Why Is Fleming's Right Hand Rule Applied to Loop AD in a Moving Circuit?

In summary, the conversation discusses the application of Fleming's right hand rule to determine the direction of the induced EMF in a circuit moving through a magnetic field. It is noted that the entire loop, not just sections of it, must be considered. If the loop is moving in a uniform magnetic field, no induced current will be produced. This applies to all shapes of loops, as long as the magnetic flux changes.
  • #1
In my figure, the whole circuit is being pulled to the right.
AD experiences no change in magnetic field.
Why do we apply the Fleming's right hand rule on the loop AD instead of BC?
And, if the whole circuit is moving in the uniform magnetic field, if the shape of the circuit is like the above one, there's no induced current.
Is this also true for a circular one?
Thanks for kind attention to my thread.
I'm in urgent so I have to post here.


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  • #2
primarygun said:
In my figure, the whole circuit is being pulled to the right.
OK. So the induced current in the circuit will be due to the motional EMF generated by moving a conductor through a magnetic field. The magnetic field exerts a force on the moving charges (in the wire); the direction of that force ([itex]\vec{F} = q\vec{v} \times \vec{B}[/itex]) is given by a right hand rule or by Fleming's rule, if you prefer.
AD experiences no change in magnetic field.
AD is moving through a magnetic field. (But the magnetic flux through the entire loop is changing. Another, more general, way to find the direction of the current is using Lenz's law.)
Why do we apply the Fleming's right hand rule on the loop AD instead of BC?
Note: AD and BC are not loops, they are just sections of the loop. The loop is the complete circuit: A-B-C-D.

Fleming's rule is for finding the direction of the induced EMF in a wire moving through a magnetic field. There's no magnetic field at BC.
And, if the whole circuit is moving in the uniform magnetic field, if the shape of the circuit is like the above one, there's no induced current.
Right. The induced EMFs on AD and BC would cancel. Note that the change in magnetic flux through the loop would be zero; thus no induced current.
Is this also true for a circular one?
Yes. The shape of the loop doesn't matter. If the flux changes, a current will be induced. (The direction of the current can be found using Lenz's law.)
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  • #3

The direction of induced current is determined by the direction of the change in magnetic flux. In the scenario described, the whole circuit is being pulled to the right, causing a change in magnetic flux within the loop AD. Therefore, Fleming's right hand rule is applied to this loop to determine the direction of the induced current.

The loop BC, on the other hand, is not experiencing any change in magnetic flux as it is not being pulled in any direction. Therefore, Fleming's right hand rule is not applied to this loop.

In the case of a circular circuit, the same principle applies. If the circuit is not experiencing any change in magnetic flux, there will be no induced current. However, if the circular circuit is moving in a uniform magnetic field, there will be a change in magnetic flux and therefore an induced current will be present.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of induced current for you. It is always important to apply the appropriate rules and principles in order to accurately determine the direction of induced current in a given scenario.

FAQ: Why Is Fleming's Right Hand Rule Applied to Loop AD in a Moving Circuit?

What is the direction of induced current?

The direction of induced current is always perpendicular to the direction of the change in magnetic field, following the right-hand rule.

How is the direction of induced current determined?

The direction of induced current is determined by the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of motion or change in magnetic field.

What factors affect the direction of induced current?

The factors that affect the direction of induced current include the strength and direction of the magnetic field, the velocity of the conductor, and the angle between the conductor and the magnetic field.

Can the direction of induced current be reversed?

Yes, the direction of induced current can be reversed by changing the direction of the magnetic field or the direction of motion of the conductor.

Why is the direction of induced current important?

The direction of induced current is important because it determines the direction of the magnetic force on a conductor, which can be utilized in various applications such as electric motors and generators.
