Proving K is Not EC: Equivalence Classes

In summary, K is not EC because if it were, it would contradict the theorem that states the equivalence of EC and EC_delta for both a class and its compliment.
  • #1

Let L be the language with = and one binary relation symbol E. Let epsilon be the class of all L-structures A such that E interpreted by A is an equivalence relation on |A|.

K = { A in epsilon | E interpreted by A has infinitley many equivalence classes }.


EC - There exists a sentance alpha such that the class K = mod(alpha)
EC_delta - There exists a set of sentances sigma such that the class K = mod(sigma)


a) Show epsilon is EC

This is pretty easy, just list the 3 things it E needs to satisfy for it to be an equivalence relation.

b) Show K is EC_delta

Also pretty straightforward, take the sentance for epsilon and add on countably infinite sentances saying that there are n things such that <x_i,x_j> is not in E.

c) Show K is not EC.

We had a homework problem prior that proves this though I forgot how I proved it, and this is a midterm review so I would like to know how to prove it directly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

We went over a theorem in class that said the follow where equivalent:

1) A class K is EC
2) A class K and its compliment K_2 are both EC_delta.

Maybe it would be better to prove that the compliment of K ie: All structures that are finite and all infinite structures that do not have infinitely many equivalence classes is not EC_delta.

We know that all finite structures is not EC_delta but I'm not sure how to show this for all finite structures AND all infinite structures without infinite equivalence classes.
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  • #2

To prove that K is not EC, we can use a proof by contradiction. Assume that K is EC and let alpha be the sentence that defines K. Since K is the class of structures with infinitely many equivalence classes, we can add a countably infinite number of sentences to alpha stating that there are n objects such that <x_i, x_j> is not in E for all n. This would create a new class, let's call it K', which would be the compliment of K. By the theorem mentioned in class, K' would also be EC.

However, this contradicts the fact that K is not EC_delta, since K' is the compliment of K and both are EC_delta. Therefore, our assumption that K is EC must be false, and thus K is not EC.
  • #3

To prove that K is not EC, we need to show that it cannot be expressed as mod(alpha) for any sentence alpha. This means that there is no single sentence that can capture the class K. Instead, we need a set of sentences that together characterize K, which is what defines an EC_delta class.

To show that K is not EC, we can use a similar approach as in part b) but instead of adding countably infinite sentences, we can add uncountably infinite sentences. We can do this by considering all possible combinations of elements in the structures that are not in the same equivalence class. Since there are uncountably many such combinations, we can construct an uncountable set of sentences that together characterize K. Therefore, K is not EC and cannot be expressed as mod(alpha) for any sentence alpha.

FAQ: Proving K is Not EC: Equivalence Classes

1. What is the purpose of proving that K is not EC?

The purpose of proving that K is not EC is to demonstrate that there is no equivalence between the elements in set K. This is important in order to properly classify and understand the elements within the set.

2. How do you prove that K is not EC?

In order to prove that K is not EC, you must show that not all elements in K are related by the equivalence relation. This can be done by finding at least one element that does not have any equivalent elements in K, or by showing that there is no reflexive, symmetric, or transitive relationship between the elements in K.

3. Can K still have equivalence classes even if it is not EC?

Yes, it is possible for K to have equivalence classes even if it is not EC. This is because equivalence classes can exist within a set even if there is no equivalence relation among all elements in the set. In this case, the equivalence classes would only apply to a subset of elements within K.

4. Why is it important to prove that K is not EC?

Proving that K is not EC is important in order to accurately classify and understand the elements within the set. It also helps to further analyze the relationships between elements and can lead to a deeper understanding of the set as a whole.

5. Are there any real-world applications for proving that K is not EC?

Yes, there are many real-world applications for proving that K is not EC. For example, in computer science and data analysis, proving that two sets are not equivalent can help to identify errors in data or code. In mathematics and logic, it can help to identify inconsistencies or contradictions in a set of axioms or assumptions.

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