Circulating electrons causes a current

In summary, the reason there is no ferro or antiferromagnetism in classical mechanics at any finite temperature is because two magnetic dipoles will tend to align in opposite directions, but on average there is less pressure on same-aligned dipole moments than oppositely-aligned moments.
  • #1
I read that circulating electrons causes a current ( at an atomique scale ) then that causes a magnetic dipole moment for each molecule. How can that create a general magnetic field which creates a magnetization current density J=rotM ( won't the orientation of the molecule's magnetic field be in total random directions?)
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  • #2

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I think you're talking about atoms and molecules in a solid, especially a crystal, which is a solid where the atoms or molecules are stacked in a regular order. Now, even if the magnetic moments of each atom are oriented randomly at a certain time, over time each moment will pull on its neighbors and patterns will emerge. Think of them as a string of magnets. One would think they'd orient themselves so that every other magnet is pointing north, with the rest pointing south, like so:

N S N S N S ...
S N S N S N ...

in which case everything would cancel out and there would be no magnetic field. As I began answering your question, I realized I didn't remember why this wouldn't be true, so I looked it up on wikipedia:

According to classical electromagnetism, two nearby magnetic dipoles will tend to align in opposite directions (which would create an antiferromagnetic material). In a ferromagnet, however, they tend to align in the same direction because of the Pauli principle: two electrons with the same spin cannot also have the same "position", which effectively reduces the energy of their electrostatic interaction compared to electrons with opposite spin.

In other words, magnets tend to repel the most when you have them close together, but according to quantum mechanics two atoms with the same magnetic moments are unlikely to be close together, so on average there's less pressure on same-aligned dipole moments than oppositely-aligned moments.

That's my guess, anyway.
  • #3

Yes, you're right. That's at the bottom of the reason for which there is no ferro or antiferromagnetism in classical mechanics at any finite temperature. Or paramagnetism, or diamagnetism for that matter. Only quantum mechanics can explain them. Read Feynman's lectures, vol II, chapter 34-6.

FAQ: Circulating electrons causes a current

1. How do circulating electrons cause a current?

Circulating electrons create a flow of electrical charge, known as a current, by moving through a material that allows them to flow freely. This material is typically a conductor, such as a metal wire.

2. Why do circulating electrons cause a current?

Circulating electrons cause a current because of the movement of charged particles. As the electrons move through the conductor, they transfer energy to neighboring electrons, creating a chain reaction that results in the flow of electrical charge.

3. How does the direction of circulating electrons affect the current?

The direction of circulating electrons determines the direction of the current. In a direct current (DC) circuit, the electrons flow in one direction, while in an alternating current (AC) circuit, the electrons constantly change direction, resulting in a back-and-forth flow of current.

4. What factors affect the flow of circulating electrons and the resulting current?

The flow of circulating electrons and the resulting current can be affected by the material of the conductor, the temperature, and the presence of any obstacles or resistance in the circuit. Additionally, the voltage and potential difference between two points in the circuit can also impact the flow of electrons and current.

5. How is the strength of a current determined by circulating electrons?

The strength of a current is determined by the number of circulating electrons and the speed at which they are moving. A larger number of electrons and a higher speed of movement result in a stronger current. This can also be influenced by the voltage and resistance in the circuit.

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