Is the AP1000 reactor ushering in a new era of nuclear power efficiency?

In summary, Obama has issued loan guarantees to build two new nuke plants. Anyone know what kind of plants they will build? Are we really going to finally restart the American nuclear industry? Yes, the American Nuclear Industry is being restarted. The reactors that are being licensed are the AP 1000, a pressurized water reactor.
  • #1
Obama has issued loan guarantees to build two new nuke plants. Anyone know what kind of plants they will build? Are we really going to finally restart the American nuclear industry?
Engineering news on
  • #2
Yes, the American Nuclear Industry is being restarted. The reactors that are being licensed are the AP 1000, a pressurized water reactor.

Here is some more information.

However, there is currently an issue between Westinghouse and the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) regarding the seismic requirements for the containment building.

More about that here.

The USA location for the first of these reactors is Plant Vogtle located in Georgia.

  • #3
ppnl said:
Obama has issued loan guarantees to build two new nuke plants. Anyone know what kind of plants they will build? Are we really going to finally restart the American nuclear industry?
The nuclear industry never stopped, although construction of NPPs did take a hiatus as of ~1980.

Current plans are for modern Gen 3/3+ LWRs. The AP1000, APWR and EPR are designed around ~14 ft 17x17 fuel, which would be compatable with current 17x17 PWRs.

GEH and Toshiba each offer an ABWR, and GEH has an innovative ESBWR, which uses natural circulation in the PV, although feedwater is forced (pumped).

There are various modular designs being offered.

And DOE has an advanced reactor program (Gen IV), with some exotic concepts.
  • #4
Astronuc said:
The nuclear industry never stopped, although construction of NPPs did take a hiatus as of ~1980.

Current plans are for modern Gen 3/3+ LWRs. The AP1000, APWR and EPR are designed around ~14 ft 17x17 fuel, which would be compatable with current 17x17 PWRs.

GEH and Toshiba each offer an ABWR, and GEH has an innovative ESBWR, which uses natural circulation in the PV, although feedwater is forced (pumped).

There are various modular designs being offered.

And DOE has an advanced reactor program (Gen IV), with some exotic concepts.

Don't forget the Hitachi APWR! It's a behemoth 1700 Mwe :-p
  • #5
QuantumPion said:
Don't forget the Hitachi APWR! It's a behemoth 1700 Mwe :-p
I haven't seen it offered in the US. There is no DCA at the NRC at this time.
  • #6
There are 3 AP1000 reactors already under construction in China and the first one is scheduled to go online in 2013, so we will be able to take advantage of the Chinese learning curve. The reactors are actually rated at 1250MWe because of improvements in the turbines and generators.

From what I've read, China is going to build a 1400Mwe prototype soon using the AP1000 and there are plans to build 1700MWe version using things like annular fuel technology.""
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FAQ: Is the AP1000 reactor ushering in a new era of nuclear power efficiency?

What is Obama's stance on nuclear power?

During his presidency, Obama supported nuclear power as part of a larger plan to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. He believed that nuclear power could play a role in transitioning to clean energy sources.

Did Obama approve any new nuclear power plants?

Yes, Obama approved the construction of two new nuclear power plants in Georgia in 2012. These were the first new nuclear power plants to be approved in the US in over 30 years.

Did Obama increase funding for nuclear energy research?

Yes, during his presidency, Obama increased funding for nuclear energy research and development by over 25%. This included investments in advanced nuclear technologies and small modular reactors.

What was Obama's response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan?

After the Fukushima disaster, Obama ordered a comprehensive safety review of all US nuclear power plants and implemented new safety regulations. He also reaffirmed his support for nuclear power, stating that it could be done safely with the right regulations in place.

Did Obama support nuclear non-proliferation efforts?

Yes, Obama was a strong supporter of nuclear non-proliferation efforts. He signed the New START treaty with Russia in 2010, which aimed to reduce the number of nuclear weapons held by both countries. He also held several nuclear security summits to address the threat of nuclear terrorism and secure nuclear materials around the world.
