How does Lord Kelvin's water drop electrostatic generator work?

In summary, the speaker created a small version of Lord Kelvin's "thunderstorm" and is curious about how such a large potential is generated. They have two hypotheses, one involving ions in the water and the other considering the potential difference between the lower buckets and the water source. The apparatus has a spark gap that discharges every 10-15 seconds with a potential difference estimated to be in the thousands of volts. The speaker is seeking further clarification on the phenomenon.
  • #1
I recently made a small version of Lord Kelvin's "thunderstorm" while I was bored at school one day, and I'm still mystified as to how such a large potential gets generated. I have two hypotheses, but I haven't had a chance to test them yet and I was wondering if anybody knew how the generator works.

My first hypothesis was that perhaps ions in the water are pushed and pulled by the rings attached to the buckets and it is the ions that provide the potential difference. This seems improbable, but I was going to test the apparatus with deionized water just to see.

My other hypothesis takes into account the potential difference that exists between the lower buckets and the water source above it. I remember reading in Feynman's lectures a while ago that there exists about a 100V potential difference for every meter above the Earth (assuming flat ground with dry air or lots of ions present like above the ocean). Could the water actually be carrying this charge difference down with it? The water source is only half a meter (if that) above the lower buckets.

The apparatus has a 1.5cm spark gap made of tin foil that discharges every 10 or 15 seconds while its running. I haven't done the calculation, but I'm guessing this is on the order of magnitude of thousands of volts. Any ideas on how such a large potential difference builds up so quickly?
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  • #2
Is there something in" that you want further clarification for?
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  • #3

Lord Kelvin's water drop electrostatic generator works by utilizing the phenomenon of electrostatic induction. This is the process by which a charged object can induce a charge on a nearby object without direct contact.

In the case of the water drop generator, the two metal rings attached to the buckets are charged with opposite charges, creating an electric field between them. When water droplets fall between the rings, they become polarized due to the electric field. This means that the positive and negative charges within the droplet are separated, with the positive charges being attracted to the negative ring and vice versa.

As the droplet falls, it passes through the electric field created by the rings, causing the separated charges to move in opposite directions. This creates a potential difference between the two buckets, with one bucket becoming positively charged and the other becoming negatively charged. This potential difference can reach thousands of volts, depending on the size and materials used in the generator.

Your first hypothesis, that the ions in the water are responsible for the potential difference, is partially correct. The polarized water droplets do contain ions that contribute to the charge separation. However, it is the electric field created by the charged rings that induces this charge separation, rather than the ions themselves.

Your second hypothesis, that the potential difference is due to the 100V/m potential difference described in Feynman's lectures, is also partially correct. The water source above the lower buckets does contribute to the potential difference, but it is not the only factor. The charged rings and the polarized water droplets also play a significant role in creating the potential difference.

In terms of the spark gap discharging every 10-15 seconds, this is due to the accumulation of charge on the buckets. As the buckets become more and more charged, the electric field between them becomes stronger, causing the spark to jump across the gap. This discharge helps to maintain the potential difference between the buckets.

In conclusion, Lord Kelvin's water drop electrostatic generator works by utilizing the principles of electrostatic induction to create a potential difference between two buckets. The charged rings and polarized water droplets play key roles in this process, and the accumulation of charge on the buckets leads to the occasional spark discharge.

FAQ: How does Lord Kelvin's water drop electrostatic generator work?

1. How does the water drop electrostatic generator create electricity?

The water drop electrostatic generator works by using the principle of triboelectricity, which involves the transfer of electric charge between two objects that come into contact. In this case, the water droplet acts as one object and the surface it falls onto acts as the other. As the droplet falls, it rubs against the surface and creates a separation of charges, with positive charges accumulating on the surface and negative charges accumulating on the droplet. This creates an electric potential difference between the two objects, which can be harnessed to create electricity.

2. How does the generator maintain a steady flow of electricity?

The generator maintains a steady flow of electricity by continuously dropping water droplets onto the surface. Each droplet creates a new separation of charges, adding to the overall electric potential difference and increasing the flow of electricity. Additionally, the generator is designed to have a constant supply of water droplets and a surface that is continuously moving to ensure a steady flow of electricity.

3. What materials are needed to construct a water drop electrostatic generator?

The main materials needed to construct a water drop electrostatic generator are a source of running water, a metal plate or surface, and a collector to collect the generated electricity. Other materials such as wires and connectors may also be needed to transfer and store the electricity. Additionally, the generator can be enhanced with insulating materials and a spinning disk to increase the efficiency of electricity generation.

4. How does the generator produce high voltages?

The generator produces high voltages through the accumulation of charges on the surface and the droplet. As more droplets fall and add to the charge separation, the electric potential difference increases, resulting in higher voltages. Additionally, the design of the generator, such as increasing the distance between the droplet and the surface, can also contribute to higher voltages.

5. What are the practical applications of a water drop electrostatic generator?

The water drop electrostatic generator has various practical applications, such as powering small electronic devices, demonstrating the principles of electrostatics in educational settings, and being used as a source of power in remote or rural areas where access to electricity is limited. It can also be used in research settings to study the behavior of electric charges and the effects of high voltages.

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