Field inside a conductor is zero

In summary, the electrostatic field within a conducting material is zero. However, if there is a charged object inside a hollow conductor, there can be a non-zero field within the cavity. When considering Gauss's law, it is important to include all charges, including those on the inner surface of the conductor. The surface charge on the outer surface of the conductor (represented by sigma) is equal to the charge on the entire cylinder, not just its outer surface. This can be seen in problem number 5 of the provided link, where the total charge per unit area is represented as sigma. The linear charge of a cylinder refers to the total charge per unit length, as opposed to surface charge which is per unit area.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I know that the field inside a conductor is zero but what if there was a charged object in the cylinder I mean in some examples I see infinite charged wire inside an infinite hollow conduction cylinder with radius a
but if we take a cylindrical gaussian surface with r <a Qinside = linear density of the wire times l which isn't zero right? so why is the field zero?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
and if you could help me please do it today because tomorrow is my quiz and I can't continue studying unless I understand this point.
  • #3
The electrostatic field within the conducting material is zero. But if you can certainly have a non-zero field within the cavity of a hollow conductor if there's charge inside the cavity.
  • #4
ok another question in this case of a wire inside a hollow conduction cylinder is E at the surface of the cylinder equal only to sigma/epsilon naught or is it (lamba * l + sigma *A)=E*A? because the book says the field on the surface of the cylinder is sigma/epsilon
  • #5
madah12 said:
ok another question in this case of a wire inside a hollow conduction cylinder is E at the surface of the cylinder equal only to sigma/epsilon naught or is it (lamba * l + sigma *A)=E*A? because the book says the field on the surface of the cylinder is sigma/epsilon
What does sigma represent? The surface charge on the outside of the cylinder? If so, then sigma/epsilon is correct.

In applying Gauss's law, don't forget to include all charge, including that on the inner surface of the cylinder.
  • #6
yes sigma is the outer surface density ,so I understand so you are saying that because on the inner surface there is q induced that is equal and opposite to the one of the wire?
so even outside the surface of the cylinder Q only equals sigma outer *outer surface area?
  • #7
madah12 said:
yes sigma is the outer surface density ,so I understand so you are saying that because on the inner surface there is q induced that is equal and opposite to the one of the wire?
so even outside the surface of the cylinder Q only equals sigma outer *outer surface area?
That's right. And if the cylinder has no net charge of its own, the field outside its surface will equal that of the line charge.
  • #9
madah12 said:
look at number 5 how can the field be zero if Q=sigma *a
In that problem statement, sigma represents the total charge per unit area on the cylinder, not just the charge on its outer surface. (The problem is confusingly worded.) Think of sigma as the charge on the outer surface before the line charge is introduced. Once you include the induced charge due to the line charge, then the outer surface will have zero sigma.
  • #10
so sometimes they say the linear charge of a cylinder do you know what that means?
  • #11
madah12 said:
so sometimes they say the linear charge of a cylinder do you know what that means?
I imagine that means the total charge per unit length. (As opposed to the surface charge, which is per unit area.)

FAQ: Field inside a conductor is zero

1. What is the meaning of "field inside a conductor is zero"?

This refers to the fact that when an electric field is applied to a conductor, the charges inside the conductor will rearrange themselves in such a way that the resulting electric field inside the conductor is zero.

2. Why is the field inside a conductor zero?

This is due to the properties of conductors, specifically their ability to allow charges to move freely. When an external electric field is applied, the charges inside the conductor will rearrange themselves in such a way that the resulting field is zero in order to reach equilibrium.

3. Does this mean there is no electric field at all inside a conductor?

No, there can still be electric field lines present inside a conductor, but they will cancel out each other due to the rearrangement of charges, resulting in a net electric field of zero.

4. How does the field inside a conductor affect the behavior of charges?

The absence of an electric field inside a conductor means that charges will not experience a force, and thus will not move. This is why charges tend to accumulate on the surface of a conductor when an external electric field is applied.

5. Are there any exceptions to the rule that the field inside a conductor is zero?

In some cases, if a conductor is not a perfect conductor (e.g. has a finite resistance), there may be some residual electric field inside the conductor. Additionally, in the presence of time-varying magnetic fields, a phenomenon known as electromagnetic induction can cause an electric field to exist inside a conductor.
