What Happens When You Diminish the Mass Flow in Counter Flow Heat Exchangers?

In summary, in counter flow heat exchangers, decreasing the mass flow of the low temperature stream will result in a decrease in heat transfer (Q), but the outlet temperature of both streams will also increase. This is because the first law of thermodynamics states that when mass flow decreases, so does heat transfer. However, the outlet temperature is also affected by the specific enthalpy (h) of the streams, which can increase even with a decrease in mass flow. This means that to have an efficient heat transfer, it is best to fully open the inlet valve to the bath, but for warmer water, the inlet valve should be closed slightly. This can also save energy as less heat transfer occurs with a lower mass flow.
  • #1

Homework Statement

What happens when in counter flow heat exchangers, you diminish the mass flow of the low temperature stream?

Homework Equations

UA = cte
m2 = cte
Tin = cte
tin = cte

T = warm stream
t = cold stream

The Attempt at a Solution

I've inputted these equations in mathcad, but I am unable to find the mass flow m1 in function of Q. I get weird numbers like W(...) and root(...)

I want to know if m1 decreases, Q will increase or decrease.
So basically:

When I want to heat up 1 kg of cold water as high as possible.
Should I use a low flow or a high flow of cold stream?

It looks like I always get warm water in bath when I use low inlet flows.

Hmm, I also think, that the hot stream will decrease a little bit in temperature when the cold stream has a low flow, so the temperature difference will be very high, so basically the cold stream should be higher in temperature at the outlet.

So is it true that if m1 decreases, the Q will increase?


This is weird:

Apparently when you decrease m1, then Q will decrease too. So less heat will be transferred.
But, the temperature of the outlet streams will be higher.

Is there any explanation for this?

My conclusion is, to have an efficient heat transfer you should open the inlet valve fully open to your bath. But when you want warm water you should close the inlet valve a little bit.

Funny to know is, when you want to save energy you should use a low inlet flow to your bath, you'll get warm water and there is less heat transfer so you'll use up less energy. Or am I wrong?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
katchum said:
Apparently when you decrease m1, then Q will decrease too. So less heat will be transferred.
But, the temperature of the outlet streams will be higher.

Is there any explanation for this?

Well, if you look at it from a first law perspective for one of the streams.
Q=m(h(out)-h(in)) If you decrease m, regardless of the factors of h, Q will decrease.
  • #3
How do you know that h(out)-h(in) doesn't increase more than m decreases?

h(in) = cte and h(out) will increase.
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FAQ: What Happens When You Diminish the Mass Flow in Counter Flow Heat Exchangers?

1. What is a heat exchanger?

A heat exchanger is a device that transfers thermal energy between two fluids that are at different temperatures. The heat exchanger allows for the efficient transfer of heat from one fluid to another without the two fluids coming into direct contact with each other.

2. How do you calculate the heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger?

The heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger can be calculated using the equation Q = U x A x ΔTm, where Q is the heat transfer rate, U is the overall heat transfer coefficient, A is the heat transfer area, and ΔTm is the log mean temperature difference between the two fluids.

3. What factors affect the performance of a heat exchanger?

There are several factors that can affect the performance of a heat exchanger, including the flow rate and velocity of the fluids, the temperature difference between the two fluids, the design and surface area of the heat exchanger, and the type of heat transfer fluid being used.

4. How do you determine the heat transfer coefficient in a heat exchanger?

The overall heat transfer coefficient, U, in a heat exchanger can be determined using the equation U = (1/hi) + (1/ho) + (Δx/k), where hi and ho are the individual heat transfer coefficients for the two fluids and Δx is the thickness of the heat exchanger wall. The thermal conductivity, k, of the heat exchanger material is also a factor in this calculation.

5. What are the different types of heat exchangers?

There are several types of heat exchangers, including shell and tube, plate and frame, double pipe, and spiral heat exchangers. Each type has its own unique design and is suitable for different applications based on factors such as fluid type, temperature and pressure requirements, and space limitations.

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