Did I enter a parallel universe during my coma?

  • Thread starter glaucon
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In summary, the speaker shares their experience of going through a strange alternate timeline while in a coma during detox from benzodiazepines. They believe this was not a dream and provide examples of memories from this alternate timeline that do not match up with their current reality. They also mention changes in their personal life and business upon returning from the coma. While some may suggest alternate dimensions, the speaker believes it was their brain playing tricks on them due to the detox complications.
  • #1
New here. I just needed to tell my story somewhere. I'll warn you its not very interesting. Its just a strange thing that happened in my life and I cannot explain.

I was detoxing of benzodiazepines at a medical detox center. I had a seizure. As a result I went into a coma or coma like state for a period of 3 days. During this time...or as it feels rather...prior to this time... I experienced an alternate timeline that lasted for several weeks past the incident, without the incident ever occurring.

I have concluded this was not a dream. Reasons being nothing about this alternate timeline was out of the ordinary. Just different.

First, I have memories into the recent past that many claim never happened. For example; I purchased some shirts in Palm Springs. Now I do not own these shirts. My wife claims I never did. I remember wearing these shirts on several occasions.

The timeline I remember progressed to completion of the detox facility. I recall going through all the clothes I brought with me. Doing laundry. Seeing doctors several times that I saw only once in this reality or never saw. Seeing doctors back home. Going on a boat with my neighbor. Handling business propositions. Taking meds that I never took. In this reality I also experienced EPS as a side effect of Neurontin/Lyrica. I do not have an allergy to this drug. In fact I knew nothing of EPS or its effects, except I experienced it and the cause/effects were explained to me by a nurse and PA.

Suddenly everything snapped back to the hospital.

Nothing was really interesting about this alternate timeline so I won't explain any other aspects of it. Everything was completely normal, in fact that timeline seems more realistic than this current one.

My marriage was great when I left for detox. When I returned it was in shambles. Things have happened in this life that I do not recall ever happening. My business was going great when I left, when I returned it was in shambles.

Maybe I remember things wrong. Maybe it was a dream.

I believe it was something else. I don't know what. I don't know what happened. I don't feel like this is my life. I miss my old clothes. I miss my old wife.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
glaucon said:
New here. I just needed to tell my story somewhere. I'll warn you its not very interesting. Its just a strange thing that happened in my life and I cannot explain.

I was detoxing of benzodiazepines at a medical detox center. I had a seizure. As a result I went into a coma or coma like state for a period of 3 days. During this time...or as it feels rather...prior to this time... I experienced an alternate timeline that lasted for several weeks past the incident, without the incident ever occurring.

I have concluded this was not a dream. Reasons being nothing about this alternate timeline was out of the ordinary. Just different.

First, I have memories into the recent past that many claim never happened. For example; I purchased some shirts in Palm Springs. Now I do not own these shirts. My wife claims I never did. I remember wearing these shirts on several occasions.

The timeline I remember progressed to completion of the detox facility. I recall going through all the clothes I brought with me. Doing laundry. Seeing doctors several times that I saw only once in this reality or never saw. Seeing doctors back home. Going on a boat with my neighbor. Handling business propositions. Taking meds that I never took. In this reality I also experienced EPS as a side effect of Neurontin/Lyrica. I do not have an allergy to this drug. In fact I knew nothing of EPS or its effects, except I experienced it and the cause/effects were explained to me by a nurse and PA.

Suddenly everything snapped back to the hospital.

Nothing was really interesting about this alternate timeline so I won't explain any other aspects of it. Everything was completely normal, in fact that timeline seems more realistic than this current one.

My marriage was great when I left for detox. When I returned it was in shambles. Things have happened in this life that I do not recall ever happening. My business was going great when I left, when I returned it was in shambles.

Maybe I remember things wrong. Maybe it was a dream.

I believe it was something else. I don't know what. I don't know what happened. I don't feel like this is my life. I miss my old clothes. I miss my old wife.

No alternate dimensions. Just you brain playing games with itself.
  • #3
glaucon said:
I was detoxing of benzodiazepines at a medical detox center. I had a seizure. As a result I went into a coma or coma like state for a period of 3 days.

Yeah, as DanP said.
Also, with that level of detox complications(seizure, pseudo-coma) it is without wonder that you would experience bizarre mental/emotional distortions.

Best of luck to you in your fight against addiction.
  • #4
Closing, since this is not really philosophy. Take care and good luck to you.
  • #5

I cannot definitively say whether or not you entered a parallel universe during your coma. However, it is possible that your brain experienced a type of altered reality or delusion while in a coma, which could explain the memories and experiences you describe. Comas can also cause confusion and memory loss, which may contribute to your sense of disorientation and feeling like this is not your life. It is also possible that your detox and seizure may have caused some changes in brain function that could have affected your perception of reality. Without further information and scientific evidence, it is difficult to say for sure what happened during your coma and whether or not it was a parallel universe. I encourage you to speak with your doctor or a mental health professional to explore these experiences further and find ways to cope with the changes in your life.

FAQ: Did I enter a parallel universe during my coma?

1. What exactly is an alternate dimension?

An alternate dimension, also known as a parallel universe or alternate reality, is a hypothetical or theoretical world that exists alongside our own. It is believed to have its own unique set of physical laws and characteristics that differ from our own universe.

2. How do alternate dimensions differ from alternate timelines?

Alternate dimensions are believed to be separate physical realities that exist alongside each other, while alternate timelines are different versions or variations of events within the same universe. In alternate dimensions, everything from the laws of physics to the existence of certain beings or events may be different, whereas in alternate timelines, only specific events or decisions may have changed.

3. Is it possible for humans to travel to alternate dimensions?

The concept of traveling to alternate dimensions is still largely theoretical and has not been proven to be possible in our current understanding of physics. However, some theories, such as the multiverse theory, suggest that it may be possible to access alternate dimensions through certain means, such as black holes or wormholes.

4. Are there any real-life examples of alternate dimensions?

Currently, there is no concrete evidence or proof of alternate dimensions. However, there are some scientific theories and experiments that suggest the existence of alternate dimensions, such as the Many-Worlds Interpretation in quantum mechanics and the concept of the multiverse.

5. Do alternate dimensions pose any potential dangers to our own universe?

This is a highly debated topic among scientists and is still largely unknown. Some theories suggest that if alternate dimensions do exist, they may have different physical laws that could potentially pose a threat to our own universe if accessed or interfered with. However, others argue that alternate dimensions may have no impact on our own universe and may simply exist as separate realities.
