Successive Approximation for Pendulum

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of successive approximations to solve for the pendulum equation, with the goal of finding an expression for theta in terms of time. There are some issues with the calculations, including not taking into account the limits of theta and using inconsistent terms in the successive approximations. The user is advised to consider both positive and negative values of theta and to be careful with the substitutions to arrive at the desired answer.
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Homework Statement

Given the pendulum equation



[tex]\theta[/tex] oscillates between the limits [tex]\pm\kappa[/tex],

[tex]\phi[/tex] is a new variable which runs from 0 to [tex]2\pi[/tex] for one cycle of [tex]\theta[/tex],


[tex]\phi+\frac{1}{8}a^2(2\phi-\sin2\phi)+... = {(\frac{g}{l})}^{\frac{1}{2}}t[/tex]

Show, using successive approximations twice that




Homework Equations

[tex]\sin{x} = x\mbox{ - }\frac{x^3}{3!}\mbox{ + }\frac{x^5}{5!}\mbox{ - ...}[/tex]


The Attempt at a Solution

I found [tex]\omega'[/tex] by successive approximations of [tex]\phi[/tex]. For [tex]\theta[/tex], using the sine expansion to third order;

[tex]\theta \mbox{ - } \frac{{\theta}^3}{24}=\mbox{2a}\sin\phi[/tex]



The first order (in a) approximation is then


Substituting into the expanded expression for theta gives the first approximation:


This first appoximation is substituted into the expression for theta giving a second approximation. I have done so retaining sine terms up to the 3rd harmonic (the highest power of sine to reduce was to the nineth power) and sine expansion of kappa to third order, and I do not arrive at the desired answer. Is my approach correct?
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  • #2

Your approach seems to be on the right track, but there are a few issues with your calculations. Firstly, in your first approximation for theta, you have used the sine expansion to the third order, but then in your second approximation, you have only retained terms up to the 3rd harmonic. This could lead to errors in your final result.

Another issue is that you have not taken into account the limits of \theta in your calculations. Remember that \theta oscillates between \pm\kappa, so you will need to consider the sine expansion for both positive and negative values of \theta.

Finally, it seems like you have made a mistake in your substitution for the first approximation of theta. When substituting \theta=\mbox{2a}\sin\phi into the expanded expression for theta, you should get:


Hopefully, these tips will help you arrive at the correct answer. Keep in mind that successive approximations can be a tricky concept, so don't get discouraged if it takes a few attempts to get the correct result. Good luck!

FAQ: Successive Approximation for Pendulum

1. What is Successive Approximation for Pendulum?

Successive Approximation for Pendulum is a numerical method used to approximate the motion of a pendulum based on its initial conditions. It involves breaking down the motion into small time intervals and using these intervals to calculate the position and velocity of the pendulum at each time step.

2. How does Successive Approximation for Pendulum work?

This method works by using the equations of motion for a pendulum, such as the law of conservation of energy and the law of conservation of angular momentum, to calculate the position and velocity of the pendulum at each time step. These calculations are repeated for a large number of time steps to obtain a more accurate approximation of the pendulum's motion.

3. What are the advantages of using Successive Approximation for Pendulum?

One advantage of this method is that it can provide a relatively accurate approximation of the motion of a pendulum, even if the equations for the motion are not solvable analytically. It also allows for the incorporation of various factors, such as air resistance, which can affect the motion of a pendulum in real-world situations.

4. Are there any limitations to Successive Approximation for Pendulum?

One limitation of this method is that it requires a large number of time steps to obtain a more accurate approximation of the pendulum's motion, which can be computationally intensive. Additionally, it assumes that the motion of the pendulum is linear, which may not always be the case in real-world situations.

5. How is Successive Approximation for Pendulum used in scientific research?

This method is commonly used in scientific research to study the behavior of pendulums in various situations, such as in mechanical engineering or in studying the effects of gravity on celestial bodies. It can also be used to investigate the stability and chaos of pendulum systems.
