Open Source and Free Software Movement

In summary: Basically, they make money by working and producing something new rather than using patents to milk every last cent out of something they've already built.While I do enjoy gaining access to free software and whatnot, I can't help but wonder, how do software developers actually make money if the open source thing catches on?A lot of opensource stuff is produced/supported by industry shops that already use it internally. IBM and google are major supporters, as was Sun, and even Microsoft contributed a patch to some project or other. Even Industrial Light and Magic published something. These companies generally win community (software, programmers, the people they need to hire) favor by supporting open source, and the stuff they release/support usually isn
  • #1
Hi all,

I hear all this talk about how open source is awesome and how software should be free and accessible to anyone. While I do enjoy gaining access to free software and whatnot, I can't help but wonder, how do software developers actually make money if the open source thing catches on?

Likewise, everybody loves a free download of music but from the other perspective, how would artists or producers make money if everything was free?

Please enlighten me on this.
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  • #2
They make money by making modifications to the program or selling technical support services.

Basically, they make money by working and producing something new rather than using patents to milk every last cent out of something they've already built.
  • #3
noblerare said:
While I do enjoy gaining access to free software and whatnot, I can't help but wonder, how do software developers actually make money if the open source thing catches on?

A lot of opensource stuff is produced/supported by industry shops that already use it internally. IBM and google are major supporters, as was Sun, and even Microsoft contributed a patch to some project or other. Even Industrial Light and Magic published something. These companies generally win community (software, programmers, the people they need to hire) favor by supporting open source, and the stuff they release/support usually isn't part of their core business model.

Other companies rely on support, such as RedHat and Canonical. Willowgarage sponsors a major robotics software project because they make robots. University research labs also make up a big batch of opensource developers. Then there are the hobbyists, who make a project 'cause they want/need it for their own thing.
  • #4
I think it is similar to this forum where people voluntarily help others. Open Source Softwares are maintained by a community rather than 1-2 people. OSS seem to be better than the commercial owned ones in few cases.

As already pointed out, if I need something. I would make a software and put it on some OSS site with my source code. In future some other person would need to do the same thing. S/he would modify my source code, make some improvements, suggest new ideas, find few mistakes in my code etc... so in the end, everyone would be better off.
  • #5
noblerare said:
Hi all,

I hear all this talk about how open source is awesome and how software should be free and accessible to anyone. While I do enjoy gaining access to free software and whatnot, I can't help but wonder, how do software developers actually make money if the open source thing catches on?

Likewise, everybody loves a free download of music but from the other perspective, how would artists or producers make money if everything was free?

Please enlighten me on this.
I agree with you. I read "Free as in Freedom" and frankly, I though it was a bunch of hippie crap.

Free as in Freedom interweaves biographical snapshots of GNU project founder Richard Stallman with the political, social and economic history of the free software movement. Starting with how it all began--a desire for software code from Xerox to make the printing more efficient--to the continuing quest for free software that exists today. It is a movement that Stallman has at turns defined, directed and manipulated. Like Alan Greenspan in the financial sector, Stallman has assumed the role of tribal elder in a community that bills itself as anarchic and immune to central authority. Free as in Freedom looks at how the latest twists and turns in the software marketplace have done little to throw Stallman off his pedestal.

However, I'll give him props for keeping with his message and releasing his book in the public domain:
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  • #6
It's only hippie crap when they talk of extending the "open source" idea beyond software. Software is generally built in layers and mixes and matches components from all over the place and benefits greatly from being able to quickly interchange parts.

However, something like graphics or music is generally original work that is fairly unique to the person who produced it. It's understandable why they would not be on board with this distribution model. Also unlike software, art made by committee generally gets worse.

FAQ: Open Source and Free Software Movement

What is the difference between open source and free software?

The main difference between open source and free software is their respective philosophies. Open source focuses on the practical benefits of making source code publicly available and allowing others to modify and distribute it, while free software emphasizes the ethical beliefs that software should be free to use, study, modify, and distribute for any purpose.

What is the goal of the open source and free software movement?

The goal of the open source and free software movement is to promote the use of software that is freely available for use, modification, and distribution by anyone. This movement aims to challenge the traditional model of proprietary software and promote collaboration and innovation through open source and free software development.

What are some examples of open source and free software?

Some popular examples of open source and free software include the Linux operating system, Mozilla Firefox web browser, LibreOffice productivity suite, and the WordPress content management system. These are just a few of the countless open source and free software projects that exist, covering a wide range of applications and industries.

How does the open source and free software movement benefit society?

The open source and free software movement benefits society in several ways. It promotes access to affordable and high-quality software, encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing, and empowers individuals and organizations to customize and improve software to fit their specific needs. Additionally, it helps to level the playing field for smaller businesses and promotes competition and innovation in the tech industry.

What are some potential drawbacks of open source and free software?

One potential drawback of open source and free software is the lack of centralized support and documentation. As there is no single company or organization responsible for these projects, users may have to rely on community support and resources. Additionally, open source and free software may not always have the same level of user-friendliness and compatibility as commercial software, which can make it less accessible to certain users. Finally, there may be concerns about the security and reliability of open source and free software, as it is often developed and maintained by volunteers without the same level of resources and testing as commercial software.
