone could please explain how to work out this problem I would greatly appreciate it.
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  • #2
Hint: What forces act on the box just before it begins to slip? What must the net force be at that point? Analyze the vertical and horizontal force components.
  • #3
The forces that act on it are gravity 9.8 m/s^2 and static friction. The net force's must sum up to zero, but I still don't understand how to find an angle when only the coefficient of static friction is the only variable given.
  • #4
slu1986 said:
The forces that act on it are gravity 9.8 m/s^2 and static friction. The net force's must sum up to zero, but I still don't understand how to find an angle when only the coefficient of static friction is the only variable given.
Don't forget the normal force.

Hint: Consider force components parallel to the board's surface.
  • #5
The normal force would be the weight of the box right? But that information is not given in the problem. Only one variable is given. This is very puzzling to me b/c I don't understand how to attempt setting up a formula to solve for the angle when only 0.22 is given.
  • #6
slu1986 said:
The normal force would be the weight of the box right?
No, it depends on the angle.
But that information is not given in the problem. Only one variable is given.
Call the mass of the box "m". You won't need it.
This is very puzzling to me b/c I don't understand how to attempt setting up a formula to solve for the angle when only 0.22 is given.
Please tell me (symbolically, not with numbers):
-the normal force
-the static friction
-the component of the weight parallel to the board

Then write an equation for force components parallel to the board's surface.

FAQ: Finding an angle given only the Coefficient of static friction

1. What is the coefficient of static friction?

The coefficient of static friction is a dimensionless number that represents the amount of friction between two surfaces that are in contact with each other. It is a measure of how difficult it is to start an object in motion when it is resting on a surface.

2. How is the coefficient of static friction determined?

The coefficient of static friction is determined experimentally by measuring the force required to start an object in motion on a surface and dividing it by the weight of the object. This process is repeated multiple times to get an average value for the coefficient of static friction.

3. Can the coefficient of static friction change?

Yes, the coefficient of static friction can change depending on the materials and surfaces in contact with each other. It can also change with the surface conditions, such as the presence of moisture or oil.

4. How does the coefficient of static friction relate to finding an angle?

The coefficient of static friction can be used to calculate the maximum angle at which an object can rest on a surface without sliding. This is done by using the formula tan(angle) = coefficient of static friction.

5. Why is it important to find the angle given only the coefficient of static friction?

Knowing the maximum angle at which an object can rest without sliding is important in many practical applications, such as designing ramps, roads, and other structures. It helps ensure the safety and stability of objects on inclined surfaces.
