Cauchy sequence & Fixed point

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a function f on Rd and a constant c. It is given that f is continuous and that (xn), a sequence defined by xn+1=f(xn), is Cauchy. The conversation goes on to prove that (xn) converges to a limit y, which is a fixed point of f. It is also shown that f has only one fixed point.
  • #1
Cauchy sequence & "Fixed" point

Homework Statement

Suppose that f: Rd->Rd and there is a constant c E (0,1) such that
||f(x)-f(y)|| ≤ c||x-y|| for all x, y E Rd. Let xo E Rd be an arbitrary point in Rd, let xn+1=f(xn). Prove that
a) f is continuous everywhere.
b) (xn) is Cauchy.
c) (xn) converges to a limit y.
d) Show that y is a fixed point of f ,that is f(y)=y, and that f has exactly one fixed point.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I proved part a & part b, but I have no idea how to prove parts c & d.
Any help is appreciated!
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  • #2

Isn't (c) obvious? Since xn is Cauchy and Rd is complete,then xn will converge at some point

The first part of (d):Just limit both sides and you will get y=f(y)
Second part:
Suppose that there is another z such that z=f(z)
Then [tex]\[
\left. {\left\| {f(y) - f(z)} \right.} \right\| = \left\| {\left. {y - z} \right\|} \right. \le c\left\| {\left. {y - z} \right\|} \right.
But since 0<c<1,we conclude that [tex]\[
\left\| {\left. {y - z} \right\|} \right. = 0
Thus y=z

FAQ: Cauchy sequence & Fixed point

1. What is a Cauchy sequence?

A Cauchy sequence is a sequence of real numbers in which each term becomes arbitrarily close to the subsequent terms as the sequence progresses. This means that for any given positive number, there exists a point in the sequence after which all the terms are within that distance from each other.

2. What is the significance of Cauchy sequences in mathematics?

Cauchy sequences are important in mathematics because they provide a rigorous definition for the concept of convergence in a metric space. They also play a crucial role in proving the completeness of the real numbers.

3. How is a fixed point related to a Cauchy sequence?

A fixed point of a function is a point at which the output of the function is equal to the input. In the context of Cauchy sequences, a fixed point is a point in the sequence that does not change as the sequence progresses. This means that the function that generates the sequence has a fixed point.

4. Can a Cauchy sequence have multiple fixed points?

Yes, a Cauchy sequence can have multiple fixed points. This can happen when the function that generates the sequence has multiple points at which the output is equal to the input. However, not all Cauchy sequences will have fixed points.

5. What are some real-life applications of Cauchy sequences and fixed points?

Cauchy sequences and fixed points have various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. In physics, they are used to model the behavior of physical systems and in engineering, they are used in numerical methods for solving differential equations. In economics, they are used to analyze market equilibrium. Additionally, they have applications in computer science and optimization algorithms.
