How Would You Handle the Presidency Differently as President Bush After 9/11?

  • Thread starter Loren Booda
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discussed various opinions on how the presidency of George W. Bush could have been handled differently since the tragedy of 9/11. Some suggested extreme measures such as nuking all non-US cities, while others proposed more practical solutions like focusing on nuclear prevention and alternative energy research. The conversation also touched on the topic of how one could handle someone else's presidency and the preventability of 9/11. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges of dealing with a post-9/11 world.
  • #1
Loren Booda
How would you have handled differently the presidency of George W. Bush since the tragedy of 9/11?
Physics news on
  • #2
How can someone handle someone elses presidency? ;)

If I were president, i would have nuked every non-US city on earth. This solves many problems. All terrorists are dead, no need to deal with foreign leaders, oil requirements are no longer a problem. How can you hate a policy like mine?

Penguin for President in 08!
  • #3
um, all US citizens dead
  • #4
yourdadonapogostick said:
um, all US citizens dead

You can be my vice-president
  • #5
maybe do something?
  • #6
After hearing you plans as a president,I really like Bush. :rolleyes:
  • #7
go to SFN and look at my political system...not very popular...
  • #8

edit: i am usually more serious and scientifical and such at SFN. i don't know what it is about PF that makes me unleash more crazy than usual
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  • #9
i would do a favor to humanity and kill my self...
  • #10
Burnsys said:
i would do a favor to humanity and kill my self...
:smile: :smile:
  • #11
i would do a favor to humanity and kill my self...

And leave the US with the Cheney-Hastert administration? That wouldn't be a favor.
  • #12
Burnsys said:
i would do a favor to humanity and kill my self...
By the way,Are you from Argentina!?Because tonight Brasil and Argentina match will happen! :wink:
  • #13
Bah, mexico should haf won...
  • #14
Loren Booda said:
How would you have handled differently the presidency of George W. Bush since the tragedy of 9/11?

I wouldn't have invaded a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.
  • #15
Ahhh...the wonderful knowledge that comes with hindsight.
  • #16
Loren Booda said:
How would you have handled differently the presidency of George W. Bush since the tragedy of 9/11?
I would acknowledge my inferior intellect and reasoning capabilities, as well as the fact my vested interest in various corporations would bring a conflict of interest when it comes to the middle east, and resign.

Pengwuino said:
How can someone handle someone elses presidency? ;)

If I were president, i would have nuked every non-US city on earth. This solves many problems. All terrorists are dead, no need to deal with foreign leaders, oil requirements are no longer a problem. How can you hate a policy like mine?

Penguin for President in 08!
If this were a joke, it might be funny. :biggrin:
  • #17
I'd also tell the world that Charles Kennedy should be UK prime minister. Seeing as Blair will do pretty much anything Bush asks, he may hand over the keys to number 10. It would be the quietest, most peaceful regime change the Bush administration were ever involved in.
  • #18
Burnsys said:
i would do a favor to humanity and kill my self...
So... you're saying you wouldn't be able to do as good a job as Bush?
  • #19
Loren Booda said:
How would you have handled differently the presidency of George W. Bush since the tragedy of 9/11?
I would not have let 9/11 happen in the first place! It was preventable! :mad:
  • #20
If I had been George Bush, I would have thought like George Bush, and acted like George Bush.
  • #21
Astronuc said:
I would not have let 9/11 happen in the first place! It was preventable! :mad:
How?!Maybe you caused it would happen on my birthday! :wink:
  • #22
If I had been in George Bush's shoes, I would have realized that 3000 deaths is just 3000 deaths in a country of 300 million, and moved on to bigger things. All my military action would be founded around the control of nuclear material and proliferation, the only thing that can really hurt the USA. I would fund research, especially AI research, alternative power research, and genetic engineering research, exhorbitantly since these are what we will need to save ourselves from collapse when the oil runs out. If there aren't enough researchers to spend all the funding, there's no doubt they would come out of the woodwork in a couple years. To help come up with that funding, I would cut defense spending down to the size needed to actually defend the USA against invasion, plus the special forces for nuclear prevention. I would not sacrifice human rights in the name of an enemy whose actions are statistically insignificant. I'd also get some serious money into making Americans less fat. Fat Americans are a drain on themselves and on the health care system. Federal medical spending should be about prevention, not cure. I would place a heavy sales tax on proven junk food and use the proceeds from that to institute a reverse sales tax on proven healthy food (money returned to the company for each purchase of healthy food by a consumer).

