Algorithm Complexity: Sorted Arrays into Sorted Array

In summary: How did you get these numbers?By merging k lists at the same time (one type of optimized case), k n elements copied, k-1 compares (worst case) for each element copied.
  • #1

Homework Statement

We have k >= 1 sorted arrays, each one containing n >= 1 elements (all equal length). We want to combine all of them into a single sorted array with kn elements.
We have a "naive" algorithm: merge the first two arrays, then merge the third array into the result, then merge the fourth array into the result, and so on.
What's the complexity of the naive algorithm, as a function of k and n?2. The attempt at a solution

Assuming k > 1. When comparing first two arrays, worst-case requires (n log n) comparisons.
Adding a third array to the resulting array has a worst-case of (2n log 2n) comparisons.
Similarly, adding a fourth has (3n log 3n) comparisons. This suggests a general worst-case equation for the algorithm: (k-1)n log (k-1)n

I don't think this is right... the next part of the question asks us to talk about a less expensive implementation, but (k-1)n log(k-1)n is already in big theta of n log n, which is plenty efficient.
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  • #2
You could try some simple cases and count the number of operations. I'm not sure if there's supposed to be a complexity factor for "comparing" versus "copying" data. As an example of a simple case, here are two sets of integers to be merged:

{1, 2, 5, 8, 9} and {3, 4, 6, 7, 10}

What would the complexity be if each set only had 4 integers instead 5? What if each set only had 3 integers instead of 5?
  • #3
Well, merging will happen k-1 times. So the merging complexity would be (k-1)n? Which is in big theta of n? (The merging part of mergesort is linear, not logarithmic, my bad).
  • #4*n)

The first merge will take O(n+n) operations (go through both lists once). The second merge
will take (2*n + n = 3n) operations (since you will have to go through the long list and once through the 3rd list. This results in an O(k^2*n) complexity.
  • #5
sodiumbromate said:
Well, merging will happen k-1 times. So the merging complexity would be (k-1)n? Which is in big theta of n?
Is this the optimized version or the naive version? In the optimized version where k arrays are merged into an output array, all k n elements are copied to the output array, but you're doing multiple compares for every element copied to the output array. If this is the naive version, you copy n+n data the first time, then 2n + n data the second time, ..., and I assume you're supposed to figure out the number of compares.

I don't know how copies and compares are factored into complexity or big theta.
  • #6
rcgldr said:
I don't know how copies and compares are factored into complexity or big theta.

It doesn't matter, we don't care about constants in asymptotic notation.
  • #7
Max.Planck said:*n)

The first merge will take O(n+n) operations (go through both lists once). The second merge
will take (2*n + n = 3n) operations (since you will have to go through the long list and once through the 3rd list. This results in an O(k^2*n) complexity.

Where do you get k^2 from? Don't fully follow.
  • #8
Shouldn't it just be kn? That's what the pattern seems to suggest.
  • #9
sodiumbromate said:
Where do you get k^2 from? Don't fully follow.


[tex] \sum_{i=2}^k in = n\sum_{i=2}^k i = n\frac{k^2+k-2}{2} \in O(k^2*n)[/tex]
  • #10
rcgldr said:
I don't know how copies and compares are factored into complexity or big theta.

Max.Planck said:
It doesn't matter, we don't care about constants in asymptotic notation.
OK, but in one type of optimized case, there are k n copies done and in the worst case, (k) (k-1) n = (k2 - k) n compares done, how do you balance the copies versus compares for O(...) in this case?
  • #11
rcgldr said:
OK, but in one type of optimized case, there are k n copies done and in the worst case, (k) (k-1) n = (k2 - k) n compares done, how do you balance the copies versus compares for O(...) in this case?

How did you get these numbers?

Merging two lists of size n takes at most 2*n-1 comparisons. In the first round you do
this for k/2 lists.
  • #12
rcgldr said:
OK, but in one type of optimized case, there are k n copies done and in the worst case, (k) (k-1) n = (k2 - k) n compares done, how do you balance the copies versus compares for O(...) in this case?

Max.Planck said:
How did you get these numbers?
By merging k lists at the same time (one type of optimized case), k n elements copied, k-1 compares (worst case) for each element copied. This would be one of the "less expensive" implementations mentioned at the end of the original post.
  • #13
You can also merge them in the same way merge sort does, that will give you something like O(log(k)*k*n) worst case.

FAQ: Algorithm Complexity: Sorted Arrays into Sorted Array

1. What is algorithm complexity?

Algorithm complexity is a measure of the efficiency of an algorithm, which refers to the amount of time and resources it takes to solve a problem. It is usually expressed in terms of the input size, and can be classified as time complexity (how long it takes to run) or space complexity (how much memory it requires).

2. How do you determine the complexity of an algorithm?

The complexity of an algorithm can be determined by analyzing its running time and memory usage. This can be done through mathematical analysis, empirical testing, or by using tools such as Big O notation to express the worst-case scenario.

3. What is the difference between best-case, worst-case, and average-case complexity?

Best-case complexity refers to the minimum amount of time or resources an algorithm will take to solve a problem. Worst-case complexity refers to the maximum amount of time or resources an algorithm will take. Average-case complexity refers to the expected amount of time or resources an algorithm will take, taking into account different input sizes and scenarios.

4. How does sorting a sorted array into another sorted array affect algorithm complexity?

Sorting a sorted array into another sorted array can affect the algorithm complexity depending on the sorting algorithm used. If the sorting algorithm has a time complexity of O(n), meaning it takes linear time, then the complexity will remain the same. However, if the sorting algorithm has a time complexity of O(n^2), meaning it takes quadratic time, then the complexity will increase.

5. Can algorithm complexity be improved?

Yes, algorithm complexity can be improved by using more efficient algorithms, optimizing code, and implementing data structures that improve time and space complexity. It is important to consider algorithm complexity when designing and implementing algorithms in order to improve performance and efficiency.

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