Understanding Damped Harmonic Motion

In summary, the professor was discussing the case of a mass suspended from a vertical massless spring in some viscous liquid. He arrived at the equation of motion which was x: + \frac{b}{m}x. + \frac{k}{m}x = 0 x: is the second derivative of displacement wrt time. similarly x. is the first derivative. He then defined b/m = gamma k/m= w^2 He then used the trial solution x=Ae^{t\tau} formed an auxillary equation and solved it to get \frac{-\gamma}{2}±\sqrt{\frac{\gamma^2}{4}-w^2} He then
  • #1
So my professor was discussing the case of a mass suspended from a vertical massless spring in some viscous liquid.

He arrives at the equation of motion which was :x: + [itex]\frac{b}{m}[/itex]x. + [itex]\frac{k}{m}[/itex]x = 0

x: is the second derivative of displacement wrt time. similarly x. is the first derivative.

He then defined b/m = gamma k/m= w^2

He then used the trial solution x=[itex]Ae^{t\tau}[/itex] formed an auxillary equation and solved it to get :


He then examined the discriminant of the above equation to formulate the general solution for light damping.

I understand in light damping w^2 < (gamma^2)/4

But how does he arrive at the following general solution :

[itex]Ae^\frac{t\gamma}{2}cos(wt + \phi)[/itex]

Where did the e^t*gamma/2 come from ? Why is there no sine function even though we have an imaginary root case ? Why is there a phi in there ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
I don't understand what you mean. Can you be more specific ?
  • #4
The [itex] \phi [/itex] has essentially absorbed the Sine term. It is just another way to rewrite the more general solution (Which involves both Cosine + Sine functions). The exponential comes from the solution to the differential equations. If you understand the differential equation, everything will make complete sense.

I hope I am shedding some light on the matter and not digging you a deeper hole. . .

This is thoroughly explained in any 2nd year classical mechanics or quantum mechanics text.
  • #5
Hi elemis. You have to be a little careful with the notation there. So for the lightly damped case, the two roots we get are given by [tex]r_1 = -\frac{\gamma}{2} + i\sqrt{\omega_{n}^{2} - \frac{\gamma^{2}}{4}}, r_2 = -\frac{\gamma}{2} - i\sqrt{\omega_{n}^{2} - \frac{\gamma^{2}}{4}}[/tex] where ##\omega_{n}## is the natural frequency. So the solution in the complex plane is going to be [tex]r(t) = c_1e^{-\frac{\gamma}{2} + i\sqrt{\omega_{n}^{2} - \frac{\gamma^{2}}{4}}t} + c_2e^{-\frac{\gamma}{2} - i\sqrt{\omega_{n}^{2} - \frac{\gamma^{2}}{4}}t} = e^{-\gamma/2}(c_1e^{i\sqrt{\omega_{n}^{2} - \frac{\gamma^{2}}{4}}t} + c_2e^{- i\sqrt{\omega_{n}^{2} - \frac{\gamma^{2}}{4}}t}) [/tex] We then define the damped frequency ##\omega_{d}:= \sqrt{\omega_{n}^{2} - \frac{\gamma^{2}}{4}}##. Then, ##r(t) = e^{(-\gamma/2)t}(c_1e^{i\omega_{d}t} + c_2e^{- i\omega_{d}t})## so if we take the real part of this we get our response ##x(t) = e^{(-\gamma/2)t}(c_1\cos\omega_{d}t + c_2\sin\omega_{d}t)##. We can rewrite this as ##x(t) = Ae^{(-\gamma/2)t}\cos(\omega_{d}t - \phi)##, after defining ##A = \sqrt{c_{1}^2 + c_{2}^2}, \phi = \arctan(c_{2}/c_{1})## and using the cosine addition formulas.
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  • #6
elemis said:
He then defined b/m = gamma k/m= w^2

Are you sure about that? You can do the math that way, but the end result is messy (as in WannabeNewton's post).

Things work out a lot nicer if you define ##k/m = \omega^2## and then ##b/m = \gamma \omega##. ##\gamma## is then dimensionless (just a number).

(In fact if you define ##b/m = 2 \beta \omega## the math works out even nicer still).
  • #7
AlephZero said:
(In fact if you define ##b/m = 2 \beta \omega## the math works out even nicer still).
This was the way my professor defined it in fact. I do agree it works out nicer and it's less work for me since I don't have to change the terms in my notes when posting here :-p
  • #8
AlephZero said:
(In fact if you define ##b/m = 2 \beta \omega## the math works out even nicer still).

WannabeNewton said:
This was the way my professor defined it in fact.

The only problem is that some computer systems for dynamics analysis include the "2" and others don't.

But in real life, you often don't know the level of damping to within a factor of 2, so it might not make much difference either way :devil:

FAQ: Understanding Damped Harmonic Motion

1. What is damped harmonic motion?

Damped harmonic motion refers to the oscillatory motion of a system that is subjected to a resisting force or friction, which gradually reduces the amplitude of the oscillations over time.

2. What causes damping in harmonic motion?

Damping in harmonic motion is caused by external forces, such as air resistance, friction, or internal forces like internal friction in the system's components.

3. How is damped harmonic motion different from simple harmonic motion?

In simple harmonic motion, there is no external force or friction acting on the system, and the amplitude of oscillations remains constant. In damped harmonic motion, the amplitude decreases over time due to the presence of damping forces.

4. What is the equation for damped harmonic motion?

The equation for damped harmonic motion is: x(t) = A * e-bt * cos(ωt + φ), where x(t) is the displacement of the system at time t, A is the initial amplitude, b is the damping constant, ω is the angular frequency, and φ is the phase angle.

5. How is the damping ratio related to damped harmonic motion?

The damping ratio, represented by the symbol ζ (zeta), is a measure of the amount of damping present in a system. It is equal to the ratio of the damping constant to the critical damping constant. A higher damping ratio indicates a higher level of damping and a faster decay of oscillations in damped harmonic motion.
