Differential equations - population model

In summary, the critical point is when y_0 just equals the expression in brackets, and as you can see numerically, this happens when k=\frac{1}{5}.
  • #1
"Suppose that a certain population satisfies the initial value problem

[tex]\frac{dy}{dt}=r(t)y - k, \qquad y(0)=y_0[/tex]

where the growth rate [tex]r(t)[/tex] is given by

[tex]r(t)=\frac{1+\sin t}{5}[/tex]

and [tex]k[/tex] represents the rate of predation.

(a) Suppose that [tex]k=\frac{1}{5}[/tex]. Plot [tex]y[/tex] versus [tex]t[/tex] for several values of [tex]y_0[/tex] between 1/2 and 1.

(b) Estimate the critical initial population [tex]y_c[/tex] below which the population will become extinct.

(c) Choose other values of [tex]k[/tex] and find the corresponding [tex]y_c[/tex] for each one.

(d) Use that data you have found in parts (a) and (b) to plot [tex]y_c[/tex] versus [tex]k[/tex]."

I'm trying to apply the Method of Integrating Factors, but I'm stuck. Here's what I have:

[tex]\frac{dy}{dt}- r(t)y = - k[/tex]

[tex]\mu = \exp \left[ -\frac{1}{5} \int \left( 1 + \sin t \right) \: dt \right] = \exp \left( \frac{\cos t}{5} - \frac{t}{5} \right)[/tex]

[tex]y(t) = \exp \left( \frac{t}{5} - \frac{\cos t}{5} \right) \int -k \exp \left( \frac{\cos t}{5} - \frac{t}{5} \right) \: dt[/tex]

[tex]y(t) = -k \exp \left( \frac{t}{5} - \frac{\cos t}{5} \right) \underbrace{\int \exp \left( \frac{\cos t}{5} - \frac{t}{5} \right) \: dt} _{\mbox{?}}[/tex]

Any help is highly appreciated.
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  • #2
the integral you underlined cannot be expressed in elemental functions, but you can still work the rest of the problems.
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  • #3
Cyclovenom said:
the integral you underlined cannot be expressed in elemental functions, but you can still work the rest of the problems.

I can get the vector field of this differential equation without any problem. Still, I can't plot [tex]y(t)[/tex] for several values of [tex]y_0[/tex]---part (a)---because I can't find [tex]y(t)[/tex] in the first place. I've attached a Mathematica 5 notebook that shows it.



  • DifferentialEqns_PopulationModel.zip
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  • #4
thiago_j said:
I can get the vector field of this differential equation without any problem. Still, I can't plot [tex]y(t)[/tex] for several values of [tex]y_0[/tex]---part (a)---because I can't find [tex]y(t)[/tex] in the first place. I've attached a Mathematica 5 notebook that shows it.


Dude, you got Mathematica and you're sayin' you can't? What about NDSolve? Here, I know it by heart by now cus' I use it all the time:

sol1=NDSolve[{y'[t]-(1+Sin[t])/5 y[t]== -k,y(0)=ystart},y,{t,0,whatever}];

f[x_]:=Evaluate[y[x] /. sol1];

Edit: Tell you what Thiago, what about writing a complete Mathematica program (only because the integral is non-elementary) that does all the calculating, searching for the critical values, then outputs a nice plot of y0 vs. k? Whatever. Anyway, why does this happen? That would make a good e don't you think?
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  • #5
Is it just me or is this a tough problem to code for other people? I don't know. I'm kinda slow. Thiago, I've attached a plot of what I came up with. Are you getting the same thing? If you got it, good. If not and want help, just post a message. Still can't say why it behaves that way. You? Don't suppose you want to work on e do you?


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  • #6

Alright, I got e. Thiago, I don't want to be doing your homework alright. In fact, e is not even your homework so I think I'm ok.

First instead of integrating indefinitely, do so definitely from [itex]t_0[/itex] to t:

[tex]\int_{t=0,y=y_0}^{t=t,y=y} d[e^{1/5(Cos(t)-t)}y]=-k\int_{t_0}^t e^{1/5(Cos(t)-t)}[/tex]

I know, the t's, the y's, y0, is confussing on the left hand side but you know what I mean.

This yields:

[tex]y(t)=e^{-1/5(Cos(t)-t)}[y_0e^{1/5}-k\int_0^t e^{1/5(Cos(u)-u)}du][/tex]



is always greater than 0, so y(t) will reach zero only when the expression in brackets reaches zero. That is, when:

[tex]y_0=ke^{-1/5}\int_0^t e^{1/5(Cos(u)-u)}du[/tex]

Now hear's the important point: The critical point is when [itex]y_0[/itex] just equals that expression and since the integral is an increasing function which reaches a limit, We can say the following about the critical point [itex]y_c[/itex]

[tex]y_c=ke^{-1/5}\int_0^{\infty} e^{1/5(Cos(u)-u)}du[/tex]

Numerically, the integral is approximately 5.089. Thus we have the following expression for the critical point as a function of k:


[tex] a\approx 5.089 e^{-1/5}[/tex]

The three plots exhibit this. The first plot is the one I generated above using a brute force approach to search for the critical points. The second one is the expression for [itex]y_c[/itex]. The third one is a superposition of both. That is, they are identical.


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FAQ: Differential equations - population model

1. What is a differential equation?

A differential equation is a mathematical equation that describes how a quantity changes over time. It involves derivatives, which represent the rate of change of the quantity with respect to an independent variable.

2. How are differential equations used in population models?

Differential equations are used in population models to describe how a population changes over time. The equation takes into account factors such as birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration to predict the future population size.

3. What is the logistic growth model?

The logistic growth model is a type of differential equation used in population models. It takes into account the carrying capacity of a population, meaning the maximum number of individuals that can be sustained in a given environment. As the population approaches the carrying capacity, the growth rate slows down.

4. How do differential equations help us understand population dynamics?

Differential equations allow us to create mathematical models that can predict how a population will change over time. This helps us understand how different factors, such as resource availability and competition, can affect population growth and stability.

5. Can differential equations be used to study other systems besides population dynamics?

Yes, differential equations can be used to study a wide range of systems and phenomena, including weather patterns, chemical reactions, and economic trends. They are a powerful tool in understanding and predicting complex systems in the natural and social sciences.