How much of this stuff I could actually accomplish as president is doubtful, but that's what I'd do if I could.
  • #23
Astronuc said:
I would not have let 9/11 happen in the first place! It was preventable! :mad:
1. The fact that there were rumours to that effect floating about which the intelligence agencies picked up, does not warrant the conclusion that they could have acted much differently.
I think we'd all be astonished of how many wild rumours float about at any given time; it is crucial that intelligence agencies are given sufficient time and personell to sift out the threats from the trash.
How should they have known that that particular rumour had any substance in advance?

2. Unless an agency has a mole or high-grade contact, it is virtually impossible to gain access to data concrete enough to be acted upon.
But that means that if you are to infiltrate some organization, you will only be able to do this if that organization is incautious enough to let you do just that.
If they are extremely careful about whom to trust, and keeps an efficient surveillance of key members of their group, for example by staying in close physical proximity to each other and always knowing whenever another member chooses to make a contact with the outer world, then the chances for successful infiltration are practically nil.

I have as yet to see any evidence that the American intelligence agencies actually botched their job prior to 9/11; i.e, that there are sufficient reasons to say that the acted incompetently.
  • #24
FredGarvin said:
Ahhh...the wonderful knowledge that comes with hindsight.

Is in response to my post?
If it is please provide evidence of a possible connection before the invasion.
Anything whatsoever that could reasonably support the idea that Saddam had something to do with 9/11.
  • #25
Rabid said:
Is in response to my post?
If it is please provide evidence of a possible connection before the invasion.
Anything whatsoever that could reasonably support the idea that Saddam had something to do with 9/11.
I was not commenting on your post. I was commenting on the topic of this thread. I always laugh when people say what they would have done in someone's shoes had they been there. It is an impossible question to answer, especially since the answer is from a viewpoint of hindsight. I have no idea what people's facination is with Monday morning quarterbacking. This question is as useless as all of the "top 100" lists we see so prevelant today.
  • #26
I would have resigned
  • #27
yourdadonapogostick said:

edit: i am usually more serious and scientifical and such at SFN. i don't know what it is about PF that makes me unleash more crazy than usual
when will people get the fact that 'scientifical' is not a real word?
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  • #28
yomamma said:
when will people get the fact that 'scientifical' is not a real word?
It's as real a word as "nookyuhler", or "suicider".

I hope every one here that is of voting age actually votes. I've recently changed my mind on the subject and hope to see everyone at the booths next election.

Kinky Friedman for Governor!

FAQ: How Would You Handle the Presidency Differently as President Bush After 9/11?

1. How did President Bush respond to the 9/11 attacks?

After the 9/11 attacks, President Bush declared a "War on Terror" and initiated military action against the Taliban in Afghanistan, where the terrorist group Al-Qaeda was based. He also signed the USA PATRIOT Act, which increased government surveillance and expanded the powers of law enforcement agencies.

2. Did President Bush make any changes to his presidency after 9/11?

Yes, President Bush made several changes to his presidency in response to the 9/11 attacks. He created the Department of Homeland Security and implemented enhanced security measures at airports and other public spaces. He also shifted his focus to national security and foreign policy, rather than domestic issues.

3. How did President Bush handle criticism and opposition to his post-9/11 policies?

President Bush faced significant criticism and opposition to his post-9/11 policies, particularly regarding the invasion of Iraq. However, he remained steadfast in his decisions and defended his actions as necessary for national security. He also collaborated with Congress and other world leaders to gain support for his policies.

4. What was President Bush's approach to preventing future terrorist attacks?

President Bush's approach to preventing future terrorist attacks was primarily focused on military action and increased surveillance. He also implemented policies to strengthen border security and improve intelligence gathering and sharing among government agencies. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of maintaining strong alliances with other countries in the fight against terrorism.

5. Did President Bush face any major challenges in handling the presidency after 9/11?

Yes, President Bush faced several major challenges in handling the presidency after 9/11. These included navigating the complexities of the Iraq War, managing the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and addressing the economic impact of the attacks. He also faced criticism for his handling of the War on Terror and the use of enhanced interrogation techniques.
