How Can I Stay Engaged Discreetly During Church Services?

  • Thread starter Jow
  • Start date
In summary: Pslams? (Not sure, I'm pretty sure at my church there was a hymnal or something with stories and such)
  • #1
I am a Roman Catholic and for various reasons I must go to church at least a couple of times a month. Even the most devout get bored in church and I, not being a religious person, get extremely bored. Can you think of anything I could do during church that won't look like I am doing anything. One thing I already do is practice my mandarin in my head (but that is a tad difficult because if I forget a word I can't look through my textbook). I also make fun of things said by the priest, but after a while that gets pretty boring as his homilies tend to be about similar things. Any suggestions would be great, thanks :)
Physics news on
  • #2
Listen to the Feynman Lectures audio
  • #3
What a strange situation. You say you're a Roman Catholic, but not religious, and you have to go to church, but you're bored in doing so. Do you have to go because someone forces you to go?
  • #4
I learned to lace my fingers together left-thumb on top.
  • #5
Can't you just tell your close ones the truth and leave?
  • #6
My brother and I would grab a donut and a cup of coffee, and then we'd proceed to the parking lot, where we would sit in the family car and listen to American Top 40 for an hour during the time that our parents, actually my mom, attended the service. After service, we'd join my mom, and go get more coffee and more snacks, or lunch.

My dad was a minister, but he served some small country churches about 90 minutes from home. On some Sundays, my brother and I would join my dad. We met a lot of nice folks, and the lunches were always good.
  • #7
Just try to picture everyone naked! Should be some fun times.

Nah I'd say just use the time to relax and let go of some stress.
  • #8
I don't have a choice, I must go to church (I go to a Catholic School and I must keep up appearances).
  • #9
I was in the same boat, forced by my parents.. I just told them I was going and played Pokemon in my car. Hahaha

Hm, perhaps you could do wrist/hand/finger exercises or ab contractions. Pretty weird but, it will pass the time and the hand/finger exercises can increase dexterity and/or strength (useful for instruments).

Or, you could read the book of Pslams? (Not sure, I'm pretty sure at my church there was a hymnal or something with stories and such) I know you are not religious but there are some decent stories and lessons to be learned from the 'good book'. Plus you never know when random trivia will help you..
  • #10
Jow said:
I don't have a choice, I must go to church (I go to a Catholic School and I must keep up appearances).
Raise your hand, and state that you have a question. :biggrin:

Ask the question in Aramaic.
  • #11
MPKU said:
Or, you could read the book of Pslams? (Not sure, I'm pretty sure at my church there was a hymnal or something with stories and such) I know you are not religious but there are some decent stories and lessons to be learned from the 'good book'. Plus you never know when random trivia will help you..

Don't worry, after 11.5 years of Catholic school, my knowledge of the good book and Catholic theology is formidable, though, I haven't found a good use for it, other than being able to anticipate the arguments made by Christians.
  • #12
Perhaps you should take the time to become more open-minded then...
  • #14
I thought the whole point of having to constantly change positions (kneeling, standing, sitting) was so the congregation wouldn't get bored and fall asleep.
  • #15
BobG said:
I thought the whole point of having to constantly change positions (kneeling, standing, sitting) was so the congregation wouldn't get bored and fall asleep.

That and it's a good way of checking to see who has fallen asleep :-p
  • #16
Jow said:
I am a Roman Catholic and for various reasons I..., but after a while that gets pretty boring as his homilies tend to be about similar things. Any suggestions would be great, thanks :)

Meditate/Relax? (Sad excuse for sleepiness. Hehe).. I have to... Our gang, few friends and colleague, even 'BOSS' and few relatives rarely miss one. It's a good thing right? ^^
  • #17
Time is only wasted in life if you waste it.
  • #18
ZombieFeynman said:
Time is only wasted in life if you waste it.
Not true, I can think of many people who have wasted my time.
  • #19
you could bring a copy of the deluxe Hobbit book to read. It looks like a school missal in brown leather and the tile Hobbit in gold lettering.

