Searching for some good popular science books

In summary: The Poetry of Mathematics: With Selections from the Writings of Hermann Minkowski, Edward Teller, and Paul Dirac" by Barbara Gamow, p. 204)ARCHANGEL JEANS:"For years I have pondered why the universe is the way it is. And now I know. The universe is not the way it is because some god said so, it is the way it is because it was created that way. [...] The universe is not static, it is expanding. [...] There is nothing that can stop the universe from continuing to expand. [...] The universe is getting bigger and bigger."(quoted from "The Origin of the Universe"
  • #1
Hi all,

I read "The New World of Mr Tompkins" by George Gamov and Russell Stannard and "Flatland/Sphereland" by Edwin Abbott and Dionys Burger. Would any of you have some more very good and interactive vulgarization science books, mainly on physics? (I have a Master in Elec Eng and did a few course on Quantum, but I am also looking for story kind of books.)

Many thanks for your help :D

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  • #2
I enjoyed "The Stuff of Thought" by Steven Pinker.
  • #3
More of a comic book kind of sci-fi guy. I highly recommend "MARVELS" with art by Alex Ross (the series, not just the company).

"Civil War" was very engaging too.

As far as the classics go, I like Flatter Land, The Time Machine, and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.
  • #4
Since you mention Gamow, I'll suggest his Thirty Years That Shook Physics, about the early days of quantum physics (basically 1900-1930), because he knew many of the key players.

I love the physicists' version of Goethe's Faust that appears as an appendix! :!) It was actually written (not by Gamow) and performed at Niels Bohr's institute in Copenhagen, in the 1930s.


The THREE ARCHANGELS [Eddington, Jeans and Milne], THE LORD [Bohr], THE HEAVENLY HOSTS [everybody who can sing], and MEPHISTOPHELES [Pauli]

As well we know, the sun is fated
In polytropic spheres to shine;
Its journeys, long predestinated,
Confirm my theories down the line. [...]

(Google Books excerpt)
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  • #5
Most of Gamow's books are great (1, 2, 3, ... Infinity, the Tompkins series, etc), as are Feynman's. Speaking of poetry, I particularly like this one (below) by Gamow's wife, Barbara:

"Your years of toil,"
Said Ryle to Hoyle,
"Are wasted years, believe me.
The steady state
Is out of date.
Unless my eyes decieve me,
My telescope
Has dashed your hope;
Your tenets are refuted.
Let me be terse:
Our universe
Grows daily more diluted!"
Said Hoyle, "You quote
Lemaitre, I note,
And Gamow. Well, forget them!
That errant gang
And their Big Bang --
Why aid them, and abet them?
You see, my friend,
It has no end
And there was no beginning,
As Bondi, Gold,
And I will hold
Until our hair is thinning!"​

FAQ: Searching for some good popular science books

1. What are some popular science books that are easy to understand?

There are many popular science books that are written in a way that is easy to understand for non-scientists. Some examples include "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking, "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari, and "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins.

2. Are there any popular science books specifically for kids?

Yes, there are many popular science books geared towards children and young adults. Some popular choices include "The Magic School Bus" series by Joanna Cole, "The Way Things Work" by David Macaulay, and "The Everything Kids' Science Experiments Book" by Tom Robinson.

3. Can you recommend any popular science books on a specific topic?

There are popular science books on a wide range of topics, so it would depend on your specific interests. Some popular science books on different topics include "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot (biology), "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan (astronomy), and "The Hidden Life of Trees" by Peter Wohlleben (ecology).

4. Are there any popular science books that have been turned into movies or TV shows?

Yes, there are popular science books that have been adapted into movies or TV shows. Some examples include "Jurassic Park" by Michael Crichton, "The Martian" by Andy Weir, and "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking.

5. Can you recommend any popular science books by female authors?

There are many popular science books written by female authors. Some examples include "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson, "Lab Girl" by Hope Jahren, and "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot.
