Tangential Velocity and the Moon

In summary, the reason the moon does not fall straight into the earth is because of its tangential velocity, which is the forward motion it has in addition to being pulled towards the earth. This tangential velocity allows the moon to continuously "miss" the earth and remain in orbit. This can be better understood through the concept of Newton's cannon, where a cannonball with just the right velocity can orbit the earth indefinitely.
  • #1

I've been doing a bit of independent study on Gravitation. What I find confusing is why the moon doesn't fall straight into the earth. I know that the moon has tangential velocity, but what exactly is tangential velocity? How does it apply to the moon not falling into the earth?

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  • #2

Or, to put it another way,

Let's take the hypothetical situation where the Moon is moving to the "left", being pulled towards the Earth, which is "behind" it.

The Moon will move forward (attraction towards the Earth), but by the time it's done that, it's gone significantly to the left, and the direction of attraction's changed.

And we're faced with exactly the same situation.
  • #3
AbsoluteZer0 said:
How does it apply to the moon not falling into the earth?
The Moon is falling toward the Earth. Perpetually.

One way to envision orbits is via Newton's cannon. Imagine a very tall mountain, one so tall it rises out of the atmosphere. Now imagine a very powerful cannon atop this mountain. The muzzle velocity of the cannonball depends on the amount of shot put into the cannon.

Put just a little shot in the cannon and the cannonball will fall to Earth along what appears to be a parabolic trajectory. Add a bit more shot and the cannonball will still fall to Earth, but with ever more shot it becomes obvious that this parabolic trajectory is but an approximation. A better model is a segment of an ellipse.

The cannonball hits the Earth further and further from the mountain as the muzzle velocity increases. With just the right muzzle velocity, the cannonball will hit the Earth at a point diametrically opposed to the mountain. Now what happens if you add just a bit more shot to the cannon? The answer is that the cannonball will go all the way around the Earth. If the cannon is moved out of the way in the ~90 minutes it takes for the cannonball to go around the Earth, it will keep following this path forever. The cannonball is in orbit about the Earth.
  • #4
D H said:
The Moon is falling toward the Earth. Perpetually.

One way to envision orbits is via Newton's cannon. Imagine a very tall mountain, one so tall it rises out of the atmosphere. Now imagine a very powerful cannon atop this mountain. The muzzle velocity of the cannonball depends on the amount of shot put into the cannon.

Put just a little shot in the cannon and the cannonball will fall to Earth along what appears to be a parabolic trajectory. Add a bit more shot and the cannonball will still fall to Earth, but with ever more shot it becomes obvious that this parabolic trajectory is but an approximation. A better model is a segment of an ellipse.

The cannonball hits the Earth further and further from the mountain as the muzzle velocity increases. With just the right muzzle velocity, the cannonball will hit the Earth at a point diametrically opposed to the mountain. Now what happens if you add just a bit more shot to the cannon? The answer is that the cannonball will go all the way around the Earth. If the cannon is moved out of the way in the ~90 minutes it takes for the cannonball to go around the Earth, it will keep following this path forever. The cannonball is in orbit about the Earth.

So, hypothetically, if the cannonball needs to be shot at 1000 m/s to start orbiting the Earth then 1000 m/s is the tangential velocity?
  • #5
Imagine standing on a cliff, say 10 feet back from the edge, and throwing a rock over the edge. From the time the rock leaves your hand, the only force acting on the rock is gravity which acts straight down. But the rock does not go straight down- the downwar force causes an acceleration downward which then causes motion downward. But all this time the rock is moving forward due to the forward velocity you gave. The rock does go downward, of course, but not until after it has "missed" the edge of the cliff.

The same thing happens with the moon (or any satellite)- it is pulled downward but with the additional forward motion, the moon just keeps "missing" the earth.

FAQ: Tangential Velocity and the Moon

1. What is tangential velocity?

Tangential velocity is the velocity of an object moving along a circular path, measured at any point on the circle. It is a vector quantity and is always tangent to the circular path at that point.

2. How is tangential velocity related to the Moon's orbit?

The Moon's orbit around the Earth is a circular path, so the Moon has a tangential velocity at every point along its orbit. This velocity is what keeps the Moon moving in its orbit without falling towards the Earth.

3. How is tangential velocity calculated for the Moon?

Tangential velocity is calculated by dividing the distance traveled along the circular path by the time it takes to travel that distance. For the Moon, this can be calculated using its orbital period and the radius of its orbit.

4. What factors affect the Moon's tangential velocity?

The Moon's tangential velocity is affected by its distance from the Earth, the mass of the Earth, and the gravitational force between them. The Moon's tangential velocity also changes slightly throughout its orbit due to variations in the gravitational force.

5. Why is tangential velocity important in understanding the Moon's motion?

Tangential velocity is important because it is what keeps the Moon in its orbit around the Earth. Without this velocity, the Moon would either fall towards the Earth or drift away into space. Additionally, changes in the Moon's tangential velocity can affect its position and speed in its orbit, which can have implications for how we observe and study the Moon.

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