Calculating Acceleration and Velocity of a Saturn V Rocket

In summary, the Saturn V rocket has a mass of 2.75 x 106 kg and exerts a force of 3.3 x 107 N on the gases it expels. Using the equations for net force, velocity, and distance traveled with constant acceleration, we can determine that the rocket has an initial vertical acceleration of 2.2 m/s^2, a velocity of 17.6 m/s after 8 seconds, and takes 92.9 seconds to reach an altitude of 9500 m. It should be noted that this is assuming constant thrust and ignoring the mass of gas expelled.
  • #1
A Saturn V rocket has a mass of 2.75 x 106 kg and exerts a force of 3.3 x 107 N on the gases it expels. Determine:
a) the initial vertical acceleration of the rocket
b) its velocity after 8 s
c) how long it takes to reach an altitude of 9500 m.
Ignore mass of gas expelled and assume g remains constant

a=F/m-g=(3.3*10^7 N/2.75*10^6 kg) - 9.8=2.2m/s^2

b) Not sure how to do

c) Not sure how to do

Any help?


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  • #2
Ignore mass of gas expelled and assume g remains constant
That helps, although in reality the mass of the propellant decreases, and at constant thrust the acceleration is continually increasing.

Back the problem at hand.

2. What is the equation for velocity (speed) as a funtion of time when acceleration is constant?

3. What is the equation for distance traveled (altitude gained) for a mass at constant acceleration?

This may come in handy later -
  • #3
b) v=v0+at
v=0 + (2.2 m/s^2)(8 s)=17.6 m/s

t=92.9 s


FAQ: Calculating Acceleration and Velocity of a Saturn V Rocket

1. How does Newton's Third Law apply to rockets?

Newton's Third Law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the case of a rocket, the action is the expulsion of hot gas from the rocket's engines, and the reaction is the forward motion of the rocket.

2. How does Newton's Third Law affect the propulsion of a rocket?

Newton's Third Law plays a major role in the propulsion of a rocket. The gas expelled from the rocket's engines creates a force in one direction, which in turn creates an equal and opposite force in the opposite direction, propelling the rocket forward.

3. Can Newton's Third Law be applied to the motion of a rocket in space?

Yes, Newton's Third Law still applies to the motion of a rocket in space. Even in the vacuum of space, the gas expelled from the rocket's engines creates an equal and opposite reaction, allowing the rocket to continue moving forward.

4. How does the mass of a rocket affect Newton's Third Law?

The mass of a rocket does not affect Newton's Third Law. The law states that the action and reaction forces are equal and opposite, regardless of the masses involved.

5. Are there any real-life examples of Newton's Third Law in action with rockets?

Yes, there are many real-life examples of Newton's Third Law in action with rockets. For example, when a rocket launches, the force of the engines pushing down on the launchpad is equal and opposite to the force of the launchpad pushing up on the rocket. This allows the rocket to lift off into the air.
