Bizarre Aptitude Test Results: Magician & Garbage Collector?

In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of aptitude tests and the bizarre results that people have received from them. They are seen as unreliable and not a true indication of a person's abilities or potential career choices. The conversation also touched on the idea of theoretical and experimental philosophers, with the general consensus being that their job descriptions are unclear. Some jokingly suggested that they are masters of "bullsh!t" and drug testers.
  • #1
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I just talked to my sister-in-law in Texas. Her son took an aptitude test recently...his top two jobs (I swear, I couldn't make this up!):

1. Magician,
2. Feng shui designer.

I told this to my daughter, for a laugh. She said, "OMG (she is 15, after all)! I think we took the same test last year. I got:

1. Garbage collector,
2. Vending machine installer!"

Anyone else familiar with these bizarre aptitude tests?
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  • #2
LOL I thought those only existed as plot-devices in cheesy TV shows.

I'd love to take one. I can see my results now:

1. International secret agent who single-handedly thwarts evil for the good of man-kind.
2. Fat nerd.
  • #3
I took one called the KISS, but it told me what I already knew, that I want to be a scientist.
  • #4
I can't believe there are people that take these things seriously. How could one test, ONE TEST, determine whether you are fit to do something. A person is defined not only by their natural ability to do math, english, science, etc. but also by there work ethic, drive, and passion. How can one test take into account those aspects?

I thought we were beyond this as a society, seriously! Anyway, I better get back to studying for the GRE...
  • #5
Mine was, man who works for big headed mouthy butler in bygone days or unlucky king.
  • #6
The mere fact that this test has ‘Feng shui designer’ listed as a profession makes me think it might be more on the fortune telling side of things rather than something that actually determines someone's aptitudes. What kind of questions would the test have asked your nephew to determine that he has a sensitivity to the harmonious flow of chi?
  • #7
CaptainQuasar said:
What kind of questions would the test have asked your nephew to determine that he has a sensitivity to the harmonious flow of chi?

A) Can you keep a straight face while ripping people off Y/N
B) Do you want to spend years at law school learning how to do (A) Y/N
  • #8
OMG! They still have those things? When I was in high school, the guidance counselors made us all take one of those tests to help us identify future careers. We all had a great laugh about them...yeah, our results were about like those you gave and about as accurate. I don't know where they got those tests from or why they thought we needed to use them. They seem to be geared to the completely clueless kid who doesn't want to admit they're going to choose a "career" after high school by throwing darts at the want ads.
  • #9
mgb_phys said:
A) Can you keep a straight face while ripping people off Y/N
B) Do you want to spend years at law school learning how to do (A) Y/N

HA :smile:
  • #10
gazes into crystal ball❊ I see… a tall, dark stranger in your future. No! Many tall dark strangers. And they are chasing you. With torches and pitchforks.
  • #11
I remember taking something like this in high school. I remember one of my results was "mime".

Oddly enough, most of my friends were also destined to be mimes.
  • #12
I was told told I would make a good theoretical philosopher. I don't even know what a philosopher does and do they even get paid for doing it?
  • #13
lisab said:
I just talked to my sister-in-law in Texas. Her son took an aptitude test recently...his top two jobs (I swear, I couldn't make this up!):

1. Magician,
2. Feng shui designer.

I told this to my daughter, for a laugh. She said, "OMG (she is 15, after all)! I think we took the same test last year. I got:

1. Garbage collector,
2. Vending machine installer!"

Anyone else familiar with these bizarre aptitude tests?

I'm sure your daughter is a wonderful child, but I'm wondering how many questions she could have gotten right to end up in the garbage collector category. I think you only have to get your name right to be bumped into the fast food industry category.
  • #14
tribdog said:
I was told told I would make a good theoretical philosopher. I don't even know what a philosopher does and do they even get paid for doing it?

My question for the people who told you this would be, not "What does a theoretical philosopher do?" but instead..."What does an experimental philosopher do?!"
  • #15
G01 said:
"What does a theoretical philosopher do?"
Presumably spends all their time answering the question "What does a theoretical philosopher do?"
  • #16
mgb_phys said:
Presumably spends all their time answering the question "What does a theoretical philosopher do?"

I still think the question of what an experimental philosopher does is much more important. Have you ever seen an experiment confirming a philosophical theory??

Seriously, what do they do?:rolleyes:
  • #17
Theoretical philosopher= master of the art of bullsh!it, required training includes getting a BS. Experimental philosopher sounds like the professional name for the lysergic acid and psyoclibin tester.
  • #18
binzing said:
Theoretical philosopher= master of the art of bullsh!it, required training includes getting a BS.

oh my gosh, they were right.
  • #19
G01 said:
I still think the question of what an experimental philosopher does is much more important. Have you ever seen an experiment confirming a philosophical theory??

Seriously, what do they do?:rolleyes:
If you read Terry Pratchett you would know - picture Xeno's axiom testing centre with lots of tortoises with arrows through them, which logically they should have been able to outrun.
  • #20
tribdog said:
oh my gosh, they were right.

Who is they and what were "they" right about?

FAQ: Bizarre Aptitude Test Results: Magician & Garbage Collector?

1. What exactly is a "Bizarre Aptitude Test"?

A bizarre aptitude test is a type of test designed to assess an individual's abilities and skills in a unique or unconventional manner. It may include unusual tasks or questions that are not typically found in traditional aptitude tests.

2. How can someone have skills in both magic and garbage collecting?

It is possible for an individual to have a diverse range of skills and interests. Some people may have a natural talent for magic, while also being physically fit and capable of performing manual labor as a garbage collector. Additionally, individuals may have developed these skills through practice and training.

3. Are the results of the aptitude test accurate?

The accuracy of any aptitude test depends on the quality and design of the test itself. However, it is important to remember that aptitude tests only provide one aspect of an individual's abilities and should not be the sole factor in determining their potential or career path.

4. Is it common for someone to have such different aptitudes?

Yes, it is not uncommon for individuals to have a diverse range of skills and interests. People are multidimensional and can excel in various areas, which may seem unrelated to one another.

5. Can aptitude tests predict career success?

While aptitude tests can provide insight into an individual's strengths and weaknesses, they cannot predict future success. Many other factors, such as passion, drive, and opportunities, play a significant role in career success.

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