New Sedal Vegetal DNA: Repair Natural Hair Loss

  • Thread starter Burnsys
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In summary, Sedal is a popular shampoo company in Argentina that recently launched a new product called Sedal Vegetal DNA. This product claims to nourish and restore hair from root to tip by adding vegetable DNA to the hair's cuticles. However, this claim is scientifically unfounded as hair is made of dead cells and cannot utilize DNA for any benefits. The use of plant DNA in hair products is a marketing ploy and has no scientific basis. Other similar product claims, such as using caffeine or pearl protein, also lack scientific evidence. These types of claims are often used to deceive consumers and rely on the lack of scientific knowledge among the general public.
  • #1
Sedal is one of the most important shampoo companies in argentina, they recently launched a New Product: Sedal Vegetal DNA. This is what they say it does:
Considering that the hair is constituted by DNA and that this is fundamental for the cell activities of the hair, one of the main factors of weakening of the long and limp hair is the natural loss of DNA. In other words, components such as proteins are essential for the functions of the cells, and the proteins only can be produced by the DNA. Therefore, the DNA is the source of cell every activity and this evidently includes the hair. It distributed in the cuticles of the hair, since the root to the tips, the level of DNA in your hair diminishes when you wash it - inclusive when you stain it.

I do not want to cut my hair neither to lose DNA!
The vegetable DNA of fishing Line Vegetable DNA nourished and restores deeply the hair since the root to its tips. Because fishing Line Vegetable DNA places vegetable DNA in the cuticles of the deep gangs of the hair, repairing the natural loss.
(Automatic Translation)
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Physics news on
  • #2
I'm noticing a theme with these adverts.
"X has a certain property. Wave X at a certain part of your body and the properties of X will be magically transferred to it."

- Caffeine is a stimulant drug. Facial wash containing caffeine applied to face will relieve 'tired eyes' appearance.
- Pearl is shiny. Put protein found in pearl into shampoo and shampoo will make hair shiny like pearls.
-Cells need DNA. Hair is made of cells. Add some more DNA to make hair better!

Typically they make this association between the property and the perceived effect on very loose logic, normally totally ignoring how the property of the material comes to be, and therefore how it is entirely irrelevant to their product. They do this on-purpose of course: it's just a marketing ploy.

-Caffeine acts as a stimulant drug and affects your nervous system, making you feel more awake. Ergo rubbing it on your skin won't make you look any less tired.
- Pearls are shiny because they are made of numerous thin layers of crystalline aragonite. Taking a protein from a pearl and putting it in your hair will not make your hair in any way 'pearl-like'.
- DNA contains information living cells need to work and reproduce. Hair consists of dead cells that have no metabolism and will not reproduce ever. The amount of DNA a dead cell retains is inconsequential. Adding vegetable DNA to dead cells will do nothing.

I'm glad their product claim is a load of rubbish. I don't want vegetables inputting their DNA into my cells and reproducing. It sounds like a virus, although instead of more viruses, you'd get potato-hair.
  • #3
:smile: Hair is DEAD cells (other than the part at the root that is still growing), there's nothing there to do anything with the DNA, even if you stuck in human DNA. Even if there WAS something left in the cells to use the DNA, and it could somehow get into the cells (rubbing DNA on cells doesn't get it into them), what good would PLANT DNA do? Do you want leafy green hair? :confused: That's one of the more bizarre claims I've heard in a while.

That ANYONE would believe such product claims really scares me about the state of science education in our schools. Learning that hair is dead cells is something that should be covered at the middle school level.
  • #4
Moonbear said:
Do you want leafy green hair? :confused:

That was always a real turn-on for me! :smile:
  • #5
What if we made stem-cell shampoo+conditioner? (dibs on copyright 2008) :)
  • #6
matthyaouw said:
I don't want vegetables inputting their DNA into my cells and reproducing. It sounds like a virus, although instead of more viruses, you'd get potato-hair.
Potato-hair. :bugeye:
  • #7
K.J.Healey said:
What if we made stem-cell shampoo+conditioner? (dibs on copyright 2008) :)
Now that makes sense. You could refer to the hair root as the "stem" and hair has "cells". <Evo knocks K.J.Healey down, jumps over his limp body and runs to patent office with her drawings>. Muwahahaha!
  • #8
Moonbear said:
:smile: Hair is DEAD cells (other than the part at the root that is still growing), there's nothing there to do anything with the DNA, even if you stuck in human DNA.

If I am honest I think this is just a case of Bull**** Baffles Brains. I have seen in other adverts here in the UK mentioning pentapeptides, now what percentage of the people know what that even is?
  • #9
_Mayday_ said:
If I am honest I think this is just a case of Bull**** Baffles Brains. I have seen in other adverts here in the UK mentioning pentapeptides, now what percentage of the people know what that even is?
Here there is a tv ad, promoting a shampoo with "Amino Silicones".
The ad goes like this:

A Girl says: My hair is shiny, strong, healthy, They say it's because of the aminosilicones which i don't know what they are, but for me they are like Popeye's spinaches!
You walk in the beach and. ( click click click ). you know what i mean!
( )Absolutely pathetic
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  • #10
Burnsys said:
Here there is a tv ad, promoting a shampoo with "Amino Silicones".

Why not just use silicone adhesive? It leaves your hair shiny yet flexible. :biggrin:
(I'm still trying to figure out what an amino silicone is.)
  • #11
This reminds me of the idiots who don't want to eat meat from cloned animals because it had genes in it!
  • #12
Moonbear said:
Why not just use silicone adhesive? It leaves your hair shiny yet flexible. :biggrin:
(I'm still trying to figure out what an amino silicone is.)

If you don't know, I doubt many of the general public in Argentina do either.

Poop-Loops said:
This reminds me of the idiots who don't want to eat meat from cloned animals because it had genes in it!

Genes can kill.
  • #13
Moonbear said:
(I'm still trying to figure out what an amino silicone is.)

Don't worry, you just need to know they are like Popeye's spinaches!:smile:
  • #14
Has anyone actually tried it?

FAQ: New Sedal Vegetal DNA: Repair Natural Hair Loss

1. What is New Sedal Vegetal DNA and how does it repair natural hair loss?

New Sedal Vegetal DNA is a hair care product that contains plant-based ingredients and a unique DNA repair technology. This technology helps to repair damaged hair follicles and stimulate new hair growth, reducing the appearance of natural hair loss.

2. What ingredients are found in New Sedal Vegetal DNA?

New Sedal Vegetal DNA is made with a blend of natural ingredients such as plant extracts, vitamins, and proteins. Some key ingredients include bamboo extract, collagen, and biotin, which help to strengthen and nourish the hair.

3. How often should I use New Sedal Vegetal DNA for best results?

The recommended usage for New Sedal Vegetal DNA is 2-3 times a week. However, it can also be used daily for more intensive treatment. Consistent use of the product over time will yield the best results in repairing natural hair loss.

4. Is New Sedal Vegetal DNA suitable for all hair types?

Yes, New Sedal Vegetal DNA is suitable for all hair types. The product is formulated to work effectively on all hair textures and can be used by both men and women.

5. Are there any potential side effects of using New Sedal Vegetal DNA?

No, there are no known side effects of using New Sedal Vegetal DNA. However, as with any hair care product, it is always recommended to do a patch test before full use to check for any potential allergic reactions.

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