How can I calculate torque and RPM for a P-51 Mustang in a Blender3d simulation?

In summary, the person is trying to model a P-51 Mustang in Blender3d, and needs help with Flight Dynamics (Roll, Yaw and Pitch physics), Undercarriage Drag and Lift, and Flap Drag and Lift.
  • #1
Hello people. I've been making a sim of a P-51 Mustang in Blender3d and am working on the physics. I've got the Drag, Lift and Thrust with help from here. I need help now with:
  1. Flight Dynamics (Roll, Yaw and Pitch physics)
    I need to know the amount of force regarding torque on the aircraft.
  2. A Calulation for RPM, right now I've just got it set on the 'throttle' value, meaning that it changes every time the throttle goes down. I know that RPM depends on a lot of factors, and if a calculation is available it would be great.
  3. Undercarriage Drag
    Simple. Just surface area * mass flow? and maybe rolling friction.
  4. Flap Drag and Lift
    I know that flaps alter wing area, making this pretty simple.

Not too much detail is needed (I'm a tenth grader so take it easy- not dumb either so if you explain it to me I will eventually get it :)). This is all I need to finish my physics model so please find some time to help me out (There's some really qualified people out there who might want to inspire a 14-year old!:))
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  • #2
I thought this was covered here:

From post #9 in the previous thread regarding the P51: the propeller is a constant speed (variable pitch) propeller, 11 feet 2 inches in diameter with 4 blades.. The RPM will not vary much once above some minimum throttle setting, such as 1/2 throttle.
  • #3
AS I can see from WWII flight tables, the RPM has a few settings, making my job easier. As you said, torque is created by aerodynamic drag and lift, plus small inertia. Are there any calculations for this? The Aileron weight can be estimated and the area is simple. As for undercarriage drag, I guess the drag is just surface area x Mass flow, plus rolling drag. Flaps just change the wing area, so some trig would work. So basically all I need is a simple equation with no complications. And blender 3d HAS a physics engine, so the rest is taken care of.

FAQ: How can I calculate torque and RPM for a P-51 Mustang in a Blender3d simulation?

What is aircraft flight dynamics?

Aircraft flight dynamics is the study of the forces and moments that act on an aircraft during flight, and how these forces and moments affect the aircraft's motion.

What are the three axes of aircraft motion?

The three axes of aircraft motion are pitch, roll, and yaw. Pitch refers to the up and down movement of the aircraft's nose, roll refers to the side to side movement of the aircraft's wings, and yaw refers to the twisting motion of the aircraft around its vertical axis.

What is the difference between static and dynamic stability?

Static stability refers to an aircraft's tendency to return to its original state after being disturbed, while dynamic stability refers to an aircraft's ability to return to a stable state of motion after being disturbed.

What is the center of gravity and why is it important in aircraft flight dynamics?

The center of gravity is the point at which an aircraft's weight is evenly distributed in all directions. It is important in aircraft flight dynamics because it affects the aircraft's stability and control. A properly placed center of gravity is necessary for safe and efficient flight.

What are the primary forces that act on an aircraft during flight?

The primary forces that act on an aircraft during flight are lift, weight, thrust, and drag. Lift is the force that opposes the weight of the aircraft and allows it to stay in the air, thrust is the force that propels the aircraft forward, weight is the force due to gravity, and drag is the force that opposes the motion of the aircraft through the air.