If you were bolder you could bring a tablet with a missal text on it. From there you could switch back and forth or look up bible history...
  • #20
Jow said:
I don't have a choice, I must go to church (I go to a Catholic School and I must keep up appearances).

Change your school, then!
  • #21
Jow said:
(I go to a Catholic School and I must keep up appearances).

Learn how to go through the motions of mass while thinking about what you want. You have one hour in which all you can do is think. I recommend thinking about who you are, who you want to be and how you are going to get there. Character development is crucial in any good story. Plan your week, offer prayers for those you love. What you choose to think about is up to you. The good news is you don't have to go to church forever.

I don't think it is a wise idea to do anything that draws attention to yourself in mass. Unless you like to sing, of course. Here is an excellent tutorial on how to sing in church:
  • #22
ChiralWaltz said:
I don't think it is a wise idea to do anything that draws attention to yourself in mass. Unless you like to sing, of course. Here is an excellent tutorial on how to sing in church:

That is so wrong!

He doesn't know the words, so he has to go with "La La La La"s ... and then he still has to lip sync it?!
  • #23
Perhaps you could join the choir.

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  • #24
I usually count things and do approximate measurements when I am waiting the tile dimensions on the roof and floor, how many chairs are in the room, etc. Maybe you can count the stained glass :biggrin:
  • #25
Never go to one in the first place. If you are compelled to go, irritate everybody to no end, so that they don't let you in again.
  • #26
Ryan_m_b said:
Not true, I can think of many people who have wasted my time.

Ah, but you have to give someone your time before they can waste it.
  • #27
Do what I did, read the Bible critically. That fueled my conversion to atheism.
  • #28
lisab said:
Ah, but you have to give someone your time before they can waste it.
Again not true, there are many who had stolen my time :-p
  • #29
Jow said:
I am a Roman Catholic and for various reasons I must go to church at least a couple of times a month. Even the most devout get bored in church and I, not being a religious person, get extremely bored. Can you think of anything I could do during church that won't look like I am doing anything. One thing I already do is practice my mandarin in my head (but that is a tad difficult because if I forget a word I can't look through my textbook). I also make fun of things said by the priest, but after a while that gets pretty boring as his homilies tend to be about similar things. Any suggestions would be great, thanks :)
You can spend your time in church (and some of your time out of church) pondering exactly what it is that you're supporting by going to church.
  • #30
skeptic2 said:
Do what I did, read the Bible critically. That fueled my conversion to atheism.

Being a critical thinker, after 11.5 years of Catholic school, I've had enough of reading the Bible critically.
  • #31
The reason that I absolutely must go to church is because tuition is reduced if you are a Catholic. However, my priest has to sign a letter saying I go to Church. And no, I can't change schools, or rather I won't change schools, because the only private schools around (that don't have a +$10 000 a year tuition) are catholic. And yes, I have to go to an independent school because the public schools in my area aren't very good and the teachers go on strike ever second week...
  • #32
ChiralWaltz said:
I don't think it is a wise idea to do anything that draws attention to yourself in mass. Unless you like to sing, of course. Here is an excellent tutorial on how to sing in church:

I was so sure that you would post this:
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  • #33
Astronuc said:
My dad was a minister, but he served some small country churches about 90 minutes from home. On some Sundays, my brother and I would join my dad. We met a lot of nice folks, and the lunches were always good.
I was also going to say this, go around meet nice people.
  • #34
If you still want to be a christian, just change the church. There is for sure some other church in your neighbourhood with some more quaint preacher. Or at least you can change the mass you attend, there may be some more suited for you.

If you don't want to be a christian, as others said, just say it to your relatives and be yourself. If you don't have the courage, then you can use your time in the church to whisper affirmations. It will look for others as if you were praying :).

And if everything above fails you can try solving Einstein equations for two colliding black holes in your mind. It can give you enlightenment, in a sense.
  • #35
I'm sorry, but did anyone else notice the "Christian Mingle" ad right next to the original thread starter post.

If not, I took a grab of it in case anyone wants a good laugh.

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